Photo Credit: Hotel Alyeska

Girdwood Hotels & Lodges

Girdwood offers a variety of fantastic lodging options year-round. Treat yourself to a luxurious resort stay at the renowned Alyeska Hotel, where you’ll experience unparalleled comfort and top-notch amenities. For those seeking a more private retreat, opt for one of the area’s vacation rentals.

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Hotels & Lodges


Season: Year Round Summer $549+ | Winter $299+

This lux­u­ry resort, 40 miles from Anchor­age in the town of Gird­wood, is sur­round­ed by sev­en glac­i­ers. The spec­tac­u­lar scenery is pop­u­lar in sum­mer as well as win­ter, when you’ll find a full-on ski resort. It’s a roman­tic option that’s equal­ly great for families.


Vacation Rentals

Season: Jun 1 to Nov 30 Sleeps 10

Stay at Bob’s (founder of Alas​ka​.org) fam­i­ly cab­in in Gird­wood — a charm­ing town that’s home to Alaska’s famous ski resort, just a 45-minute dri­ve south of Anchor­age. The cab­in includes a pri­vate deck, hot tub, fast WiFI and is per­fect­ly locat­ed at the base of the ski resort, Alyeska. It’s just a few min­utes’ walk to Girdwood’s best shops and restau­rants, yet set apart from the bustle. 
