Photo Credit: Glacier Gardens Rainforest Adventure

Juneau Day Tours & Attractions

If you're visiting Juneau on your own or as a passenger on a cruise, these are our top picks for day tours.

You might spend your time in Juneau on the water, looking for whales, sea kayaking, canoeing, or rafting.

Or maybe you're after a top-notch glacier experience! In Juneau you can fly over the massive Juneau Icefield on a flightseeing tour, or trek on the ice. You can combine a flightseeing and glacier experience with a third iconic Alaska experience, dog sledding, on a glacier dog sled tour.

Juneau also offers the opportunity to see bears in their natural environment with a quick flight to nearby Pack Creek Bear Sanctuary.

Take in the views of the lush rainforest by exploring the local trails, joining a bicycle tour, or visiting the Glacier Gardens, tucked into the Tongass National Forest.

History buffs will enjoy the Juneau Douglas City Museum.

Day Cruises View All

Tours from Juneau • Whales • Eagles
Season: May - September $189 3.75 hrs

Plen­ty of whale tours let you watch the orcas and hump­backs as they breach and spout from the water — but not many also let you eaves­drop on the big mam­mals’ con­ver­sa­tions. This 3.5‑hour tour out of Juneau is equipped with an ampli­fied hydrophone sys­tem; lis­ten to the whales under­wa­ter while enjoy­ing the lush rain­for­est views. Onboard the North Star — a 48-pas­sen­ger jet boat with large win­dows, an out­side view­ing deck, and a com­fort­able inside  ...more

Season: May 1 - Oct 2 $169+ 3.5+ hrs

Juneau’s glac­i­ers pro­duce nutri­ent-dense waters mak­ing the waters a prime feed­ing ground for hump­back whales. Alas­ka Tales’ boats are inti­mate (49 pas­sen­gers max), and they’re super-fast, so you’ll get out to see the whales in no time. You also have the option of adding a stop at the Menden­hall Glac­i­er Vis­i­tor Cen­ter pri­or to your whale watch­ing tour.


Airboat Tours View All

Season: May 10–September 15 Call for rates 3.25 hrs

Enjoy a thrilling trio of icon­ic Alaskan activ­i­ties — heli-flight­see­ing, air­boat­ing, and a glac­i­er land­ing — all in a com­pact 3 hours. You’ll also take in some amaz­ing views on this unfor­get­table excur­sion out of Juneau with North­Star Helicopters.


Gold Panning Tours View All

Season: Late April - early October $99 1.5 hrs

Come on this 1 ½‑hour tour out­side Juneau, and you’ll get a big appre­ci­a­tion for prospec­tors who arrived here more than 100 years ago: This water is seri­ous­ly cold. But this quick stroll into Alaska’s gold-fever-influ­enced past offers a fun his­to­ry les­son, as well as a pleas­ant­ly short turn at pan­ning in that icy water your­self — with a guar­an­tee that you’ll score a lit­tle gold to take home. Alas­ka Trav­el Adven­tures’ His­toric Gold Mining &  ...more

$79 1.5-2 hrs

Get a serv­ing of his­to­ry along with a clas­sic Alaskan feast. The Gold Creek Salmon Bake, a two-hour expe­ri­ence out of Juneau, has been run­ning for more than 30 years. It’s a great meal and an Alaskan tra­di­tion. You’re dis­patched from your hotel and brought to a cor­ner of the South­east Alas­ka rain­for­est, which saw lots of activ­i­ty dur­ing Alaska’s Gold Rush.


Trams View All

Season: May - September $60

Take a five-minute ride from the cruise ship pier to the Moun­tain House,1,800′ up Mount Roberts, where the Chilkat Moun­tains, the Gastineau Chan­nel, down­town Juneau, Dou­glas Island, and Admi­ral­ty Island spread out before you. Vis­it the gift shop, restau­rant, live bald eagle dis­play, and nature cen­ter. Check out the wildlife view­ing plat­forms and fol­low the self-guid­ed trail marked by Native totemic carv­ings for access to upper alpine hiking  ...more


Fishing Charters View All

Cast your line targeting halibut, rockfish, lingcod, and salmon

Season: Mid-May through early September Day to Multi-day

Hit the fish-rich waters of Alas­ka on this unfor­get­table fish­ing char­ter aboard a pri­vate yacht. Head out from Juneau for a mul­ti-day expe­di­tion that’s per­fect for every­one from begin­ners to hard­core anglers, as well as any­one who wants to join the adven­ture! Fish, kayak, take the zodi­ac ashore for excur­sions, stop in the small towns of Elfin Cove and Hoonah, and fish the Gulf of Alaska.

