Homer Wineries & Breweries

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Wineries & Breweries

Homer Brew­ing Com­pa­ny opened its doors in 1996 and has been a local fix­ture ever since. The brew­ery is open 7 days a week, until about 6pm (hours vary slight­ly, so it does­n’t hurt to call ahead). While there isn’t an offi­cial tour, you’re wel­come to look around while you enjoy your brew. 

Dis­cov­er the unique selec­tions of alco­holic and non-alco­holic bev­er­ages at this fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed craft brew­ery in the heart of beau­ti­ful Homer, Alas­ka. Con­nect with Homer’s com­mu­ni­ty at their brew­ery events, includ­ing local artists and chefs. Vis­it their web­site to see the full cal­en­dar of events.
