The Best Things To Do In Homer

1. Bear Viewing

Homer is close to Katmai National Park and Lake Clark National Park, both densely populated with Alaska’s massive brown bears.

Hop on a 1.5 hour scenic flight across Cook Inlet for an amazing day watching these bruins in their natural habitats: along the coastline or at the famed Brooks Falls. Choose the latter to get one of those iconic photos of bears catching salmon as they jump up the falls.

For a quieter day trip with fewer people, hike with your guide to watch as coastal brown bears feast on sedge grass, dig for clams or catch salmon coming in with the tide. Either choice provides hours of fascinating viewing as bears move through their pristine Alaskan habitats.

2. Explore Kachemak Bay & Waters Beyond

Kachemak Bay is one of the richest marine estuaries in the world. Hire a small boat or water taxi for a custom, small group (or private) day cruise. Look for humpbacks and orcas and appreciate the spectacular landscape. If the afternoon on the water isn't enough, join a multi-day cruise where you'll kayak, paddleboard, fish, and explore from a private yacht.

Go paddleboarding or sea kayaking for a more hands-on experience. You might paddle past remote islands or a seabird rookery, looking for puffins, sea otters, and a multitude of marine life.

For a one-of-a-kind adventure, use Homer as a launching point to join Destination Alaska on an exclusive fly-out from Homer to jet ski near glaciers in Kenai Fjords National Park.

3. Land Adventures - Hiking, Golf, & Argo Tours

Trails into the hills above Homer bring you great exercise, the beauties of trees and flowers, the occasional encounter with wildlife, and great views of the mountains across Kachemak Bay. Or descend to the beach from the Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center.

But you can discover some of Alaska's best hiking in Kachemak Bay State Park, with more than 80 miles of trails. Find trails to glaciers, mountain lakes, and miles of uninhabited beaches. It all starts with a 20-minute water taxi across the Bay. Popular trails include the easy, well-maintained Grewingk Glacier hike, or the more challenging Sadie Knob or Grace Ridge Trail hikes that promise higher elevations and amazing views. Or take a guided hike.

Explore the area on an 8x8 Argo tour. These sim­ple to dri­ve, amphibi­ous vehi­cles are a fun way to explore the backcountry.

Visit the 9-hole, par 3 Homer Golf Course for a round of golf while enjoying views of Kachemak Bay and Grewingk Glacier. Fun fact: it’s the last golf course in America at “the end of the road”—but it’s also a great spot to just relax with a beer or a glass of wine and take in the truly stunning views. You don't even have to golf!

4. World-Class Fishing for Salmon & Halibut

Homer is known for some of the world's best halibut fishing just an hour's boat ride away.

Look for migrating whales while you cast your lure in search of monster halibut that can top the scales at several hundred pounds! You’ll find both full and half-day charters leaving out of Homer.

Some focus on halibut; others on the spectacular salmon fishery, where you can fish for Kings year round.

Like variety? Opt for a combo trip. You may target different species of salmon along with halibut, or have a rollicking time chasing rockfish, lingcod or even salmon sharks, all with guidance from knowledgeable (and enthusiastic) charter operators.

5. Go to the Beach for Tidepooling, Birding & More

Stroll Homer’s easily accessible beaches in search of marine life, eagles, seabirds, and the dramatic changes revealed by extreme tides. Boots are highly recommended for full-on exploring, along with warm layers and a windbreaker.

Walk for miles along the Homer Spit, which is usually bustling with tourists, tent-campers, water taxis and charter boats. Tidepools abound at nearby Bishop’s Beach, where you can spot colorful anemones, sea stars, jellyfish, and mussels clustered on larger rocks. Extreme tidal changes (between 15 and 28 feet) contribute to the rich ecosystem around you.

Bonus find: the nearby boardwalk trail around Beluga Slough, which attracts shorebirds in all seasons.