Season: May 1 – Sept 30 $750+ per person 5.5 - 8.5 hrs

Enjoy a scenic float­plane jour­ney into the vast Ton­gass Nation­al For­est for a day of fish­ing salmon, char, and trout. Whether you’re a begin­ner or an expe­ri­enced angler, expert guides will ensure a mem­o­rable adven­ture, com­plete with high-qual­i­ty gear and the chance to spot wildlife. This catch-and-release adven­ture is per­fect for cruise ship pas­sen­gers and offers an authen­tic Alaskan expe­ri­ence, includ­ing snacks and a shore lunch on full-day  ...more


Sea Kayaking Tours View All

$419+ per person 6 hrs

Take a scenic cruise and kayak through gor­geous sur­round­ings as mag­nif­i­cent whales pierce the sur­face of the water on this six-hour expe­di­tion from Juneau. Your des­ti­na­tion is the Chan­nel Islands, the whales’ annu­al feed­ing ground — and your guides will assess where the most whale activ­i­ty has been happening.

Season: Apr 21 - Oct 13 $154 3.5 hours

Glac­i­erview Sea Kayak­ing with Alas­ka Trav­el Adven­tures offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to kayak through Auke Bay while enjoy­ing views of Menden­hall Glac­i­er. You’ll also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see wildlife like whales, sea lions, seals, and bald eagles. Kayak­ing offers a much more inti­mate and qui­et expe­ri­ence than oth­er boat tours; at the same time, it is per­fect for trav­el­ers who want an adven­ture. And even if you’ve nev­er pad­dled a kayak before, a  ...more


Flightseeing & Heli-Hiking View All

Glacier Dogsled tours • Fly to a secluded lodge • Glacier landings
Season: May - September $389+ 2-3 hrs

A tour aboard a TEM­SCO heli­copter offers beau­ti­ful views of Alaska’s Cap­i­tal City, and up-close explo­ration of Menden­hall, one of the state’s most acces­si­ble glac­i­ers. Look out on alpine lakes, moraines, and crevass­es before you land and check out the Juneau Ice­field for yourself.

Season: May 10–September 15 Call for rates 3.25 hrs

Enjoy a thrilling trio of icon­ic Alaskan activ­i­ties — heli-flight­see­ing, air­boat­ing, and a glac­i­er land­ing — all in a com­pact 3 hours. You’ll also take in some amaz­ing views on this unfor­get­table excur­sion out of Juneau with North­Star Helicopters.

$325+ 40 min - 3 hrs

Go with Wings Air­ways and you’ll take off from Juneau in a 10-pas­sen­ger DeHav­il­land Otter float­plane and get a lush view of the city as well as the sur­round­ing moun­tains and ice fields. Opt for a 40-minute flight see­ing tour, or book the Flight and Feast Tour,” which takes you to dine at a 1920’s lodge.

Season: Late April - Early October Call for rates 3.25 - 5.25 hrs

North­star Heli­copters oper­ates out of Juneau and caters to all styles of explo­ration. The curi­ous glac­i­er observ­er can sim­ply fly to the glac­i­er and snap pho­tographs from flat or rolling ter­rain. You can also choose to hike on the glac­i­er itself. If you’re very adven­tur­ous, you can even learn how to climb on the ice walls. No mat­ter which option you choose, North­Star Heli­copters will guide you all the way, mak­ing sure you get the most out of this  ...more


Dog Sledding View All

Glacier Dog sledding
Season: May - September $389+ 2-3 hrs

A tour aboard a TEM­SCO heli­copter offers beau­ti­ful views of Alaska’s Cap­i­tal City, and up-close explo­ration of Menden­hall, one of the state’s most acces­si­ble glac­i­ers. Look out on alpine lakes, moraines, and crevass­es before you land and check out the Juneau Ice­field for yourself.

