Photo Credit: Riverboat Discovery

Step aboard a Fairbanks riverboat tour and be transported back in time. Traveling on the river is a historic mode of travel where you’ll be surrounded by stunning landscapes.

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Jetboat & Riverboat Tours

$94.95 3 hrs

Climb on board an authen­tic Alaskan stern­wheel­er, the River­boat Dis­cov­ery, and take a jour­ney back in time along the Chena and Tanana rivers. Stern­wheel­er boats trans­port you out into the Alaskan wilder­ness, and also back to a time when Gold Rush fever was sweep­ing across the state. The Dis­cov­ery II and Dis­cov­ery III offer ful­ly nar­rat­ed three-and-a-half-hour tour. But all your time isn’t spent on the boat. You’ll make an unfor­get­table one-hour  ...more
