Photo Credit: Glacier City

Mat-Su Valley Snowmobiling Tours

Experience the thrill of snowmobiling in the Mat-Su Valley with a range of exciting tours available from November to April. Choose from half-, full-, and multi-day options.

Snowmobile tours that depart out of Palmer range from a few hours to multi-day; you can even take a tour that sets out at night for a special northern lights expedition.

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Snowmobiling Tours

Season: Mid-November to mid-April $275+ 3.5+ hrs

Hop aboard an eco-friend­ly snow­mo­bile in Gird­wood and ride on groomed trails beneath mas­sive, 7,000-foot glaciat­ed peaks or vis­it the daz­zling blue ice of Spencer Glac­i­er. Or, head north of Anchor­age for a trail ride through mid-alpine black spruce forests. No expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary, all gear pro­vid­ed, and warm bev­er­ages and snacks included. 

Season: Nov 15 - April 4 $255+ Half Day, Full Day, Multi-Day

Own­ers Mat­ti and Dan can­not think of a bet­ter way to appre­ci­ate Alas­ka than shar­ing it with oth­ers. Mat­ti was born and raised in Palmer, Alas­ka and has been on snow­ma­chines most of her life. Alas­ka Back­coun­try Adven­tures offers mild to wild” expe­ri­ences and prides itself on pro­vid­ing a cus­tomized expe­ri­ence for all lev­els of abil­i­ty. It offers the widest vari­ety of expe­di­tions on the lat­est and great­est equipment.

Season: Nov – April $199+ per person 2.5+ hrs

Join Hatch­er Pass ATV Tours in Wil­low for an unfor­get­table Alaskan win­ter adven­ture. Climb into a heat­ed UTV with snow tracks for a 2.5‑hour scenic tour through the Tal­keet­na Moun­tains, offered at sun­rise and sun­set. With options for begin­ners and sea­soned rid­ers, these guid­ed tours promise warmth, safe­ty, and the stun­ning beau­ty of Alaska’s win­ter landscape. 

Season: October - April $225+ 3 hrs - Multi-Day

Expe­ri­ence Alaska’s win­ter beau­ty with your thumb on the throt­tle as you pilot a snow­mo­bile over the snowy land­scape, led by an expert guide. While cruis­ing along the trails and play­ing in the pow­der, you’ll dri­ve to dreamy spots like the Susit­na Riv­er Basin, which offers amaz­ing views of Denali on a clear day. 

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