Photo Credit: Jack Sprat Restaurant

Girdwood Dining

At Hotel Alyeska you'll find Seven Glaciers Restaurant at the top of the ski mountain. Perched at 2,300 feet above sea level, it's one of only three AAA Diamond restaurants in Alaska. Close to the ski slopes is Jack Sprat, serving up decadent dishes in a healthy manner.

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Dining and Nightlife

Slopeside Dining

Restaurants located in or near the slopes of Alyeska Resort

A night at the Sev­en Glac­i­ers restau­rant, perched 2,300 feet above sea lev­el on Mount Alyeska, is a din­ing jour­ney that begins with a tram ride high above the tree­tops, fol­lowed by an ele­va­tor lift, then a stroll along a gold­en car­pet, past a glim­mer­ing, glass-and-steel, wine-tow­er wall and into a din­ing room radi­at­ing the col­ors of alpen­glow and glacial ice. Sev­en Glac­i­ers is one of only three AAA Four Dia­mond restau­rants in Alas­ka. You can  ...more

This is as local as it gets (unless you’re at Chair Five). Despite the lack of ambiance-though a new paint job is an improve­ment, and it is a great place to read the news­pa­per-the Bake Shop does swift busi­ness year-round with huge break­fasts, hearty sand­wich­es, and bot­tom­less bowls of soup (no kid­ding; refills are free). Hun­gar­i­an goulash and New Eng­land clam chow­der bring in lots of fans. The Bake Shop is also famous for cin­na­mon rolls the  ...more

Enjoy atten­tive ser­vice and fun, com­mu­nal seat­ing options at this Asian Fusion find tucked away in the Alyeska Resort. Sushi lovers will appre­ci­ate the cre­ativ­i­ty and qual­i­ty of the menu, but will also be tempt­ed by the ben­to box­es, steak, and lob­ster offerings!

Alyeska’s Sitz­mark Bar and Grill offers alpin­ers the best of both worlds – day­time refu­el­ing between ski runs, and a fes­tive night­time hang­out with live music, open mic, triv­ia and movie nights. (The sum­mer sea­son has sim­i­lar offer­ings – just think après hike” or après bike” instead of après ski.”)

This self-serve restau­rant, locat­ed at the top of the moun­tain, fea­tures great scenery. Alaskan clam chow­der in a bread bowl is a pop­u­lar choice (about $7). Open 11am – 4:30pm dai­ly. Clos­ing time shifts with the sea­son, so call the hotel for cur­rent hours. Closed in Octo­ber — Mid-November.


Town Dining

Restaurants located near the town center

This cav­ernous, slight­ly run­down bar at the base of the moun­tain is a great spot for après-ski. You’ll find an exten­sive selec­tion of tap beers and good whiskeys, along with large por­tions of tra­di­tion­al bar food like burg­ers and piz­za. And as with any après-ski venue, it can be loud and wild, even on weeknights.

Beer steins, hats, hub caps, and license plates all hang from the rafters and walls of this fun restau­rant. Sure, its chaot­ic, crowd­ed, cramped, and loud. But you’ll find one of the best steaks in Alas­ka, if not the entire coun­try, as well as great seafood and appe­tiz­ers, often made with Cajun/​creole seasoning.


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