Photo Credit: Baranof Fishing Excursions

Ketchikan Fishing Charters

Ketchikan: A Fish Story

Ketchikan: A Fish Story  (34:52)

144 million pounds of fish came through Ketchikan in 2013, making it the 12th busiest fishing port in the world. It’s not strictly by chance that Ketchikan maintains this distinction. After all, it had started as a summer fishing camp for the Tlingit natives who could depend on a robust return of salmon every year.

Ketchikan today fancies itself as the “Salmon Capital of the World,” and this passion for fishing is highlighted in a recent 35-minute film, “The Ketchikan Fish Story.” From sport and commercial fishing to canning, it features several of the local personalities who share a common dedication to maintaining a quality product and a sustainable fishery to benefit generations of fishermen and women to come.

When you’re in Ketchikan, head to Thomas Basin, a 10-minute walk from cruise ship docks. Here there’s an abundance of fresh water, which makes it a preferred type of harbor for old wood-hulled fishing boats. Get up close to a troller, gillnetter or seiner, or rub elbows with the crew as they clean boats and get ready for another fishing trip.

Then stop by the Alaska Fish House (bordering Thomas basin) to taste the unsurpassed quality of fresh salmon and halibut that are the basis of this amazingly successful fishery.

Or, get out on a charter and reel one in yourself!

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Fishing Charters

Season: May 14 - Sept 16 $250+ per person 4-8 hrs

Ketchikan is known as the salmon cap­i­tal of the world,” and this unique­ly per­son­al tour is your chance to angle for these icon­ic Alaskan fish — as well as huge hal­ibut. You’ll board an inti­mate fish­ing boat — com­plete with top-qual­i­ty fish­ing and rain gear, as well as heaters, snacks, and bev­er­ages — close to the Ketchikan cruise ter­mi­nal. And, since this is a pri­vate char­ter, it will be only your group on board!

Season: May - September $359+ Day Trips 5+ hrs

Bara­nof Fish­ing Excur­sions offers clas­sic Alas­ka fish­ing expe­ri­ences from their pri­vate mari­na in down­town Ketchikan. They pro­vide every­thing you need from rub­ber boots to expert guides, for an extra­or­di­nary fish­ing adventure!

Season: May - Sept $350+ per person 4 - 8 hrs

From cruise ship excur­sions to all-day fish­ing trips, Ketchikan’s Finest Fish­ing Char­ters pro­vides top-notch equip­ment and a cus­tomized approach to make your trip an adven­ture to remem­ber. Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife and be ready for a fish­ing expe­ri­ence like no other!

Season: May–September $390+ per person Half & Full Day

Ketchikan — the salmon fish­ing cap­i­tal of the world — was made for fish­ing. And Salmon Falls Resort has made it easy to expe­ri­ence this icon­ic Alaskan activ­i­ty with a full or half-day of unfor­get­table angling. Whether you’re stop­ping for the day in Ketchikan on a cruise ship or already in town and look­ing for a great one-day out­ing, this is for you.

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