Kenai Peninsula Water Taxis

To explore the Kenai Peninsula by boat, go fishing, or visit various locations, a water taxi or charter service is an ideal choice.

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Water Taxis

Season: Mid April to September $265+ 3/4 to Full Day Excursions

Homer is the hal­ibut cap­i­tal of Alas­ka, and this long­time char­ter com­pa­ny offers a blue-chip way to get to the fish. They have high-qual­i­ty boats, expe­ri­enced cap­tains, and enthu­si­as­tic crews — as well as an inside line on find­ing hal­ibut, rock fish and sil­ver salmon. But they also offer a vari­ety of oth­er ways to enjoy the waters off Kachemak Bay, from wildlife cruis­ing to pad­dling a kayak or hik­ing in Kachemak Bay State Park. 

Season: Mid-May through mid-Sept $299 6.5-7 hrs

Inti­mate cata­ma­ran cruis­es into Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park from Seward for just 22 pas­sen­gers, or up to 30 on pri­vate char­ters. Cruise through Res­ur­rec­tion Bay, keep­ing an eye out for hump­back whales, orca whales (killer whales), puffins, Steller sea lions, Dall’s por­poise, har­bor seals, and a large vari­ety of bird species. Then make your way into the nation­al park, and stop at the face of a tide­wa­ter glac­i­er. You’ll enjoy a deli­cious lunch  ...more

Season: May - September $399+ 7 hours or multi-day

Sail into stun­ning Res­ur­rec­tion Bay dur­ing an inti­mate full-day or mul­ti-day cruise to see glac­i­ers and wildlife from Seward, Alas­ka. This 38-foot-long cata­ma­ran is per­fect for explor­ing the shim­mer­ing waters of Res­ur­rec­tion Bay. In an inti­mate group of no more than 6 guests, you can relax on board or sit out on the catamaran’s net­ting. And because the boat car­ries 4 tan­dem kayaks, you can pad­dle out onto the waters and get even clos­er to nature.  ...more

Season: May - September $100+ 2 hrs - Full Day

Whether you’d like to go on a per­son­al­ized boat tour of the Homer area or take a water taxi to the Alaskan back­coun­try, Homer is an ide­al place to launch from, and Cold­wa­ter has the boats and exper­tise to get you there. Explore places like Kachemak Bay State Park, the small town of Sel­dovia, and pic­turesque Hal­ibut Cove.

[{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]