Season: May - September $689+ 1.5 hrs

Hop on a TEM­SCO heli­copter for an Alaskan adven­ture com­bin­ing avi­a­tion, sled dogs and mas­sive glac­i­ers. Get an amaz­ing view of the gor­geous land­scape sur­round­ing Juneau, and then ride along as an ener­getic team of huskies tours you around the ancient, snow-packed Menden­hall glacier.

Season: May 5 - Aug 31 Call for rates

Get great views with some hands-on fun — com­bine a scenic flight­see­ing heli­copter tour with the exhil­a­ra­tion of dog mush­ing on a glac­i­er with a team of Alaskan Sled dogs! 


Canoeing Tours View All

Paddle a canoe in front of the impressive Mendenhall Glacier

$359 per person 5.5 hrs

Feel the tru­ly unique thrill of walk­ing on an ancient glac­i­er. This unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence begins with a canoe trip to the glac­i­er, where you’ll don cram­pons and explore the gor­geous blue ice…no expe­ri­ence required!

Season: May 2 – Sep 25 $339+ per person 6 hrs

Canoe across a lake to Menden­hall Glac­i­er glac­i­er, Keep­ing an eye out for arc­tic terns, moun­tain goats, and ice­bergs float­ing in the water. Then, land on the glac­i­er beach and walk about a mile along­side the glac­i­er, explor­ing as you go — there may even be ice caves to check out.


Rafting Tours View All

Mendenhall River • Mendenhall Glacier views • Calm water
$209 3.5 hrs

The focus of the 3.5‑hour Menden­hall Glac­i­er Float Trip is great views of the name­sake glac­i­er, which is 1.5 miles wide, 150 feet high, and the most famous part of the mas­sive Juneau Ice­field that even John Muir once raved about. Glide along the ice­berg-stud­ded lake and scope out the glac­i­er, get­ting up-close views of hang­ing glac­i­ers and tow­er­ing peaks. Keep an eye out for birds nest­ing in the rocky cliffs, as well as otters, seals, black  ...more

Season: May 28 – Sept 15 $789 5 hrs

Expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate Alaskan adven­ture with Above & Beyond Alaska’s Fly-In Glac­i­er Hike & Pack­raft tour! Explore glac­i­ers in a 5‑hour jour­ney, includ­ing flight­see­ing, hik­ing, and pack­raft­ing. Max­i­mum 6 peo­ple per tour.


Bear Viewing Tours View All

With just a short flight from Juneau, visitors are immersed in bear country

Season: May - September $989 7 - 8 hrs

Pack Creek Bear Tours offers ful­ly guid­ed adven­tures to Admi­ral­ty Island or Chichagof Island, each home to more than 1,500 brown bears! After a beau­ti­ful 20- or 25-minute float­plane ride, you’ll land on a remote beach. Take a short walk to the bear-view­ing area, where you can watch these mag­nif­i­cent crea­tures for hours in their nat­ur­al environment.

Season: May 1 – Sept 30 $999+ 5.5 hrs

The jour­ney is not just about bears; you might also encounter seals, sea lions, moose, wolves, and an array of birdlife. Ide­al for cruise ship vis­i­tors, this tour is designed to suit both short and full-day sched­ules, with snacks and a deli­cious shore lunch pro­vid­ed on longer trips. Expe­ri­ence the mag­ic of Alaska’s wilder­ness and its majes­tic bears in a safe, respect­ful, and inti­mate setting.

Season: Early-May to Mid-Sept $999 5.5 - 6.5 hrs

Bear” wit­ness to the largest con­cen­tra­tion of brown bears any­where in the world. Admi­ral­ty and Chichagof Islands are unique­ly acces­si­ble; just a short flight from Juneau, and Wild Coast’s dai­ly small-group trips are sched­uled to work for cruise ship guests and inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers alike. All trips have a net-pos­i­tive impact on the envi­ron­ment by being 125% Carbon-Negative!


