Lake Clark Nat’l Park & Prsrv Hotels & Lodges

You’ll find several accommodations in Lake Clark, from wilderness getaways to bear-viewing lodges. For an exclusive, off-the-grid adventure, stay at one of these lodges for prime access to Lake Clark and the rest of the national park. You’ll have opportunities to fish, go bear-viewing, hike, kayak, and more.

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Hotels & Lodges

Season: June 1 - October 1 $550 / day per person, double occupancy

Whether you’re look­ing to take your fam­i­ly off-grid for a bit of Alas­ka Adven­tur­ing, or for a great fish­ing spot with your bud­dies with incred­i­ble bear-view­ing — or if you’re even an artist look­ing for inspi­ra­tion — this lodge made up of new­ly ren­o­vat­ed log cab­ins offers a cus­tomized ide­al of bliss. It’s about 180 miles from the near­est road and offers an idyl­lic perch for explor­ing both the wilder­ness of Lake Clark Nation­al Park, as well as other  ...more

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