Photo Credit: ProFish-N-Sea Charters

Kenai Peninsula Fishing Charters

Why Fish on the Kenai Peninsula?

The Kenai Peninsula, with the world-renowned Kenai River flowing at its heart, stands as "Alaska's Playground," a title it earns through its vast array of outdoor recreational activities, fishing being a prime example. Accessible from Anchorage in just 1.5 to 5 hours, depending on your destination, the peninsula offers an array of excellent campgrounds and lodging options. Whether along the road or in the charming towns of Seward, Cooper Landing, Kenai, Soldotna, and Homer, you're never far from your next great catch. Spend days, a week, or even an entire summer exploring the rich rivers and lakes that make this area an angler's dream.

What Kind of Fishing is Available?

The Kenai Peninsula is a hub for anglers seeking diversity. Here, all five species of Pacific salmon navigate the waters, while deep-sea charters from Seward, Homer, and Ninilchik promise thrilling halibut fishing adventures. The area is also celebrated for its dolly varden and rainbow trout, adding to the allure for those casting their lines in these pristine waters.

If a fishing experience in Alaska is high on your list, it's great to try both a river fishing experience along Kenai, as well as a deep sea charter. The experiences are quite unique from each other. And, as always, a bonus of booking a guide or charter is that they'll fillet your catch, package it, and mail it home for you!

When is the Best Time to Fish on the Kenai Peninsula?

Fishing seasons on the Kenai Peninsula vary with the species you're targeting. Sockeye (red) salmon runs occur from mid-June through August, king salmon from mid-May through July, and coho (silver salmon) from late July through October. Meanwhile, trout and dolly varden offer year-round fishing opportunities.

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Seward View All

Deep sea fishing • Halibut • Salmon

Season: June—September $425+ per person 12 hrs

Icon­ic Alaskan fish­ing amid the stun­ning views of Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park: Go angling out of Seward with the experts at Crazy Ray’s Adven­tures and expe­ri­ence this win­ning com­bi­na­tion for your­self. No expe­ri­ence necessary!

Season: May 11 - Sept 2 $325+ per person Full Day

When in Seward, head out on the water with Alas­ka North­ern Out­fit­ters on their com­fort­able 46-foot cata­ma­ran – the Sea Quest — for an epic day of fish­ing for hal­ibut, salmon, ling­cod, and rock­fish. It’s the only char­ter ves­sel in Seward with an upper view­ing deck. This lets you sight­see or have lunch on the upper deck while watch­ing the action below. . Inside you’ll find a large and heat­ed inte­ri­or, indoor seat­ing for every­one, tables, and  ...more

Season: May 1 - Sep 15 $375+ Full Day

Profish-n-sea Char­ters, out of Seward, offers salmon and hal­ibut fish­ing with friend­ly, expe­ri­enced Alaskan guides. Trips last a full day; you’ll motor 2 to 2.5 hours from Seward to the Gulf of Alas­ka, Mon­tague Island, and oth­er out­er-coast hotspots. Profish-n-Sea knows the three keys to catch­ing fish: boats, knowl­edge, and gear. That’s why the boats are always clean, the gear sharp, and the crew friend­ly, help­ful, and fun.

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Cooper Landing View All

Kenai River • Salmon • Trout

Season: June 11 – Sept $190+ per person

Found­ed in 1974, Alas­ka Rivers Com­pa­ny offers excep­tion­al fish­ing expe­ri­ences on the Kenai Riv­er. Whether you choose a half-day or full-day tour, you’ll fish in pris­tine waters with­in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge. The guides are expe­ri­enced and wel­com­ing, ensur­ing an enjoy­able trip for anglers of all lev­els. Enjoy breath­tak­ing views of the Kenai Moun­tains and Chugach Nation­al For­est, while fish­ing for Rain­bow trout, Dol­ly Var­den, and…  ...more

Season: Late April through October $195+ 4-8 hrs

Angle for Alaska’s most icon­ic fish: salmon (king, sock­eye, sil­ver) and trout on a half, three-quar­ters, or full day fish­ing char­ter from Coop­er Land­ing, just 2 hours south of Anchor­age on the Kenai Penin­su­la. Led by expert guides, you’ll fish with all top-qual­i­ty gear pro­vid­ed and can even ship your catch home with you as a sou­venir. Own­er David Lisi works with elite guides and will hand­pick the one that will be the best fit for your group.  ...more

$205+ 4 - 9 hrs

Fish­ing the Kenai Penin­su­la is pret­ty much the ulti­mate for fish­er­men the world over, and with Alas­ka Riv­er Adven­tures, even begin­ners do well. This area is famous for salmon (Kings, reds and sil­vers), rain­bow trout, and Dol­ly Var­den, which Alas­ka Riv­er Adven­tures can help you find in the amaz­ing green of the Kenai Riv­er and oth­er points along the Penin­su­la. Alas­ka Riv­er Adven­ture guides have been fish­ing these waters for years. They’re patient  ...more

Season: June 6 - Sept 30 $325 Day Trip or $2450+ all-inclusive packages Full Day to Multi Day

Where will you find Alaska’s best salmon fish­ing? The Kenai Penin­su­la is hard to beat. Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­tures (AWA) has spe­cial­ized in fish­ing the Upper Kenai Riv­er between Kenai and Ski­lak Lakes since 1977. Their pro­fes­sion­al guides are experts in fly-fish­ing, drift fish­ing, and back trolling, so you can fish from the boat, the bank, or both. Expect an excit­ing day of fish­ing for salmon (red, sil­ver, or king depend­ing on the sea­son), as  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"}]

Homer View All

Deep sea fishing • Halibut • Salmon

Season: Year Round $315+ ¾ & Full-day

Go fish! Cast your line for icon­ic Alaskan salmon and hal­ibut — as well as oth­er species — as you explore the shim­mer­ing waters around Homer with the pas­sion­ate fish­ing pros of Mav­er­ick Char­ters. The stun­ning area is one that many trav­el­ers don’t get to explore, and all ages can enjoy this unfor­get­table out­ing — no expe­ri­ence necessary!

Season: Mid April to September $265+ 3/4 to Full Day Excursions

Homer is the hal­ibut cap­i­tal of Alas­ka, and this long­time char­ter com­pa­ny offers a blue-chip way to get to the fish. They have high-qual­i­ty boats, expe­ri­enced cap­tains, and enthu­si­as­tic crews — as well as an inside line on find­ing hal­ibut, rock fish and sil­ver salmon. But they also offer a vari­ety of oth­er ways to enjoy the waters off Kachemak Bay, from wildlife cruis­ing to pad­dling a kayak or hik­ing in Kachemak Bay State Park. 

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"}]

Kenai / Soldotna Fishing Charters View All

Kenai River • Lodge-based trips

$250 half day, $300 full day 3-8 hours

Where can you find the biggest salmon, on aver­age, in the entire world? In the Kenai Riv­er. And The Riv­er Crew, based in Sol­dot­na, can take you to some secret spots on the famous riv­er to fish for salmon and trout — whether you’re an expe­ri­enced angler or not.

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]