Photo Credit: Pike's Waterfront Lodge

Where To Stay In Fairbanks

With a wide range of accommodation options, Fairbanks offers something for everyone. Book a downtown hotel for convenient access to city amenities such as restaurants, shops, and activities. Or choose to stay in an enchanting, remote lodge, where you can witness the aurora borealis away from city lights. Whether you prefer the comfort of a hotel, the tranquility of a campground, or the charm of public-use cabins, these are our recommendations for your Fairbanks stay.

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Hotels & Lodges View All

Season: Year Round $319+

Sophie Sta­tion Suites has 149 suites that are per­fect for busi­ness trav­el­ers or vaca­tion­ing fam­i­lies. All are one-bed­room units and come with a bal­cony and full kitchen. And if you don’t want to cook, you can get all three meals at the restau­rant, Zach’s.

Season: Year Round $259+

Set out­side of the down­town bus­tle in a nat­u­ral­ly wood­ed envi­ron­ment, the resort’s lodge-style build­ings are spread out across 30 acres. Walk the mean­der­ing paths, which are punc­tu­at­ed by flower gar­dens, or explore an old miner’s cab­in. Inside the hotel, the home-suite-home” 1- and 2‑bedroom suites are a great option for groups and families.

Season: Year Round $240+

At A Taste of Alas­ka lodge you’ll find com­fort­able, mod­ern accom­mo­da­tions. This quaint lodge feels more like a B&B, but has all of the pri­va­cy of a hotel.

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $349+

This resort is a col­lec­tion of pri­vate cot­tages set along the scenic Chena Riv­er. The own­ers want­ed to cre­ate a pri­vate expe­ri­ence that was also con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed, and that encour­aged guests to expe­ri­ence the out­doors. River’s Edge Resort does just that. The loca­tion is not far from town, but just out­side each cot­tage guests can take a walk along the riv­er or enjoy the flo­ral dis­plays across the property.

Season: Year Round $109+

Mod­ern and styl­ish, the West­mark Fair­banks Hotel is con­ve­nient­ly sit­u­at­ed in down­town Fair­banks. The hotel boasts 400 guest rooms, yet pro­vides the per­son­al ser­vice of a small hotel. Fea­tures include spa­cious rooms, a fit­ness cen­ter, two new restau­rants, and free Wi-Fi. Relax in your room or go for a stroll through the hotel’s fresh herb garden.

Season: August 21 – April 10, June 7 – August 18 $1956+ shoulder 2 nights 2 guests 2+ Nights

Locat­ed on a qui­et ridge­line out­side of Fair­banks, the Bore­alis Base­camp offers 20 ele­gant igloos and a new vil­lage with 5 auro­ra-view­ing cubes, includ­ing a fam­i­ly suite cus­tom-designed and specif­i­cal­ly posi­tioned to max­i­mize your view­ing of the North­ern Lights. You’ll also have the chance to take advan­tage of the camps many win­ter activ­i­ties like dogsled­ding, snow­ma­chin­ing, snow­shoe­ing, and fat-tire biking. 

Season: Mid-May to Mid-Sept $199+

Set on the banks of the Chena Riv­er, the 328-room Fair­banks Princess Hotel boasts all the atmos­phere of a wilder­ness lodge, yet it’s also one of the city’s most lux­u­ri­ous prop­er­ties. It’s also con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed, close to the air­port, shops, and restau­rants. You can take a shut­tle down­town to enjoy the sites, or enjoy walk­ing around the var­i­ous gar­dens and trails on the lodge prop­er­ty. When it is time to dine, enjoy the ele­gant Edgewater  ...more

Season: Year Round $288+

Pike’s Water­front Lodge in Fair­banks sits along the banks of the beau­ti­ful Chena Riv­er. Inside, you’ll find com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tions; out­side are beau­ti­ful gar­dens and a green­house grow­ing let­tuce, straw­ber­ries, and toma­toes. Dine inside, or out on the water­front deck. The hotel also has Wi-fi, to help you stay con­nect­ed while on vacation. 

Season: May 11 - Sept 19 $299+

You’re just a few min­utes from down­town Fair­banks and all the major shop­ping sights, but at this 157-room resort hotel — part of the city’s renowned Foun­tain­head Hotels fam­i­ly— you’ll feel like you’ve found a qui­et place in the wilderness.

Season: Year Round $149+

Stay at the Bridge­wa­ter Hotel, and you’re get­ting a front row seat on down­town Fairbanks.


Bed & Breakfasts

Season: Year Round $240+

At A Taste of Alas­ka lodge you’ll find com­fort­able, mod­ern accom­mo­da­tions. This quaint lodge feels more like a B&B, but has all of the pri­va­cy of a hotel.


RV Parks & Campgrounds

Season: May 15–September 15 Call for rates

If you’re a camper, you’re famil­iar with the famous KOA brand. And the Fairbanks/​Chena Riv­er KOA — America’s north­ern­most KOA camp­ground — offers a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to camp along the shim­mer­ing Chena Riv­er, sur­round­ed by the lush Alaskan land­scape. Choose from 150 full hookup RV sites and 4 tent sites.

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $79.95

170 site RV Park and Camp­ground on the banks of the Chena River


Public Use Cabins View All
