Kenai Peninsula Wildlife Parks

Explore the fascinating world of wildlife on the Kenai Peninsula through its zoos and wildlife parks. Two standout attractions are the Alaska SeaLife Center and the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. At the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward, you can marvel at marine life up close, including sea lions, otters, and puffins. Discover their interactive exhibits and learn about marine research and conservation efforts. The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage (1 hour south of Anchorage) is home to various Alaskan wildlife, such as bears, moose, and bison, and provides a safe haven for orphaned and injured animals. These attractions offer an immersive and educational experience, giving visitors a deeper appreciation for Alaska’s diverse wildlife and the importance of its preservation.

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Wildlife Parks

Season: Year Round See website for rates 1 - 2 hrs

The Alas­ka SeaL­ife Cen­ter (ASLC) is the only pub­lic aquar­i­um in Alas­ka that is a com­bined marine research, edu­ca­tion, and wildlife response facil­i­ty. Explore an under­sea kelp for­est, meet the birds in the aviary, enjoy the antics of Steller sea lions and seals in the Rocky Coast exhib­it, and more.

Season: Year Round $27

At the 200-acre Alas­ka Wildlife Con­ser­va­tion Cen­ter, see Alaskan wildlife up close. The center’s mis­sion is to pro­vide refuge for orphaned, injured, and ill ani­mals — those that can’t sur­vive in the wild. The cen­ter, which opened to the pub­lic in 1993, edu­cates vis­i­tors about Alaska’s wildlife. Coy­otes peer out from behind the brush while a bald eagle swoops in on the salmon remains left by a griz­zly bear. Wood Bison plod through 65 acres of tidal  ...more

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