Mat-Su Valley Northern Lights Viewing Tours

Northern Lights Viewing

Season: October - April $1325 | 1 - 6 people 7 Hr Evening Tour or Custom Multi-Day Adventure

Chase the lights on a pri­vate tour with Wild Alas­ka Jour­neys and you’ll be in the capa­ble hands of local guides who know where to look and under­stand the sci­ence behind them. All trips are pri­vate, so bring your fam­i­ly or group and spend a night on the look­out for the auro­ra or make it part of a mul­ti-day jour­ney. Either way, you’ll leave with unfor­get­table memories.

Season: Year Round 350+ 1-2 night all-inclusive packages

Just 60 miles north of Anchor­age, in the heart of the Hatch­er Pass Recre­ation Area of the Tal­keet­na Moun­tains, you can expe­ri­ence amaz­ing tours, com­fort­able lodg­ing, and hearty meals at Snowhook Adven­tures’ Lodge and Cab­ins. Whether you’re here in win­ter, spring, sum­mer or fall, you can enjoy all-inclu­sive overnight expe­ri­ences. Depend­ing on the sea­son, these tours include ATV/UTV rid­ing, dog sled­ding, snow­mo­bil­ing, ice fish­ing, north­ern lights  ...more
