Kenai Peninsula RV Parks & Campgrounds

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RV Parks & Campgrounds

There’s noth­ing quite like camp­ing in the woods with the fam­i­ly when you’re a kid. The crack­ling camp­fire and gooey s’mores. Bik­ing around the camp­ground loop. Run­ning through the for­est and gath­er­ing wood. Catch­ing (and land­ing) that first fish. Here we offer details for nine great pub­lic fam­i­ly camp­grounds with­in a 90-minute dri­ve from Anchorage.

Season: April 15 – Sept 29 Call for rates

Just 5 min­utes from down­town Seward is this full-ser­vice camp­ground set amid lush trees and tow­er­ing moun­tains, so close to Res­ur­rec­tion Riv­er that you can hear it run by. Choose from one of the 68 sites or 4 cab­ins, and enjoy ameni­ties like a cen­tral bath­house, laun­dry, game room, and out­door games like mini golf, corn­hole, and two playgrounds.

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 Tent $30+, RV $70+

Ocean Shores offers amaz­ing views from all of its sites — plus, it’s warmer here than on the Homer Spit, since it’s not as windy. All sites have a pic­nic table and the side sites have fire pits. You’ll also find DirectTV, Wi-Fi, free show­ers as well as coin-oper­at­ed laundry.

Camp out at this qui­et, clear­wa­ter lake, along Ski­lak Lake Road in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge, where glac­i­ers once stood over 2,000 feet tall. There’s oppor­tu­ni­ties for fish­ing (and a boat launch) and a pic­nic area along the shore. All camp­sites are avail­able on a first-come, first served basis. 

Small, water­front camp­ground on the shores of shim­mer­ing Ski­lak Lake. There’s a boat launch and fish­ing. Refer to ADF&G for regulations.

Small camp­ground with 3 sites in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge. Access to Swan­son riv­er and fish­ing for rain­bow trout, dol­ly var­den, and a small run of sil­ver salmon (mid-Sep­tem­ber). Vault toi­lets and boat launch.

This is a pop­u­lar boat launch for drift boaters fish­ing for king salmon. The Kasilof Riv­er red salmon dip­net fish­ery is here, but only open to Alas­ka res­i­dents. It’s worth a look if you’ve nev­er seen dip­net­ters in action before. There are 16 camp­sites, water, tables, toi­lets, hik­ing trails, a boat launch and fishing.

Small camp­ground with an open park­ing area on the shores of Kel­ly Lake. Great, qui­et spot to choose if you have a kayak or canoe, or want to fish for trout.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? On this lake it could be either. 

91-site camp­ground for tents and RVs (no hook-ups). There’s a side-road that will take you to Kenai Lake, which has great trout fish­ing. The Kenai Riv­er has rain­bow and Dol­ly Var­den all through the summer.

Bertha Creek Camp­ground is a great choice for a low-key cam­pout in a recre­ation­al gold-pan­ning area on a qui­et loop where the kids won’t get lost. Locat­ed just south of Tur­na­gain Pass in the Kenai Moun­tains about 65 miles south of Anchor­age, the camp­ground is tucked into an open for­est beside the con­flu­ence of Bertha and Gran­ite creeks at the base of steep mountains.

Small, 3‑site camp­ground, tucked away from the noise of the Ster­ling High­way on the qui­et shore of Wat­son Lake. Bring your kayak or canoe and fish for rain­bow trout.

Quartz Creek camp­ground is sit­u­at­ed on the banks of sparkling Kenai Lake. This is a great spot to cool off on a hot day. Kenai Lake has a good sandy swim­ming beach and a trail that fol­lows along near­by Quartz Creek. Cast your line for some awe­some fly-fish­ing at the creek or look for the near­by horse sta­ble for a scenic ride. 

Small camp­ground with 9 camp­sites in the Chugach Nation­al For­est. All sites are first-come, first-served. Fish­ing for Dol­ly Var­den is great in Cres­cent Creek.

Difficulty: Easy

The trail is half a mile long and takes you through a mature birch for­est that is car­pet­ed with dev­il’s club and water­mel­on berry plants. It’s an easy walk­ing, ide­al for small chil­dren, and ends at a small camp­ing area on a slight bluff that over­looks Bish­op’s Beach and Bish­op Creek.

Small, free, 12 site camp­ground in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge. Fish in Dol­ly Var­den Lake for Dol­ly Var­den and Rain­bow trout.

