Kenai Peninsula Visitor Information Centers

The Kenai Peninsula offers various visitor centers where you can get suggestions for great restaurants, tours, and guides and learn about the local wildlife and history.

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Visitor Information Centers

Out on the tip of the Kenai Penin­su­la, at (lit­er­al­ly) the end of the road, sits the quirky town of Homer — the eco­tourism cap­i­tal of Alas­ka. Artists, adven­tur­ers, and food­ies all come to expe­ri­ence the town’s cre­ative ener­gy, great restau­rants, and gor­geous wilder­ness. And at the entrance to town, just off the Ster­ling High­way, you’ll find the Homer Cham­ber of Com­merce Vis­i­tor Center.

This is the place to begin for infor­ma­tion about Sol­dot­na and the sur­round­ing area — every­thing from where to stay and eat to the per­fect activ­i­ties for your inter­ests. You can also pick up statewide vis­i­tor guides and oth­er pub­li­ca­tions, and enjoy their board­walk down to the Kenai River.

The City of Kenai’s vis­i­tor cen­ter goes well beyond a per­son at a counter hand­ing out maps. You’ll find an impres­sive per­ma­nent col­lec­tion of Native Alaskan and local his­to­ry arti­facts, art exhibits, as well as the largest col­lec­tion of mount­ed bald eagles in North Amer­i­ca. The gift shop fea­tures sou­venirs, maps, books, music, and local­ly pro­duced items. And, indeed, friend­ly staffers dis­trib­ute infor­ma­tion on local lodg­ing, tours and…  ...more

Need a din­ner rec­om­men­da­tion? Want to know the best place to see whales? Or how about kid-friend­ly activ­i­ties in Seward? There’s no bet­ter place to have your ques­tions answered and to learn about Seward than the Seward Cham­ber of Com­merce and Vis­i­tors Center.

[{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"kenai-peninsula","title":"Kenai Peninsula Audio Guide"},{"slug":"prince-william-sound","title":"Prince William Sound"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"}]