Photo Credit: Glacier Gardens Rainforest Adventure

Juneau Gardens & Arboretums

Explore vibrant blooms, lush foliage, and breathtaking landscapes at these enchanting Juneau gardens. Take a guided tour to uncover the secrets and stories behind each plant and flower.

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Gardens & Arboretums

Season: May 1 - October 25 $36.70

Tucked inside the lush Ton­gass Nation­al For­est, dis­cov­er an Alaskan botan­i­cal gar­den unlike any­where else in the world. A 2012 Read­er’s Digest poll chose Glac­i­er Gar­dens out of thou­sands of entries as the Most Inter­est­ing Land­mark in Amer­i­ca! Vibrant hang­ing gar­dens spill from 15-foot-tall upside down tree Flower Tow­ers” and ele­gant­ly designed land­scapes com­pli­ment the nat­ur­al beau­ty of the rain­for­est. Explore these unique gar­dens on a guided  ...more
