Kodiak Winter Activities

Embrace the winter wonderland of Kodiak with exciting activities. Enjoy snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and skating. Spot wildlife, capture stunning photos, and explore the island’s rich cultural heritage.

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Winter Activities

Difficulty: Easy

This is the high­est moun­tain close to town. If you tack­le this hike, you’re in for a climb, but a large por­tion of the trail is in the alpine, with beau­ti­ful flow­ers and tun­dra. You’ll be climb­ing 2,400 feet in ele­va­tion in just two miles. Watch for upland birds includ­ing Wil­low and Rock Ptarmi­gan, and Amer­i­can Pipits.

Cross Fox Lakes on Kodi­ak Island are an excel­lent des­ti­na­tion for a fam­i­ly out­ing, pic­nic, or swim on a hot sum­mer day. You can con­tin­ue past the lakes and explore the ter­rain far­ther up the val­ley. In win­ter, the lakes are a great place for ice skating.