6. Browse Local Art & Museums

Homer’s gorgeous setting on Kachemak Bay is muse to a multitude of artists, providing a wide range of styles for browsing and buying. Stroll “Gallery Row”, or walk the shops along the boardwalk on The Homer Spit. You’ll find everything from detailed prints made with octopus ink to historic Alaskan photographs, colorful jewelry and stylish but functional pottery. With inspiration drawn from land and sea, Homer’s artistic community offers one-of-a-kind options for both serious and impromptu collectors.

Spend a full day learning about Kachemak Bay and Homer’s history with engaging indoor and outdoor exhibits. The Pratt Museum focuses on art, natural history, native cultures, homesteading, fishing, and marine ecology. Join them in summer for local music jams and stroll through the botanical garden or visit an historic homesteader’s cabin.

The Alaska Islands & Oceans Visitor Center offers daily guided programs to the adjacent Beluga Slough and Bishop’s Beach in summer. Kids (and those young at heart) can earn a Jr. Biologist badge on a quest through informative indoor displays, featuring history, geology, wildlife, seabirds, and more.

7. Visit Nearby Seldovia or Halibut Cove

Take the 45-minute “Fast Ferry” from Homer to Seldovia to experience a charming and remote boardwalk community. As you cross Kachemak Bay, watch for diving seabirds, rafts of otters, or even humpback whales. Stroll along Seldovia’s bustling waterfront, visit art galleries, learn about Seldovia’s Russian origins and Native Alaska influences at the Seldovia Museum & Visitor Center, and stretch your legs on Rocky Ridge Trail, the Otter Bahn trail and Outside Beach.

Halibut Cove a fairy-tale hamlet of boardwalks and homes that perch on stilts high above the lapping waves of Kachemak Bay. Take a 45-minute water taxi or the Kachemak Bay Ferry to this remote artist’s community, well-removed from the noise and hubbub of town. Along the way you’ll likely see whiskered otters, playful porpoise and hundreds of seabirds near their gathering spot on Gull Island.

Once docked at Halibut Cove, stroll the boardwalks, enjoy a coffee at the water’s edge, stop in for killer chowder at the local restaurant and peruse any number of art galleries, along with one of the country’s only floating post offices.

8. Attend a Local Festival or Farmer's Market

For a small town, Homer has made its name with annual festivals well-known around the state. The largest is the Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival, celebrating the return of hundreds of thousands of shorebirds to Homer each May. From May to September you can enter the Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby, with prizes up to $25,000. It’s the state’s largest and longest-running derby, fitting for the “Halibut Capital of Alaska.” In September, sea chanteys and tall tales abound over the 4-day Kachemak Bay Wooden Boat Festival, which celebrates the city’s maritime heritage. Other festivals feature yacht races, highland games, and local music.

Homer’s close-knit community includes all kinds of artists, along with produce and flower farmers. Find their wares at the Homer Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays & Saturdays from late May to late September. Look for a bounty of fresh fruits and veggies, along with local cut flowers (peonies are a Homer specialty), fireweed honey, smoked salmon, and yummy baked goods. Live music gives this hopping market an enthusiastic local Homer vibe, including singer/songwriter guitarists, quartets and marimba bands!

Homer Day Tours & Attractions View All

Season: May - September $100+ 2 hrs - Full Day

Whether you’d like to go on a per­son­al­ized boat tour of the Homer area or take a water taxi to the Alaskan back­coun­try, Homer is an ide­al place to launch from, and Cold­wa­ter has the boats and exper­tise to get you there. Explore places like Kachemak Bay State Park, the small town of Sel­dovia, and pic­turesque Hal­ibut Cove.

Season: May 1–Sept 30 $300 4 hrs / $7,500+ 2+ days 4 hrs - 3+ days

Set sail on a lux­u­ri­ous 70-ft yacht out of Homer for 3+ days of fish­ing, hik­ing, kayak­ing, and wildlife view­ing while indulging in mass amounts of seafood. Your itin­er­ary will depend on the inter­ests of the group, and the expe­ri­enced local crew can ful­fill those interests.

