Photo Credit: Wildlife Viewing Spots in Juneau

Juneau Points of Interest

Explore Juneau’s many captivating points of interest. From magnificent waterfalls and majestic glaciers to serene picnic areas and prime wildlife viewing spots, Juneau offers an array of remarkable attractions.

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Points of Interest

A high­light for many vis­i­tors, this chapel lies 22 miles north of Juneau off of the Glac­i­er High­way. As Juneau’s expen­sive water­front homes peter out, the Shrine of St. Therese appears on your left. It’s in a stun­ning set­ting, on an island with crash­ing surf, moun­tain views, and a rugged coast­line, where you can look for hump­back whales and sea lions. Take the trail from the park­ing lot back to a caretaker’s head­quar­ters, a small stone…  ...more

One of the most inter­est­ing nat­ur­al fea­tures near Juneau, this spec­tac­u­lar water­fall plunges about 377 feet down the rugged moun­tain­side into Menden­hall Lake about three-quar­ter miles south of the active face of Menden­hall Glacier.

Juneau is a pop­u­lar whale view­ing spot, but you can also see sea lions, eagles, bears, and more. See our list of spots and tours.

Don’t look for a dome and don’t look for big grounds; Alaska’s capi­tol build­ing is one of the few that have nei­ther. That’s because the ter­ri­to­ry of Alas­ka had trou­ble secur­ing fund­ing and land for the build­ing, rely­ing on local res­i­dents to pro­vide fund­ing. Com­plet­ed in 1931, it housed the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment until state­hood in 1959. Today, the large, boxy build­ing — and the loca­tion — aren’t pop­u­lar with locals, but efforts to fund a new…  ...more

This 12-mile glac­i­er is part of Ton­gass Nation­al For­est and its vis­i­tors’ cen­ter is just a half mile from the glacier’s face. Once dubbed the Auk Glac­i­er by John Muir (after a mem­ber of the Tlin­git tribe), 

Nes­tled at the end of Dou­glas High­way, Savikko Park, often referred to as Sandy Beach, is a local favorite and a hid­den gem for vis­i­tors. It’s the per­fect spot for a scenic stroll, and locals love bring­ing their dogs here to run. Be sure to bring your cam­era — this is one of the best places to snap a pho­to, whether it’s the moun­tains, the water, or a bald eagle soar­ing by.


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