Pelican Fishing Lodges

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Fishing Lodges

Chico­bi Char­ters spe­cial­izes in salmon and hal­ibut sport fish­ing, and they offer lodg­ing over­look­ing Pel­i­can Har­bor in their four bed­room townhouse.

All inclu­sive mul­ti-day fish­ing and lodg­ing in Pel­i­can, Alaska.

Pel­i­can Joe’s is a small oper­a­tion, but that does not mean you will have a sec­ond rate expe­ri­ence. They take per­son­al care of their clients; help­ing to sched­ule trav­el on Alas­ka Sea­planes and meet­ing guests at the dock. And, when the fish­ing is done, they will fil­let, pack­age, and freeze your catch! To top it all off, they’ll fix you incred­i­ble meals to enjoy.

Lar­ry Jar­rets Wild Alas­ka Lodge is a full ser­vice sport fish­ing oper­a­tion. Cast for Salmon, Hal­ibut and Rock Fish in beau­ti­ful Pel­i­can, Alas­ka. While out on the boat, you may be able to spot bears for­ag­ing along the shore­line or whales breaching.The inn fea­tures 6 bed­rooms as well as a small gro­cery store.

Lisian­s­ki Inlet Lodge is a wilder­ness log cab­in fish­ing lodge locat­ed two miles north­west of Pel­i­can offer­ing full ser­vice, four day and five night guid­ed fish­ing and sight­see­ing trips. Guides with life­time expe­ri­ence in the area, a cozy log cab­in lodge with accom­mo­da­tions for up to eight guests, amaz­ing food and hos­pi­tal­i­ty will make your Alaskan vaca­tion a success!