Season: May 1 - Sept 15 $35,568+ Four-day, four-night all-inclusive

Char­ter their pri­vate, live-aboard, 60’ yacht. Wake up each day in the mid­dle of untouched wilder­ness and go sea kayak­ing, hike through bore­al forests, fish for tro­phy hal­ibut and salmon, or spend a qui­et day on the water pho­tograph­ing wildlife

Season: Open as soon as Mother Nature allows $20+ 9 holes

When is a golf course more than a golf course? When it’s the 9‑hole, par‑3 golf course in Homer, Alas­ka. Sure, you can play a round on this scenic course— it’s the last golf course in Amer­i­ca at the end of the road”, and the only golf course in Homer, Alas­ka —but it’s also a great spot to just relax with a beer or a glass of wine. Enjoy the breath­tak­ing views of Kachemak Bay and Grew­ingk Glac­i­er, all while enjoy­ing tem­per­a­tures that are  ...more

Season: Year Round $315+ ¾ & Full-day

Go fish! Cast your line for icon­ic Alaskan salmon and hal­ibut — as well as oth­er species — as you explore the shim­mer­ing waters around Homer with the pas­sion­ate fish­ing pros of Mav­er­ick Char­ters. The stun­ning area is one that many trav­el­ers don’t get to explore, and all ages can enjoy this unfor­get­table out­ing — no expe­ri­ence necessary!

$6995 (+ internal air) 6 Days / 5 Nights

In the best way pos­si­ble. you’re out­num­bered by bears dur­ing your stay at this pri­vate fly-in wilder­ness camp. Fly by char­tered plane from Homer to Alas­ka Bear Camp on a 5‑night, 6‑day all-inclu­sive pack­age. This deluxe back­coun­try camp accom­mo­dates just 14 guests in some of the best bear habi­tat in the world. In con­trast to day trips cater­ing to dozens of vis­i­tors at a time, Bear Camp offers a rare and exclu­sive wilder­ness immersion.

Season: June 1 - Sept 15 $1899 per person 4 - 8 hrs

For many Alaskan trav­el­ers, bears are the ulti­mate high­light. Pair a mag­nif­i­cent sight­ing with a gor­geous heli­copter flight­see­ing ride and you’ll have an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. On this unique tour from Homer, you’ll take a heli­copter ride out into one of Alaska’s gor­geous nation­al parks to wit­ness these spec­tac­u­lar crea­tures in the wild.

Season: May 20 - Sept 10 $1595+ 8 hrs

See Alaskan Coastal Brown Bears in the wild on a float­plane trip to Kat­mai Nation­al Park. Vis­it Brooks Falls or join a guid­ed tour to oth­er remote loca­tions with­in the park. Both trips pro­vide 5 hours on the ground with the bears. Found­ed in 1991, Emer­ald Air Service’s mis­sion is to increase the under­stand­ing and appre­ci­a­tion of the unique ecosys­tem that sup­ports bears.

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $685+ 3 hrs -11 hrs

Spend sev­er­al hours or a full day watch­ing bears in the wild on a quin­tes­sen­tial Alaskan adven­ture with a fam­i­ly-run com­pa­ny. Start with a scenic flight out of Homer over Kachemak Bay and into Kat­mai or Lake Clark Nation­al Park. Once you land, your pilot/​guide will take you to an opti­mal spot to watch and pho­to­graph these mag­nif­i­cent crea­tures in their nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, hunt­ing, play­ing, and relax­ing. Spend any­where from 1.5 to 9 hours on the  ...more

$675+ per person 2 - 8 hrs

Tour­ing Alas­ka by heli­copter gets you to unimag­in­ably wild and remote places. Some of the most amaz­ing have been scout­ed by Alas­ka Ulti­mate Safaris. Explore a glac­i­er sur­round­ed by snow-capped moun­tains, or climb to the steam­ing sum­mit of an island vol­cano. In either case, the views are unpar­al­leled and the expe­ri­ence is surreal.

