Where to Stay in Pelican

For a small fishing town, Pelican offers a surprising array of accommodations – from do-it-yourself camping on the beaches of Lisianski Inlet to all-inclusive lodge experiences. Other options include the city-owned bunkhouses, apartment rentals for longer stays, and nearby U.S. Forest Service cabins.

In Pelican

Most places in Pelican offer views of Lisianski Inlet and the surrounding mountains. Some are right on the boardwalk, a convenient option that’s also easily accessible to visitors with disabilities.

Bunkhouse/hostel – The city-owned bunkhouses were originally used as housing for Pelican Seafoods employees. Rooms are clean and serviceable with shared bathrooms. Great for large groups or travelers on a budget.

Apartments – Rent a full apartment for more privacy, either overnight or for longer timeframes. Apartments are available right on the boardwalk, or further away for a quiet, secluded stay.

Bed & Breakfast – Learn more about Pelican, its history and its quiet way of life when you stay at a local bed and breakfast.

Lodges – There are a few lodges in Pelican, offering an all-inclusive experience with dining on-site and convenient access to fishing and sightseeing charters.

Near Pelican

Beach camping ­– Camping along the beaches is the first choice for kayakers exploring 22-mile long Lisianski Inlet and the well-protected Lisianski Strait. A bit of local advice: If you want the security of not having a four-legged creature visit your campsite, choose a smaller island to set up for the night. They are usually bear free.

U.S. Forest Service cabins ­– Tongass National Park offers several U.S. Forest Service cabins, most accessible only by boat or charter flight. The two closest to Pelican are at White Sulphur Springs, the Bohemia Basin shelter, and Greentop on Yakobi Island.

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Fishing Lodges View All

Lisian­s­ki Inlet Lodge is a wilder­ness log cab­in fish­ing lodge locat­ed two miles north­west of Pel­i­can offer­ing full ser­vice, four day and five night guid­ed fish­ing and sight­see­ing trips. Guides with life­time expe­ri­ence in the area, a cozy log cab­in lodge with accom­mo­da­tions for up to eight guests, amaz­ing food and hos­pi­tal­i­ty will make your Alaskan vaca­tion a success!

All inclu­sive mul­ti-day fish­ing and lodg­ing in Pel­i­can, Alaska.

Lar­ry Jar­rets Wild Alas­ka Lodge is a full ser­vice sport fish­ing oper­a­tion. Cast for Salmon, Hal­ibut and Rock Fish in beau­ti­ful Pel­i­can, Alas­ka. While out on the boat, you may be able to spot bears for­ag­ing along the shore­line or whales breaching.The inn fea­tures 6 bed­rooms as well as a small gro­cery store.

Pel­i­can Joe’s is a small oper­a­tion, but that does not mean you will have a sec­ond rate expe­ri­ence. They take per­son­al care of their clients; help­ing to sched­ule trav­el on Alas­ka Sea­planes and meet­ing guests at the dock. And, when the fish­ing is done, they will fil­let, pack­age, and freeze your catch! To top it all off, they’ll fix you incred­i­ble meals to enjoy.

Chico­bi Char­ters spe­cial­izes in salmon and hal­ibut sport fish­ing, and they offer lodg­ing over­look­ing Pel­i­can Har­bor in their four bed­room townhouse.


Bed & Breakfasts View All

Last Fron­tier B&B sits atop the hill over­look­ing Pel­i­can, with views of Lisian­s­ki Inlet. There is one guest bed­room and pri­vate bath­room avail­able in this new­ly remod­eled home. 

Two apart­ments locat­ed along Pel­i­can’s board­walk. You can rent one or both for overnight stays as well as longer vis­its. One unit has a queen bed, bath, microwave, small refrig­er­a­tor and bar sink. The sec­ond has a full kitchen, dou­ble queen bed plus a sin­gle bed, and a bath. 


Hotels & Lodges View All

Lisian­s­ki Inlet Lodge is a wilder­ness log cab­in fish­ing lodge locat­ed two miles north­west of Pel­i­can offer­ing full ser­vice, four day and five night guid­ed fish­ing and sight­see­ing trips. Guides with life­time expe­ri­ence in the area, a cozy log cab­in lodge with accom­mo­da­tions for up to eight guests, amaz­ing food and hos­pi­tal­i­ty will make your Alaskan vaca­tion a success!

All inclu­sive mul­ti-day fish­ing and lodg­ing in Pel­i­can, Alaska.

Chico­bi Char­ters spe­cial­izes in salmon and hal­ibut sport fish­ing, and they offer lodg­ing over­look­ing Pel­i­can Har­bor in their four bed­room townhouse.

Hos­tel-style lodg­ing in Pel­i­can with shared bath­rooms, per­fect for trav­el­ers on a budget.

Last Fron­tier B&B sits atop the hill over­look­ing Pel­i­can, with views of Lisian­s­ki Inlet. There is one guest bed­room and pri­vate bath­room avail­able in this new­ly remod­eled home. 

Two apart­ments locat­ed along Pel­i­can’s board­walk. You can rent one or both for overnight stays as well as longer vis­its. One unit has a queen bed, bath, microwave, small refrig­er­a­tor and bar sink. The sec­ond has a full kitchen, dou­ble queen bed plus a sin­gle bed, and a bath. 
