Haines Museums & Cultural Centers
When in Haines, visit the captivating museum and cultural centers to immerse yourself in the region’s history and hear the stories of native tribes.
Museums, Cultural Centers
Discover Haines! The Sheldon Museum is the museum of the Chilkat Valley. Experience the art and culture of the Tlingit people. Re-live pioneer days, explore the gold rush, the Dalton Trail and life at Fort William H. Seward. The museum store has a large selection of local and Alaskan books and art. Accredited by the American Association of Museums. Hours Summer Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm Sat-Sun: 1pm-4pm Extended… ...more
A collection of approximately 1400 types of hammers, representing many different trades and uses, housed in a cottage-style house. The Hammer Museum provides a journey into the past through the use of man’s first tool. From ancient times to the present, the hammer tells the story of man’s progress and ingenuity. A unique adventure for the whole family.
Built like a cathedral but with two stories of windows to let the outdoors in, the Haines Library is a gathering spot for visitors and residents alike. Three easy chairs at the end of its great hall are a privileged nook for patrons who get there first. When opened in 2002, Library Journal ranked this as the nation’s finest small library. Find a book or magazine, sink into the rocking chair or an easy chair and soak in the view. You’ll feel like ...more
The dream of the famed Chilkat tribe of Tlingit Indians, this working museum honors the great legacy of Northwest Coast art as practiced by a proud and wealthy people. It houses the famed Whale House artifacts while serving as a workshop for contemporary carvers and weavers.
The American Bald Eagle Foundation and Live Raptor Center is a non-profit education center located near the post office, a few blocks from downtown Haines. And in the summer, the center hosts live raptor programs featuring bald eagles, owls, hawks, and other birds of prey. The museum has an enormous room filled with realistic taxidermy displays of a wide variety of Alaskan critters. You’ll also find a variety of habitats and species ...more