Photo Credit: Gold Daughters

Fairbanks Gold Panning Tours

Gold panning is a fun and exciting way to immerse yourself in Alaska’s history and living culture. Gold panning tours in Fairbanks offer you the chance to dive into the fascinating world of gold rushes while connecting with families who continue to mine for gold today. Listen to stories as you sift and search for gleaming flecks of gold—whatever you find, you get to keep!

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Gold Panning Tours

$56.95 2 hrs

Hop aboard a nar­row-gauge train and get ready to stake your claim to gold on this two-hour tour of Gold Dredge 8. Learn all about how 100,000 gold rush­ers fought the per­mafrost in their quest to get rich. Then grab some gold of your own!

Season: Memorial Day - Labor Day $20+

Gold Daugh­ters pro­vides a fun, hands-on way to learn about Fair­banks’ gold rush his­to­ry, and get a glimpse of the same thrill that brought so many peo­ple to Alas­ka in the first place. Your entrance fee pro­vides you with a poke of pay­dirt with guar­an­teed gold and lets you pan all day.
