Photo Credit: Ocean Shores Hotel

Homer Hotels & Lodges

Discover a range of hotels in Homer, from cozy inns to waterfront resorts. For a more secluded experience, explore the selection of hotels and lodges across the bay.

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Homer Hotels & Rentals

Drift­wood Inn presents a vari­ety of lodg­ing options, includ­ing hotel rooms, deluxe lodges, a fam­i­ly cot­tage, and an RV park — all of which have great views of Bishop’s Beach and Kachemak Bay. This fam­i­ly-owned and ‑oper­at­ed inn and has free Wi-Fi, cof­feemak­ers in most rooms, and a cozy lob­by with a fire­place. And you’re with­in walk­ing dis­tance of cof­fee shops, bak­eries, book­stores, and restaurants.

$209+ per night

Not many hotels can say that every room has a great view, but Ocean Shores was designed that way. Each room fea­tures views of Kachemak Bay and the sur­round­ing moun­tains. Also the ocean front prop­er­ty has a nice path to our seclud­ed beach and tide pools of Kachemak Bay. Or explore the near­by town of Homer.

Season: Year Round Visit website for rates

Pri­vate rentals set atop a 500-foot bluff right on the ocean, over­look­ing the shim­mer­ing waters of Kachemak Bay. Most of the homes fea­ture pri­vate out­door salt­wa­ter hot tubs and all have high-end appli­ances, art from local artists, a Weber gas grill, and top-qual­i­ty and local­ly-made toiletries.


Hotels & Lodges Across the Bay

Remote wilderness lodges, cabin rentals, and hotels in Kachemak Bay or Seldovia

Season: Year Round Summer $375+ per night | Winter $250+ per night

If you can’t decide whether you’d rather have sun­set or sun­rise views on vaca­tion, Between Beach­es Alas­ka per­fect. Perched on a spit near Sel­dovia that offers both East and West water views, this idyl­lic spot also offers the chance to watch whales, otters, seals, shore­birds and eagles while enjoy­ing the tran­quil­i­ty of a unique set­ting. Choose from 6 cabins.

Season: May - September Averages $995 per night, per person 3-7 nights, 5th and 6th person 1/2 price

An all-inclu­sive ocean­front retreat on the shores of Sel­dovia Bay, Alas­ka, with off­shore hal­ibut fish­ing aboard a new 28’ land­ing craft. Hosts Scott and Janet Ogan pro­vide an authen­tic Alaskan adven­ture at their off-grid, hand­craft­ed tree­house and beach house lodge. Stays are exclu­sive, pri­vate escapes for you and your loved ones, with a mis­sion to empow­er guests to recon­nect with their loved ones and God’s cre­ation through the extraordinary  ...more

Season: May to September $1500 per adult, per night 3+ nights

Alaska’s Ridge­wood Wilder­ness Lodge is a pre­mier, full-ser­vice des­ti­na­tion lodge in Hal­ibut Cove adja­cent to the Kachemak Bay State Park. Your hosts under­stand that expe­ri­enc­ing Alaska’s great out­doors is a pri­ma­ry goal for those active in mind and spir­it, so they have designed numer­ous guid­ed adven­tures to choose from, includ­ing hik­ing, glac­i­er kayak­ing & wildlife view­ing. You can also add-on a fish­ing char­ter or bear view­ing tour during  ...more

Season: May - September $3995+ per person, all-inclusive 3 days / 4 nights to 6 days / 7 night

Enjoy the seren­i­ty of this inti­mate, all-inclu­sive lodge, which sits on a pri­vate beach just a 20-minute water taxi ride from Homer. Fam­i­ly-run and com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2022, the Lodge at Otter Cove offers 5 lux­u­ry cab­ins with 7 pri­vate rooms and 3 deli­cious meals a day. Choose your activ­i­ty each day from fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and more. 

$7000 per person All-inclusive 5-night packages

Fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed for over 50 years, the McBride fam­i­ly has per­fect­ed Alaskan hos­pi­tal­i­ty. This all-inclu­sive world-class lodge fea­tures pri­vate, deluxe accom­mo­da­tions and gourmet meals. Per­son­al­ized guide ser­vice allows you to cus­tomize your adven­tures to your inter­ests. Enjoy the spec­tac­u­lar views by the fire or spend a relax­ing evening in the hot tub and Finnish sauna. Only host­ing 10 – 14 guests each week ensures that your stay is  ...more
