Photo Credit: Mount Roberts Nature Center

Juneau Visitor Information Centers

Juneau offers a variety of information centers for travelers, such as the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center and the Mount Rogers Alpine Loop Trail Visitor Center. Additionally, the city has a Convention Center and an Arts & Culture Center for events and performances.

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Visitor Information Centers

Built in 1959 as the Nation­al Guard Armory, the build­ing was tak­en off-line in 2004. It was emp­ty for years, until the City and Bor­ough of Juneau Assem­bly hand­ed it off to the Juneau Arts & Human­i­ties Coun­cil to man­age as the Juneau Arts & Cul­ture Cen­ter. Today it pro­vides space for artists to work and show their creations.

Take a walk out­side the Nature Cen­ter on the Mount Roberts Alpine Loop Trail.

Locat­ed in down­town Juneau, the Cen­ten­ni­al Hall Con­ven­tion Cen­ter, is a great loca­tion to hold an event. Con­certs, con­ven­tions, meet­ings, and trade shows are reg­u­lar­ly held in this con­ve­nient location. 
