Where to Stay in Glacier View

Where to Stay

RV Parks & Campgrounds

Be care­ful, it’s easy to miss this turn-off as you drop down the hill, but look out for the sign Cari­bou Creek Recre­ation­al Area.” This sel­dom-used camp­ground is a qui­et place to camp, away from high­way noise. It has fire rings and pic­nic tables, and there’s a trail to the creek. It’s a one-mile walk to the water. It’s a nice stream and it’s part of the State Recre­ation­al Gold Min­ing Area. So bring a pan and try your luck!

The camp­ground is pret­ty open, since bark bee­tles killed the big, old spruce trees. The camp­sites attract RVers and campers, and each of the 24 sites has a fire ring and pic­nic table. There’s potable water at a hand pump. 

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Hotels & Lodges

Nes­tled at the foot of a wilder­ness pre­serve and open year-round, the lodge has 11 cab­ins, all with pri­vate decks open­ing onto gor­geous views. The own­ers pride them­selves on the fam­i­ly atmos­phere, as well as the clean, com­fort­able cab­ins that sleep up to six. The prop­er­ty includes a hot tub and sauna, and the grounds have gor­geous views as well as access to 12 miles of main­tained trails.

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