Bicycle Day Tours View All

Season: May - September Call for rates 4 - 4.5 hrs

Ped­al past glac­i­ers, moun­tains, water, and his­toric sites on this active, insid­er look at the Cap­i­tal City with Cycle Alas­ka. The com­pa­ny fea­tures local guides, small group sizes, and a vari­ety of bike tours. Bike rentals are also available.


City Sightseeing Tours View All

Season: Museum: Year-Round, Walking Tours: May - September $7 admission only | $31.50 walking tours (includes admission)

This muse­um sits on the site where Alas­ka offi­cial­ly became a state. View the exhibits and watch an award-win­ning doc­u­men­tary about the city. Plus, the City Muse­um doesn’t end at the building’s walls. From May to Sep­tem­ber, you can take walk­ing tours of his­toric down­town Juneau and the Alas­ka State Capitol.

Season: May 1 - October 25 $36.70

Tucked inside the lush Ton­gass Nation­al For­est, dis­cov­er an Alaskan botan­i­cal gar­den unlike any­where else in the world. A 2012 Read­er’s Digest poll chose Glac­i­er Gar­dens out of thou­sands of entries as the Most Inter­est­ing Land­mark in Amer­i­ca! Vibrant hang­ing gar­dens spill from 15-foot-tall upside down tree Flower Tow­ers” and ele­gant­ly designed land­scapes com­pli­ment the nat­ur­al beau­ty of the rain­for­est. Explore these unique gar­dens on a guided  ...more


Zipline Tours View All


Sailing & Private Yacht Charters View All

Cruise around Juneau and Glacier Bay on a private sailing adventure

Season: May to mid-September 7 days / 6 nights

Explore Alas­ka by char­ter­ing the 90-foot yacht Alaskan Sto­ry, out of Juneau. It’s the per­fect way to see some of the state’s most stun­ning­ly beau­ti­ful areas, like Glac­i­er Bay Nation­al Park, and enjoy lots of oppor­tu­ni­ties for fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and wildlife view­ing along the way.

Season: Mid-May through early September Day to Multi-day

Hit the fish-rich waters of Alas­ka on this unfor­get­table fish­ing char­ter aboard a pri­vate yacht. Head out from Juneau for a mul­ti-day expe­di­tion that’s per­fect for every­one from begin­ners to hard­core anglers, as well as any­one who wants to join the adven­ture! Fish, kayak, take the zodi­ac ashore for excur­sions, stop in the small towns of Elfin Cove and Hoonah, and fish the Gulf of Alaska.

Season: May 1 - September 1 Custom Trips, Call for Quote 3 - 21 Days

Dis­cov­er South­east Alaska’s nat­ur­al won­ders aboard a char­tered sail­boat with Sail­ing Alas­ka. Cus­tomize your pri­vate expe­di­tion with expe­ri­enced cap­tain John Joeright and enjoy all-inclu­sive meals, com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tions, and end­less adven­tures on the 46-foot S/V Sham­rock. Watch whales, hike, fish, vis­it local com­mu­ni­ties, and more — all at your own pace.


Glacier Tours View All

Experience the Juneau Icefield or Mendenhall Glacier on a guided tour. View from the water, go for a glacier trek, or view from above on a flightseeing tour.

Season: Late April - Early October Call for rates 3.25 - 5.25 hrs

North­star Heli­copters oper­ates out of Juneau and caters to all styles of explo­ration. The curi­ous glac­i­er observ­er can sim­ply fly to the glac­i­er and snap pho­tographs from flat or rolling ter­rain. You can also choose to hike on the glac­i­er itself. If you’re very adven­tur­ous, you can even learn how to climb on the ice walls. No mat­ter which option you choose, North­Star Heli­copters will guide you all the way, mak­ing sure you get the most out of this  ...more

Season: May 28 – Sept 15 $789 5 hrs

Expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate Alaskan adven­ture with Above & Beyond Alaska’s Fly-In Glac­i­er Hike & Pack­raft tour! Explore glac­i­ers in a 5‑hour jour­ney, includ­ing flight­see­ing, hik­ing, and pack­raft­ing. Max­i­mum 6 peo­ple per tour.

