Photo Credit: Chulitna Lodge Wilderness Retreat

Lake Clark National Park Wilderness Lodges

Discover the ultimate retreat within Lake Clark National Park. Immerse yourself in nature’s splendor by staying at one of our recommended wilderness lodges, which include cozy cabins and rustic lodges with stunning views. Unwind amid majestic mountains and tranquil lakes as you enjoy exceptional comfort and amenities.

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Wilderness Lodges

Season: May - Sept $8,500+ per person 6+ nights

Stonewood Lodge is a high-end, year-round, all-inclu­sive get­away to wild Alas­ka locat­ed on the shores of 50-mile long Lake Clark with­in the Bris­tol Bay Water­shed. Sum­mer activ­i­ties include prime bear view­ing and tro­phy fish­ing as well as snow­mo­bil­ing, ski­ing and ice fish­ing in the winter.

Season: June 1 - October 1 $550 / day per person, double occupancy

Whether you’re look­ing to take your fam­i­ly off-grid for a bit of Alas­ka Adven­tur­ing, or for a great fish­ing spot with your bud­dies with incred­i­ble bear-view­ing — or if you’re even an artist look­ing for inspi­ra­tion — this lodge made up of new­ly ren­o­vat­ed log cab­ins offers a cus­tomized ide­al of bliss. It’s about 180 miles from the near­est road and offers an idyl­lic perch for explor­ing both the wilder­ness of Lake Clark Nation­al Park, as well as other  ...more

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