McCarthy-Kennicott Walking Tours

A walking tour through McCarthy is a great daytime activity. Explore the area at your own pace with a map from the National Park Service. Or elevate your experience with a guided tour led by St. Elias Alpine Guides, a trusted local company with special permission to take travelers around the town and inside the buildings—a unique opportunity you won’t get on your own. Whether you choose to venture independently or with expert guidance, these walking tours promise an immersive and unforgettable journey into the captivating history of McCarthy.

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Walking Tours

Season: May 23 – Sep 7 $34 2 hrs

The wilder­ness town of Ken­necott — once home to a bustling min­ing oper­a­tion — was sud­den­ly aban­doned in 1938 when the Ken­necott Cop­per Cor­po­ra­tion ceased oper­a­tions. Now you can tour the ghost town with an expert: St. Elias Alpine Guides was grant­ed spe­cial per­mis­sion as the only con­ces­sion­aire with the Nation­al Park Ser­vice to take trav­el­ers not only around the town, but also inside the buildings.

This aban­doned cop­per min­ing camp is a Nation­al His­toric Land­mark Dis­trict. Estab­lished in 1903, Ken­necott Min­ing Cor­po­ra­tion oper­at­ed 5 mines in the area. Ken­necott became a bustling min­ing camp filled with min­ers and their fam­i­lies. By 1938, Ken­necott was a ghost town. This guide shows the self-guid­ed walk­ing tour points.


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