Season: May 2 – Sep 25 $339+ per person 6 hrs

Canoe across a lake to Menden­hall Glac­i­er glac­i­er, Keep­ing an eye out for arc­tic terns, moun­tain goats, and ice­bergs float­ing in the water. Then, land on the glac­i­er beach and walk about a mile along­side the glac­i­er, explor­ing as you go — there may even be ice caves to check out.

Season: May - September $389+ 2-3 hrs

A tour aboard a TEM­SCO heli­copter offers beau­ti­ful views of Alaska’s Cap­i­tal City, and up-close explo­ration of Menden­hall, one of the state’s most acces­si­ble glac­i­ers. Look out on alpine lakes, moraines, and crevass­es before you land and check out the Juneau Ice­field for yourself.

Season: Apr 21 - Oct 13 $154 3.5 hours

Glac­i­erview Sea Kayak­ing with Alas­ka Trav­el Adven­tures offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to kayak through Auke Bay while enjoy­ing views of Menden­hall Glac­i­er. You’ll also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see wildlife like whales, sea lions, seals, and bald eagles. Kayak­ing offers a much more inti­mate and qui­et expe­ri­ence than oth­er boat tours; at the same time, it is per­fect for trav­el­ers who want an adven­ture. And even if you’ve nev­er pad­dled a kayak before, a  ...more

Season: May 5 - Aug 31 Call for rates

Get great views with some hands-on fun — com­bine a scenic flight­see­ing heli­copter tour with the exhil­a­ra­tion of dog mush­ing on a glac­i­er with a team of Alaskan Sled dogs! 

$209 3.5 hrs

The focus of the 3.5‑hour Menden­hall Glac­i­er Float Trip is great views of the name­sake glac­i­er, which is 1.5 miles wide, 150 feet high, and the most famous part of the mas­sive Juneau Ice­field that even John Muir once raved about. Glide along the ice­berg-stud­ded lake and scope out the glac­i­er, get­ting up-close views of hang­ing glac­i­ers and tow­er­ing peaks. Keep an eye out for birds nest­ing in the rocky cliffs, as well as otters, seals, black  ...more

Season: May 10–September 15 Call for rates 3.25 hrs

Enjoy a thrilling trio of icon­ic Alaskan activ­i­ties — heli-flight­see­ing, air­boat­ing, and a glac­i­er land­ing — all in a com­pact 3 hours. You’ll also take in some amaz­ing views on this unfor­get­table excur­sion out of Juneau with North­Star Helicopters.

$325+ 40 min - 3 hrs

Go with Wings Air­ways and you’ll take off from Juneau in a 10-pas­sen­ger DeHav­il­land Otter float­plane and get a lush view of the city as well as the sur­round­ing moun­tains and ice fields. Opt for a 40-minute flight see­ing tour, or book the Flight and Feast Tour,” which takes you to dine at a 1920’s lodge.

$359 per person 5.5 hrs

Feel the tru­ly unique thrill of walk­ing on an ancient glac­i­er. This unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence begins with a canoe trip to the glac­i­er, where you’ll don cram­pons and explore the gor­geous blue ice…no expe­ri­ence required!


Ski Areas View All

Ski Juneau with a 1.5 hr flight from Anchorage or 2 hr 20 flight from Seattle! Ski the slopes with ocean views.

With a 1,620 ft. ver­ti­cal drop, 640 acres, and impres­sive back­coun­try access, Eagle­crest com­bines big moun­tain ter­rain with a local feel in Alaska’s cap­i­tal city. It’s one of the few com­mu­ni­ty-owned ski areas in the US, offer­ing afford­able prices, few­er crowds, and breath­tak­ing ocean views. You can’t dri­ve to Juneau— you have to fly, or fer­ry, which means short­er lift lines and untracked pow­der. Whether you are a begin­ner look­ing to play in the  ...more


Walking Tours View All

Season: Museum: Year-Round, Walking Tours: May - September $7 admission only | $31.50 walking tours (includes admission)

This muse­um sits on the site where Alas­ka offi­cial­ly became a state. View the exhibits and watch an award-win­ning doc­u­men­tary about the city. Plus, the City Muse­um doesn’t end at the building’s walls. From May to Sep­tem­ber, you can take walk­ing tours of his­toric down­town Juneau and the Alas­ka State Capitol.


