Fairbanks Scenic Day Drives

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Scenic Drives

The skies of Inte­ri­or Alas­ka are not some­thing to miss, and the Steese High­way is an excel­lent way to expe­ri­ence them. In the sum­mer, the sun hangs low in the sky for long peri­ods of time and numer­ous small clouds come and go, cre­at­ing a mov­ing dance of light and shad­ow. You can dri­ve to Eagle Sum­mit (3,624 ft.) dur­ing sum­mer sol­stice (June 21st) to see the sun crawl across the hori­zon. Or you can dri­ve the Steese High­way in the win­ter and get a  ...more

The scenic, essen­tial 323-mile-long Parks High­way con­nects Anchor­age and Fair­banks, thread­ing its way past some of Alaska’s most icon­ic Alaskan areas, includ­ing Denali Nation­al Park and Mt. McKin­ley. But we’ll take you far beyond what you can see from the road. We’ll also show you some of the hid­den gems you wouldn’t find on your own, like an old trapper’s cab­in that offers a glimpse into Alaska’s past. We’ll let you in on cool trails to…  ...more


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