Kodiak Wilderness Lodges

Stay at a Kodiak wilderness lodge for an immersive and authentic Alaskan experience. Enjoy stunning natural surroundings, engage in outdoor activities, and escape into tranquility as you connect with the untamed beauty of Kodiak.

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Wilderness Lodges

Kodi­ak Island is a wide­ly known bear-view­ing hotspot. The eco-focused Kodi­ak Brown Bear Cen­ter & Lodge — owned by the Alu­ti­iq peo­ple, who have inhab­it­ed Kodi­ak Island for more than 7,000 years— offers the thrilling oppor­tu­ni­ty to see these amaz­ing crea­tures for your­self. Choose from a 3‑, 4‑, or 7‑night pack­age. Each day includes guid­ed excur­sions to one of three bear-view­ing locations.
