Photo Credit: Northstar Trekking

Juneau Guided Hiking

Hiking tours in Juneau combine many Alaskan adventures into one! Canoe across a lake to the iconic Mendenhall Glacier, where you’ll embark on a hike alongside the glacier and take in stunning sights. Board a helicopter for a remarkable landing on the glacier itself. Or, for a fun twist, experience the sport of packrafting.

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Guided Hiking

Season: Late April - Early October Call for rates 3.25 - 5.25 hrs

North­star Heli­copters oper­ates out of Juneau and caters to all styles of explo­ration. The curi­ous glac­i­er observ­er can sim­ply fly to the glac­i­er and snap pho­tographs from flat or rolling ter­rain. You can also choose to hike on the glac­i­er itself. If you’re very adven­tur­ous, you can even learn how to climb on the ice walls. No mat­ter which option you choose, North­Star Heli­copters will guide you all the way, mak­ing sure you get the most out of this  ...more

Season: June - August $789 5 hrs

Expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate Alaskan adven­ture with Above & Beyond Alaska’s Fly-In Glac­i­er Hike & Pack­raft tour! Explore glac­i­ers in a 5‑hour jour­ney, includ­ing flight­see­ing, hik­ing, and pack­raft­ing. Max­i­mum 6 peo­ple per tour.

$359 per person 5.5 hrs

Feel the tru­ly unique thrill of walk­ing on an ancient glac­i­er. This unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence begins with a canoe trip to the glac­i­er, where you’ll don cram­pons and explore the gor­geous blue ice…no expe­ri­ence required!

Season: May - September $389+ 2-3 hrs

A tour aboard a TEM­SCO heli­copter offers beau­ti­ful views of Alaska’s Cap­i­tal City, and up-close explo­ration of Menden­hall, one of the state’s most acces­si­ble glac­i­ers. Look out on alpine lakes, moraines, and crevass­es before you land and check out the Juneau Ice­field for yourself.

Season: May - September $339+ per person 6 hrs

Canoe across a lake to Menden­hall Glac­i­er glac­i­er, Keep­ing an eye out for arc­tic terns, moun­tain goats, and ice­bergs float­ing in the water. Then, land on the glac­i­er beach and walk about a mile along­side the glac­i­er, explor­ing as you go — there may even be ice caves to check out.
