Photo Credit: Glacier Wind Charters Whale Watching

Things to Do in Hoonah / Icy Strait

Things to Do

Day Tours View All

Season: Mid-May through early September Day to Multi-day

Hit the fish-rich waters of Alas­ka on this unfor­get­table fish­ing char­ter aboard a pri­vate yacht. Head out from Juneau for a mul­ti-day expe­di­tion that’s per­fect for every­one from begin­ners to hard­core anglers, as well as any­one who wants to join the adven­ture! Fish, kayak, take the zodi­ac ashore for excur­sions, stop in the small towns of Elfin Cove and Hoonah, and fish the Gulf of Alaska.

Season: May - Sept $200+ per person 3 hrs

You’ll be sur­round­ed in one of the largest sum­mer pop­u­la­tions of hump­back whales found in Alas­ka with Glac­i­er Wind Char­ter’s small group tours. Keep an eye out for oth­er wildlife, like eagles, sea lions, seals, sea otters. You may even see coastal brown bears, eat­ing plants along the shore.

Season: April-October $120+ 2-3 hrs

Join Wilder­ness Island Tours for an immer­sive jour­ney through Chichagof Island’s rugged beau­ty. Led by Native Alaskan guides, this adven­ture offers stun­ning land­scapes, cul­tur­al sto­ry­telling, and the chance to wit­ness brown bears in their nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment — all while sup­port­ing the local community.

Season: Early-May to Mid-Sept $999 5.5 - 6.5 hrs

Bear” wit­ness to the largest con­cen­tra­tion of brown bears any­where in the world. Admi­ral­ty and Chichagof Islands are unique­ly acces­si­ble; just a short flight from Juneau, and Wild Coast’s dai­ly small-group trips are sched­uled to work for cruise ship guests and inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers alike. All trips have a net-pos­i­tive impact on the envi­ron­ment by being 125% Carbon-Negative!

The ren­o­vat­ed, his­toric can­nery is the base for more than 20 local tours includ­ing bear-view­ing at near­by Spassky Creek, bird-watch­ing and guar­an­teed whale watch­ing. It also fea­tures restau­rants, a walk­ing trail, a can­nery muse­um and the world’s largest ZipRider.

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