Kenai Peninsula Zipline Tours

Discover a whole new way to explore the Kenai Peninsula with exhilarating zipline tours. Glide through the Alaskan wilderness, immersing yourself in the sights of majestic mountains, lush forests, and glistening rivers. Merge the excitement of ziplining with panoramic views of the Kenai Peninsula.

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Zipline Tours

Season: June 6 - Aug 31 $164 3 hrs

Bald eagles are known to nest in this wood­ed spot near Res­ur­rec­tion Bay — and when you sign up for a tour with Stoney Creek Canopy Adven­tures, you’ll get to soar just like these icon­ic birds. This three-hour tour — the only canopy tour on the Kenai Penin­su­la — com­bines ziplines, rap­pels and sky bridges, with panoram­ic views of Mount Marathon, Res­ur­rec­tion Peaks and all the gor­geous scenery around you. It’s easy, and unde­ni­ably thrilling.

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