Haines Sights & Attractions

Sights & Attractions

Haines Sights & Attractions

Offer­ing indis­pens­able resources like free maps for a vari­ety of trails — includ­ing those for hik­ing, his­toric Fort Seward, and the route to the Yukon — the Haines Vis­i­tor Cen­ter is an explor­er’s hub.

Season: May - September $179+ per adult 3.5+ hrs

Dri­ve your­self on this guid­ed off-road ATV tour in Haines and expe­ri­ence pris­tine wilder­ness, unfor­get­table views, and a deli­cious meal! And at the top, 1,500 feet above sea lev­el, you’ll take in the sweep­ing vista of shim­mer­ing Chilkoot Lake, set in the stun­ning Chilkoot Valley.

Season: May - September $135+ 4 hrs - 8 days

Guid­ed sea kayak­ing in Alaska’s South­east opens up the mag­i­cal world of water-based tour­ing. Glide through a marine envi­ron­ment with gor­geous views in every direc­tion, and many oppor­tu­ni­ties to spot wildlife – from eagles and salmon to bears, whales and sea lions. Options include day tours for busy sched­ules and mul­ti-day immer­sions, all under the expert guid­ance of nat­u­ral­ists who help you under­stand the com­plex work­ings of a unique and amazing  ...more

Season: May - September $104+ 2.5 - 6.5 hrs

With bald eagles, bears, and gor­geous scenery, as well as fas­ci­nat­ing cul­ture and his­to­ry, these tours out of Skag­way and Haines offer an up-close expe­ri­ence with insights from knowl­edge­able local guides. There are sev­er­al options, includ­ing wildlife and nature tours that focus­es on find­ing and learn­ing about wildlife, a pho­tog­ra­phy tour where you get the chance to enhance your pho­tog­ra­phy skills, raft­ing, and some fun sight­see­ing tours  ...more

Dis­cov­er Haines! The Shel­don Muse­um is the muse­um of the Chilkat Val­ley. Expe­ri­ence the art and cul­ture of the Tlin­git peo­ple. Re-live pio­neer days, explore the gold rush, the Dal­ton Trail and life at Fort William H. Seward. The muse­um store has a large selec­tion of local and Alaskan books and art. Accred­it­ed by the Amer­i­can Asso­ci­a­tion of Muse­ums. Hours Sum­mer Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm Sat-Sun: 1pm-4pm Extended…  ...more

A col­lec­tion of approx­i­mate­ly 1400 types of ham­mers, rep­re­sent­ing many dif­fer­ent trades and uses, housed in a cot­tage-style house. The Ham­mer Muse­um pro­vides a jour­ney into the past through the use of man’s first tool. From ancient times to the present, the ham­mer tells the sto­ry of man’s progress and inge­nu­ity. A unique adven­ture for the whole family.

Just a 10-minute walk from down­town along the water­front, this fort was built by the U.S. Army start­ing in 1902, then pur­chased by Army vet­er­ans in 1947. The Fort orig­i­nal­ly housed the enlist­ed men in two Bar­racks build­ings. Only one of the two build­ings stands today. It is unoc­cu­pied and in need of major repairs. The oth­er Barrack’s build­ing burned down in 1981. Recent­ly, the foun­da­tion of the burned build­ing was trans­formed into an outdoor  ...more