Museums & Cultural Centers View All

Season: Museum: Year-Round, Walking Tours: May - September $7 admission only | $31.50 walking tours (includes admission)

This muse­um sits on the site where Alas­ka offi­cial­ly became a state. View the exhibits and watch an award-win­ning doc­u­men­tary about the city. Plus, the City Muse­um doesn’t end at the building’s walls. From May to Sep­tem­ber, you can take walk­ing tours of his­toric down­town Juneau and the Alas­ka State Capitol.


Visitor Information Centers View All


Plays & Performances View All

Per­se­ver­ance The­atre cre­ates pro­fes­sion­al the­atre by and for Alaskans. Found­ed in Juneau in 1979 by Mol­ly Smith, the The­atre has since grown into Alaska’s flag­ship pro­fes­sion­al the­atre, serv­ing near­ly 15,000 artists and audi­ences each year. Despite being a com­mu­ni­ty of only 30,000, and only acces­si­ble by boat or plane, Juneau has proven to be an ide­al home for the The­atre. Com­mu­ni­ty vol­un­teers help build our sets, run our pro­duc­tions and staff…  ...more


Fairs & Festivals View All


Historic Parks & Sites View All


Gardens & Arboretums View All

Season: May 1 - October 25 $36.70

Tucked inside the lush Ton­gass Nation­al For­est, dis­cov­er an Alaskan botan­i­cal gar­den unlike any­where else in the world. A 2012 Read­er’s Digest poll chose Glac­i­er Gar­dens out of thou­sands of entries as the Most Inter­est­ing Land­mark in Amer­i­ca! Vibrant hang­ing gar­dens spill from 15-foot-tall upside down tree Flower Tow­ers” and ele­gant­ly designed land­scapes com­pli­ment the nat­ur­al beau­ty of the rain­for­est. Explore these unique gar­dens on a guided  ...more


Whale Watching Tours View All

Season: May 1 - Oct 2 $169+ 3.5+ hrs

Juneau’s glac­i­ers pro­duce nutri­ent-dense waters mak­ing the waters a prime feed­ing ground for hump­back whales. Alas­ka Tales’ boats are inti­mate (49 pas­sen­gers max), and they’re super-fast, so you’ll get out to see the whales in no time. You also have the option of adding a stop at the Menden­hall Glac­i­er Vis­i­tor Cen­ter pri­or to your whale watch­ing tour.

$419+ per person 6 hrs

Take a scenic cruise and kayak through gor­geous sur­round­ings as mag­nif­i­cent whales pierce the sur­face of the water on this six-hour expe­di­tion from Juneau. Your des­ti­na­tion is the Chan­nel Islands, the whales’ annu­al feed­ing ground — and your guides will assess where the most whale activ­i­ty has been happening.

Season: May - September $189 3.75 hrs

Plen­ty of whale tours let you watch the orcas and hump­backs as they breach and spout from the water — but not many also let you eaves­drop on the big mam­mals’ con­ver­sa­tions. This 3.5‑hour tour out of Juneau is equipped with an ampli­fied hydrophone sys­tem; lis­ten to the whales under­wa­ter while enjoy­ing the lush rain­for­est views. Onboard the North Star — a 48-pas­sen­ger jet boat with large win­dows, an out­side view­ing deck, and a com­fort­able inside  ...more


Wildlife Parks View All


Guided Hiking View All

Glacier views • Ice climbing • Heli-hiking

Season: Late April - Early October Call for rates 3.25 - 5.25 hrs

North­star Heli­copters oper­ates out of Juneau and caters to all styles of explo­ration. The curi­ous glac­i­er observ­er can sim­ply fly to the glac­i­er and snap pho­tographs from flat or rolling ter­rain. You can also choose to hike on the glac­i­er itself. If you’re very adven­tur­ous, you can even learn how to climb on the ice walls. No mat­ter which option you choose, North­Star Heli­copters will guide you all the way, mak­ing sure you get the most out of this  ...more

Season: May 28 – Sept 15 $789 5 hrs

Expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate Alaskan adven­ture with Above & Beyond Alaska’s Fly-In Glac­i­er Hike & Pack­raft tour! Explore glac­i­ers in a 5‑hour jour­ney, includ­ing flight­see­ing, hik­ing, and pack­raft­ing. Max­i­mum 6 peo­ple per tour.

