Photo Credit: Go Hike Alaska

Palmer Wasilla Guided Hiking

Just 45 minutes from Anchorage, the towns of Palmer and Wasilla offer access to two mountain ranges, glacially fed rivers, and stunning views of the Knik Arm, Matanuska River, and Knik Glacier. This area of Alaska, referred to as “The Valley,” offers a range of hiking trails and backcountry trip options, making it a great destination for families and adventure seekers alike.

Hikers in Palmer and Wasilla can expect to find generally well-marked trails, opportunities for either river strolling or steep elevation climbs, and a variety of flora and fauna. Moose sightings are not uncommon, especially in lower elevation areas. Read these tips to help ensure safe encounters with wildlife.

Check trailheads for parking fee information and any wildlife updates. Some trails in this area do not have cell reception, so make sure someone knows your whereabouts and anticipated return time.

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Guided Hiking

Season: Year Round $89+ 2 hrs to multi-day

Set off with a small group and an expe­ri­enced guide for an unfor­get­table explo­ration of the Mat-Su Val­ley area on foot. Nes­tled between the Chugach Moun­tains to the south and the Tal­keet­na Moun­tains to the north, there are crag­gy, snow-capped peaks and rush­ing rivers every­where you turn: a clas­sic Alaskan set­ting that comes packed with a rich his­to­ry. Opt for a half-day or full day hike, or choose a hike & brew or a town tour to learn the  ...more

Season: Jan 15 – March 15 and June 15 – Sept 15 $999+ 4-5 hrs

Lift off in a heli­copter for an incred­i­bly scenic 15-minute flight over the Knik Riv­er on your way to the Knik Glac­i­er. Once you’ve land­ed, your guide will help you get equipped with all the gear you need to make your ascent up the glac­i­er wall or down into a glacial moulin, includ­ing rope, har­ness, hel­met, boots, cram­pons, and ice tools. Nev­er ice climbed before? No problem

Season: Year Round $95+ per person .25 hr+

Expe­ri­ence the thrill of heli-flight­see­ing year-round by fly­ing with the expe­ri­enced pilots from Heli Alas­ka, out of Wasil­la. Just 40-min­utes north of Anchor­age, you’ll take off from a dock and be on your way to see Alas­ka from the air, look­ing down on glac­i­ers, tun­dra, and wildlife. Many tours even include a glac­i­er land­ing to explore these ancient rivers of ice on foot.

Season: Year Round $439+ 1.5+ hrs

Glac­i­er trekking, kayak­ing, ice climb­ing, and oth­er activ­i­ties are even more spe­cial when com­bined with a spec­tac­u­lar heli­copter ride through Alaska’s dra­mat­ic scenery. Thanks to key part­ner­ships with oth­er expe­ri­enced Alaskan tour oper­a­tors, Palmer based Out­bound Heli Adven­tures is able to coor­di­nate seam­less out­ings of a life­time! And, they pride them­selves on offer­ing the most amount of flight time with their excursions.

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