Photo Credit: Alpine Air Alaska

Girdwood Dog Sledding

Girdwood offers unique dogsledding experiences in the summer! You can take a cart pulled by a pack of pups through Girdwood’s forests, or embark on a helicopter ride up to a nearby glacier and ride on the icy terrain.

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Dog Sledding

Season: May 15 - Aug 31 $590 2 hrs

Ratch­et up the adven­ture fac­tor and try your hand at dogsled­ding. Alpine Air Alas­ka flies to a dog camp run by the old­est estab­lished dog-sled tour busi­ness in Alas­ka. With a shut­tle option avail­able from Anchor­age, you’ll trav­el by heli­copter from Girdwood’s green forests up over a small sad­dle to land on a glac­i­er and be intro­duced to the dog team. Dri­ve” the dogs your­self, or sit in the sled and enjoy hang­ing glac­i­ers that sur­round you.  ...more