Season: May - September $389+ 2-3 hrs

A tour aboard a TEM­SCO heli­copter offers beau­ti­ful views of Alaska’s Cap­i­tal City, and up-close explo­ration of Menden­hall, one of the state’s most acces­si­ble glac­i­ers. Look out on alpine lakes, moraines, and crevass­es before you land and check out the Juneau Ice­field for yourself.

Season: May 2 – Sep 25 $339+ per person 6 hrs

Canoe across a lake to Menden­hall Glac­i­er glac­i­er, Keep­ing an eye out for arc­tic terns, moun­tain goats, and ice­bergs float­ing in the water. Then, land on the glac­i­er beach and walk about a mile along­side the glac­i­er, explor­ing as you go — there may even be ice caves to check out.

$359 per person 5.5 hrs

Feel the tru­ly unique thrill of walk­ing on an ancient glac­i­er. This unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence begins with a canoe trip to the glac­i­er, where you’ll don cram­pons and explore the gor­geous blue ice…no expe­ri­ence required!


Gardens & Arboretums View All

Season: May 1 - October 25 $36.70

Tucked inside the lush Ton­gass Nation­al For­est, dis­cov­er an Alaskan botan­i­cal gar­den unlike any­where else in the world. A 2012 Read­er’s Digest poll chose Glac­i­er Gar­dens out of thou­sands of entries as the Most Inter­est­ing Land­mark in Amer­i­ca! Vibrant hang­ing gar­dens spill from 15-foot-tall upside down tree Flower Tow­ers” and ele­gant­ly designed land­scapes com­pli­ment the nat­ur­al beau­ty of the rain­for­est. Explore these unique gar­dens on a guided  ...more


Winter Activities View All

Hit the slopes at the community-owned ski area with breathtaking ocean views

With a 1,620 ft. ver­ti­cal drop, 640 acres, and impres­sive back­coun­try access, Eagle­crest com­bines big moun­tain ter­rain with a local feel in Alaska’s cap­i­tal city. It’s one of the few com­mu­ni­ty-owned ski areas in the US, offer­ing afford­able prices, few­er crowds, and breath­tak­ing ocean views. You can’t dri­ve to Juneau— you have to fly, or fer­ry, which means short­er lift lines and untracked pow­der. Whether you are a begin­ner look­ing to play in the  ...more


Points of Interest View All

Juneau is a pop­u­lar whale view­ing spot, but you can also see sea lions, eagles, bears, and more. See our list of spots and tours.

One of the most inter­est­ing nat­ur­al fea­tures near Juneau, this spec­tac­u­lar water­fall plunges about 377 feet down the rugged moun­tain­side into Menden­hall Lake about three-quar­ter miles south of the active face of Menden­hall Glacier.

Don’t look for a dome and don’t look for big grounds; Alaska’s capi­tol build­ing is one of the few that have nei­ther. That’s because the ter­ri­to­ry of Alas­ka had trou­ble secur­ing fund­ing and land for the build­ing, rely­ing on local res­i­dents to pro­vide fund­ing. Com­plet­ed in 1931, it housed the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment until state­hood in 1959. Today, the large, boxy build­ing — and the loca­tion — aren’t pop­u­lar with locals, but efforts to fund a new…  ...more

This 12-mile glac­i­er is part of Ton­gass Nation­al For­est and its vis­i­tors’ cen­ter is just a half mile from the glacier’s face. Once dubbed the Auk Glac­i­er by John Muir (after a mem­ber of the Tlin­git tribe), 

A high­light for many vis­i­tors, this chapel lies 22 miles north of Juneau off of the Glac­i­er High­way. As Juneau’s expen­sive water­front homes peter out, the Shrine of St. Therese appears on your left. It’s in a stun­ning set­ting, on an island with crash­ing surf, moun­tain views, and a rugged coast­line, where you can look for hump­back whales and sea lions. Take the trail from the park­ing lot back to a caretaker’s head­quar­ters, a small stone…  ...more


Scenic Day Drives View All