8 site RV park and camp­ground (no hook-ups) next to Kenai Lake, man­aged by the Chugach Nation­al For­est. Near­by hik­ing trail is the 7.5 mile Prim­rose Trail to Lost Lake. Boat tramp and toi­lets. Anglers can fish for dol­ly var­den, lake trout and rain­bow trout. Check with ADF&G for cur­rent fish­ing regulations.  ...more

Includes bear lock­er and fire ring.

Small, free camp­ground acces­si­ble from Ski­lak Lake Road with 3 sites. Anglers can fish for Dol­ly Var­den and land­locked salmon.

48 camp­sites by John­son Lake, a pop­u­lar lake for pad­dling and fish­ing for rain­bow trout in Kasilof, just south of Sol­dot­na. There’s also a day-use pic­nic area. Some camp­sites can be reserved in advance. 

Small, 3‑site, free camp­ground acces­si­ble via Ski­lak Lake Road. There are toi­lets and a rough boat launch. Anglers can fish for dol­ly var­den and rain­bow trout. Check with ADF&G for cur­rent regulations.

Small road­side camp­ground along Swan Lake Road in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge. 2 camp­sites and vault toi­let. Fish lake stocked with Arc­tic Char. 

Bik­ing, fish view­ing, a nat­ur­al his­to­ry cen­ter and a flat hike to a glac­i­er are with­in easy reach of this qui­et, inti­mate camp­ground in Portage Val­ley at the head of Tur­na­gain Arm in the Chugach Nation­al For­est. The 12 sites in the grav­eled, wood­ed Black Bear are yards from the Trail of Blue Ice — a non-motor­ized mul­ti-use trail that tra­vers­es the val­ley floor.

If you want to camp beside sub­alpine Upper Sum­mit Lake close to trum­peter swans and fish­ing for rain­bows, take the fam­i­ly to this camp­ground deep in the Kenai Moun­tains off Mile 46 of the Seward High­way. The 35 sites are spread along a loop in the alder, wil­low and spruce woods on the hill­side above the lake, with clear-run­ning Ten­der­foot Creek pass­ing through 

The most pop­u­lar camp­ground in Sol­dot­na with over 250 camp­sites in a large wood­ed area. And, it’s a fish­er­man’s dream for access­ing the boun­ty of the Kenai Riv­er. There are twen­ty-five sets of stairs to the riv­er, 2 fish­ing plat­forms that are 85 feet long (one is acces­si­ble), and 650 feet of ele­vat­ed boardwalk. 

the recre­ation area pro­vides pic­nic sites, shel­ters, camp­sites, water and toi­lets. There are excel­lent views of Cook Inlet, the Aleut­ian Moun­tain Range and its three tallest peaks: Mount Iliamna, Mount Redoubt and Mount Spur. There are 125 camp­sites, and the RV size lim­it is 35′. Note: The Depart­ment of Fish & Game has closed clam­ming at Clam Gulch for the last sev­er­al years. Please check the cur­rent sta­tus before harvesting.   ...more

Here you’ll find 16 camp sites sit­u­at­ed among the trees. The camp­ground offers toi­lets, fresh water and shelters. 

16 sites in a wood­ed set­ting. There’s a fam­i­ly friend­ly trail that leads to Ptarmi­gan Lake. It’s a sev­en mile round trip and you’ll see sheep and goats along the way. There’s also good trout and Dol­ly Var­den fish­ing, so bring your gear.

Find out how the sock­eye salmon in this lake ben­e­fit from the clear waters.

With 60 sites on paved loops, Willi­waw is suit­able for large motorhomes and offers great access to the Trail of Blue Ice — a non-motor­ized mul­ti-use trail that tra­vers­es the val­ley floor. Also near­by bik­ing, salmon view­ing, hikes, and glac­i­er viewing.

Set in a hand­some birch for­est over­look­ing Tur­na­gain Arm, this camp­ground in Chugach Nation­al For­est close to the his­toric vil­lage of Hope is a fam­i­ly clas­sic. The 34 sites offer all the usu­al ameni­ties (pic­nic table, camp­fire ring, out­hous­es, water pump) and are laid out with an eye toward pri­va­cy. Just 81 miles from Anchorage.

Seward Water­front Park extends from the small boat har­bor to the SeaL­ife Cen­ter and con­tains paid tent and RV camp­ing, play­grounds, a skate park, pic­nic­ing areas, beach access, and a trail lined with his­tor­i­cal landmarks.

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