Ketchikan Fairs & Festivals

Throughout the year, Ketchikan comes alive with colorful celebrations showcasing local culture, arts, music, and more. From the famous Blueberry Arts Festival to the lively Salmon Run, these events offer a fantastic opportunity to mingle with friendly locals, indulge in delicious food, browse unique arts and crafts, and enjoy captivating performances.

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Fairs & Festivals

Per­fect­ly timed for the approach­ing hol­i­day sea­son, the Ketchikan Arts & Human­i­ties Council’s Win­ter Arts Faire show­cas­es the cre­ations of local artists, which make for great gifts. More than 80 artists exhib­it their work here, so you could eas­i­ly fill all of your hol­i­day wish lists with local, hand­made gifts.

Sum­mers are busy in Ketchikan, with up to five cruise ships mak­ing port every day, but the locals also know how to play hard — espe­cial­ly at the huge Blue­ber­ry Arts Fes­ti­val, host­ed every August by the Ketchikan Arts and Human­i­ties Coun­cil. In a town of 14,000, you’re like­ly to see as many as 8,000 peo­ple come out to this fam­i­ly-friend­ly event that cel­e­brates the South­east Alaskan blueberry.

With almost 30 years under its belt, the Ketchikan Wear­able Arts Show is an event you don’t want to miss. Described as the orig­i­nal run­way per­for­mance,” this show has inspired imi­ta­tions in neigh­bor­ing com­mu­ni­ties and around the world. If you’d like to see a show that most clear­ly rep­re­sents pure artis­tic tal­ent, this is it.

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