Season: Mid April to September $265+ 3/4 to Full Day Excursions

Homer is the hal­ibut cap­i­tal of Alas­ka, and this long­time char­ter com­pa­ny offers a blue-chip way to get to the fish. They have high-qual­i­ty boats, expe­ri­enced cap­tains, and enthu­si­as­tic crews — as well as an inside line on find­ing hal­ibut, rock fish and sil­ver salmon. But they also offer a vari­ety of oth­er ways to enjoy the waters off Kachemak Bay, from wildlife cruis­ing to pad­dling a kayak or hik­ing in Kachemak Bay State Park. 

Season: Year Round $9.99+

Dri­ve through Alas­ka with an audio tour guid­ing you along icon­ic routes. Audio Tour Alas­ka gives you an insider’s take on every­thing from points of inter­est to his­to­ry, wildlife, and cul­ture, along with cap­ti­vat­ing sto­ries. Guides to pop­u­lar routes include Anchor­age to Tal­keet­na; Tal­keet­na to Denali Nation­al Park; Denali to Fair­banks; Anchor­age to Seward; Tern Lake to Homer; and the Denali Park Entrance area and the Denali Park road.

Season: Year Round $895 Bear Viewing, $630+ Flightseeing 45 min - 5 hrs

Watch bears dig­ging for clams, wan­der­ing the sedge grass, or nurs­ing their young – all in a short flight from Homer to Kat­mai or Lake Clark Nation­al Park. Smokey Bay’s bear tours last about five hours total — includ­ing flights and about three hours on the ground. On any giv­en day there will always be a morn­ing out­ing (leav­ing at 8 a.m. at the lat­est) and pos­si­bly one that leaves around 2 p.m.

$229+ per person Half to Full-Day

Enjoy remote Alas­ka at its best. Go with this small, fam­i­ly-owned com­pa­ny in Homer for a mag­i­cal kayak­ing expe­ri­ence and a gor­geous hike to an ice­berg-stud­ded glac­i­er lake! 


Homer Parks & Trails View All

Difficulty: Easy

From the base of the Homer Spit, take this 4‑mile paved trail to the Nick Dudi­ak Fish­ing Lagoon. The trail is in excel­lent con­di­tion and is flat as a pan­cake for most of its length. The first mile of trail is along a broad estu­ary that is great for bird­ing. Once you pass the one-mile mark you’ll be rid­ing past fish­ing boats that are out of the water being worked on as well as a few shops.

Difficulty: Moderate Distance: 2 miles

One of the top trails on the Homer side of Kachemak Bay, Dia­mond Creek is a 2‑mile trail that takes you through for­est, alders, and tall grass mead­ows before descend­ing to the beach, where you’ll find small Alaskan sealife.

Difficulty: Moderate Distance: 2 miles

Prob­a­bly the sec­ond most trav­eled trail in the park, this trail offers a great day hike for those spend­ing time in the lagoon. You can start hik­ing the trail from the ranger sta­tion or the trail­head in Hal­ibut Cove Lagoon. The trail tra­vers­es up numer­ous switch­backs to a place called First Lake. On a hot sum­mer day, a soak in this lake can’t be beat.

Difficulty: Moderate Distance: 6 miles

This is one of Home­r’s top hikes. It starts on top of Bay­crest Hill, cross­es Dia­mond Ridge Road, then fol­lows Cross­man Ridge to the Bridge Creek Reser­voir. Through­out, it rolls through forests, mead­ows and over streams. The area is excel­lent for bird­ing and catch­ing a glimpse at the occa­sion­al moose.

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 3 miles

This trail, hands down, is one of the most pop­u­lar hikes in the Kachemak Bay State Park. It is one of the eas­i­est hikes in the park as the trail is well main­tained, and you can’t beat the view of the glac­i­er at the lake. For the first 1.5 miles, the trail mean­ders through mixed cot­ton­wood and Sit­ka spruce. These cot­ton­woods are some of the largest in the park so take time to appre­ci­ate their enor­mous size. After 1.5 miles, the trail proceeds  ...more
