Spend the day cruising the breathtaking waters of Glacier Bay National Park aboard a heated catamaran, where towering tidewater glaciers, rugged mountain peaks, and abundant wildlife surround you at every turn. Watch for humpback whales, sea lions, and puffins as you glide past icy blue fjords and sheer cliffs. With expert narration and panoramic viewing decks, this unforgettable journey brings you up close to one of Alaska’s most spectacular natural wonders.

Day Tours & Attractions

$271.61 8 Hours

Spend a full day on a cata­ma­ran explor­ing glac­i­ers and wildlife with Glac­i­er Bay Lodge and Tours — the only sched­uled day tour per­mit­ted inside stun­ning Glac­i­er Bay Nation­al Park. You’ll set off amid lush rain­for­est and sail the entire length of Glac­i­er Bay’s West Arm, in the shad­ow of tow­er­ing moun­tains. Your des­ti­na­tion: two tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers, Marg­erie and Grand Pacific.

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