Juneau Public Use Cabins

Experience the area outside Juneau by staying in a remote public-use cabin. These rustic cabins make for a serene escape year-round for anywhere from 4 to 16 people. Most allow pets.

Public Use Cabins

This cozy 1214 cab­in is tucked into the for­est inside the Eagle Beach State Recre­ation Area about 15 miles up the coast from Juneau on the island-rich Favorite Chan­nel of Lynn Canal. Mar­tin Cab­in offers a bit of pri­va­cy amid the big trees, with more imme­di­ate access to the trails along the riv­er than the area’s oth­er coastal-ori­ent­ed cabins.

15′ x 12′ log chalet style cab­in with a deck.

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This airy 1618 log cab­in over­looks a scenic bend in the riv­er estu­ary inside the Eagle Beach State Recre­ation Area near Juneau. Berry Patch offers a bit of pri­va­cy but remains a great base to explore acces­si­ble nature loops, or beach­comb and watch for marine wildlife such sea lion and whales, birds and oth­er crit­ters in the salt marsh and tide flats.

This is a restored Civil­ian Con­ser­va­tion Corps (CCC) log cab­in, 16′ x 20′. Access by 3 mile trail on Pio­neer Street off Cor­do­va Street, and at the end of Jack­son St. above Blue­ber­ry Hills sub­di­vi­sion in West Juneau.

This airy and very pop­u­lar 1618 log cab­in enjoys excep­tion­al access inside Eagle Beach State Recre­ation Area. With a wheel­chair acces­si­ble ramp and a cov­ered front porch adja­cent to park­ing, the cab­in is a great base to explore acces­si­ble nature loops, or beach­comb and watch for marine wildlife, birds and oth­er crit­ters in the salt marsh and tide flats.

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