Glacier Bay National Park is one of the best places in Alaska to see whales, particularly humpback whales, which return each summer to feed in its nutrient-rich waters. The park’s remote, protected environment creates ideal conditions for marine life, and visitors frequently witness humpbacks breaching or performing bubble-net feeding. Watch for a humpback whale breaching against towering ice or bubble feeding, or spot an orca pod gliding through the fjords.

Day Tours & Attractions

$271.61 8 Hours

Spend a full day on a cata­ma­ran explor­ing glac­i­ers and wildlife with Glac­i­er Bay Lodge and Tours — the only sched­uled day tour per­mit­ted inside stun­ning Glac­i­er Bay Nation­al Park. You’ll set off amid lush rain­for­est and sail the entire length of Glac­i­er Bay’s West Arm, in the shad­ow of tow­er­ing moun­tains. Your des­ti­na­tion: two tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers, Marg­erie and Grand Pacific.

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