Photo Credit: Black Spruce Dog Sledding

Fairbanks Dog Sledding

Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding world of dogsledding in Fairbanks, where you can find captivating experiences in both winter and summer.

During the summer months, discover the thrill of being pulled by a team of spirited dogs as you race down a forest trail in a wheeled cart. You could also join a dog team for a hike, witnessing their summer training regimen and gaining insights into mushers’ dedicated care for their canine athletes.

When winter blankets the landscape with its glistening snow, embark on a sled tour through the dazzling wonderland. For an extra touch of magic, venture out at night for a chance to witness the northern lights dancing across the dark Arctic sky.

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Dog Sledding

Season: Year Round (Except May) $70+ 30 min - Multi-Day

Chena Out­door Col­lec­tive, locat­ed in Two Rivers, offers inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ences with sled dogs and rein­deer. Enjoy rein­deer tours year-round, from quick intro­duc­tions to immer­sive VIP and back­pack­ing trips. Dog lovers can meet sled dogs, expe­ri­ence sum­mer and fall train­ing runs, or go on thrilling win­ter dog sled­ding tours and mul­ti-day expeditions. 

Season: February 20 - April 10 $9,895+ per person, all-inclusive 3-5 nights

This fam­i­ly-owned, fly-in lux­u­ry wilder­ness lodge is 200 miles north of Fair­banks and 60 miles above the Arc­tic Cir­cle. Stays are all-inclu­sive and exclu­sive — they only accept one group at a time. Go dogsled­ding, snow­shoe­ing, or scan the skies for the north­ern lights. The lodge’s huge pic­ture win­dows make it easy to keep a look­out for the auro­ra from a warm, com­fort­able interior.

Season: Winter & Fall $90+ per person 30+ min - Multi-Day

Take part in the thrill of win­ter and fall dog sled­ding out of Fair­banks. You’ll expe­ri­ence the sport with one of Alaska’s longest-run­ning dog tour com­pa­nies. Go for a ride, attend mush­ing school, or go on a mul­ti-day adven­ture to the his­toric Tolo­vana Roadhouse.

Season: Year Round 99 + Summer 2 hrs | Winter 2-7 days

Vis­it the world’s old­est Siber­ian Husky ken­nel any time of the year with tour options rang­ing from a cou­ple of hours in the sum­mer to mul­ti-day win­ter adven­tures explor­ing Fairbanks.

Season: Year Round $165+ Dogsled Tours 1-3 hrs

Plen­ty of peo­ple come to Fair­banks to look at the sky — for north­ern lights, or to bask in the mid­night sun. But this dog-mush­ing expe­ri­ence out­side of Fair­banks is proof that there’s plen­ty more of Fair­banks to be seen at eye — or even paw — lev­el. May through Octo­ber, take a a trail ride with 16 dogs hitched up to an ATV. Novem­ber through April, take a mush­ing tour through the snow!

Season: November–March (depending on snow conditions) $95+ per person 1/2 - 4 hrs

Glide over the snow on a sled that’s being pulled by a team of dogs — many of whom have run the Idi­tar­od, Yukon Quest, or oth­er races. Go with Rod’s Alaskan Guide Ser­vice and expe­ri­ence the thrill of dog sled­ding with dogs that love to run and pas­sion­ate mush­ers who will offer a deep­er under­stand­ing of this unique sport.

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