Pelican Points of Interest

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Points of Interest

Relax in some of Alaska’s hot springs, nat­u­ral­ly heat­ed by the earth below

The best way to view bears, whales, orca and more while in Pel­i­can is to char­ter a knowl­edge­able captain.

Just off the board­walk, Pel­i­can Ele­men­tary School and Pel­i­can Mid­dle-High School are gath­er­ing places for the young peo­ple of the com­mu­ni­ty. Chil­dren enjoy the play­ground, swings and green spaces, as well as the out­door bas­ket­ball court and school gym.

Set­tle in with a book and a view of the har­bor, or check your email at Pelican’s Pub­lic Library.

Soak your cares away while sur­round­ed by dra­mat­ic views of the wilder­ness and the Pacif­ic Ocean. White Sul­phur Springs offers both indoor and out­door warm pools and is just a short boat ride from Pel­i­can. This is a favorite hot spot (lit­er­al­ly!) for kayak­ers, boaters, local res­i­dents and fish­er­men and women.

Pel­i­can Creek Bridge is just a few min­utes from Pelican’s har­bor. This is a great place for view­ing salmon that are head­ed upstream to spawn­ing sites. Check it out in July and August for the best view­ing opportunities.

Tsimshi­an mas­ter carv­er Stan Mars­den led the com­mu­ni­ty of Pel­i­can in design­ing, carv­ing and rais­ing totem poles to sym­bol­ize the spir­it of Pel­i­can – an inde­pen­dent, close-knit fish­ing com­mu­ni­ty. You can see their hand­i­work in the Uni­ty pole in front of City Hall and in the raven and bear poles in front of Pel­i­can High School.

Vis­it­ing Pel­i­can some­times seems like you’ve stepped back in time: even more so if you get a chance to check out the community’s still-func­tion­ing 1952 fire truck. The 500-gal­lon-per-minute pump is ready for action on this rig, which has seen only board­walk miles.
