Unalaska Points of Interest

Visitors are drawn to Unalaska for different reasons. Some are World War II buffs. Others are birders. Still others are on business, or looking for work. The area offers plenty of distractions for everyone - from plentiful hiking and fishing to historical sites and festivals.

But often, it’s the simple, day-to-day living that can tell you the most about a community. Check out these Unalaska points of interest - and if you find yourself visiting the library, or picking berries on the tundra, you can imagine what it might be like to live here year-round and call this amazing place home.

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Points of Interest

Vis­i­tors who come to Unalas­ka for bird­ing are rarely dis­ap­point­ed. Birds are plen­ti­ful, the chances of see­ing some­thing unusu­al are high, and adding sev­er­al species to your life-list is easy and oh-so-satisfying.

Vol­ca­noes not only shaped the face of Alas­ka but also make for spec­tac­u­lar sights. Here are the top vol­ca­noes to look for and pho­to­graph dur­ing your Alas­ka vacation.

Berry­ing is a soul-sat­is­fy­ing past-time shared by young and old in a fall sub­sis­tence tra­di­tion that fills buck­ets, bel­lies and freez­ers. Berries are all over Unalas­ka, but to find an ulti­mate berry patch takes patience and maybe an inside connection!

In the high reach­es of Unalaska’s vol­cani­cal­ly-formed peaks, the flo­ra hugs the ground, a nat­ur­al defense against Aleut­ian winds, snow and cold. Between June and August, Unalaska’s wild­flow­ers dec­o­rate the undu­lat­ing green hills in a pro­fu­sion of blue, pur­ple, pink, white and yel­low. This nat­ur­al flower gar­den greets the eye vir­tu­al­ly any­where you wan­der, and is delight­ful to explore on foot.

When you live on an island, being in and around water is sec­ond nature. The rough, cold waters sur­round­ing Unalas­ka are inhos­pitable to swim­mers, though, so the Aquat­ic Cen­ter is their com­mu­ni­ty mec­ca. In this small, far-flung spot on the Aleut­ian chain you might not expect to find a nata­to­ri­um where you can rock­et down a water slide, swim 25-yard laps in the 6‑lane heat­ed pool or fin­ish up in the sauna. But here it is.

This active 5,906-foot vol­cano shroud­ed in ice on the west­ern lobe of Unalas­ka Island last stirred awake in 1995, when it pro­duced tremors and spit out a small cloud of steam and ash. Ris­ing only 16 miles from the vil­lage of Unalas­ka and the port of Dutch Har­bor, Makushin Vol­cano has seen at least five oth­er erup­tions in his­toric times, and pro­duced rum­blings or ash reg­u­lar­ly since the 1980s.

Catch up on cur­rent news, check your email, or immerse your­self in the past at the Unalas­ka Pub­lic Library, open sev­en days a week on the shores of Unalas­ka Lake. The library has more than 42,000 items in a col­lec­tion that includes books, movies, audio books, peri­od­i­cals, and free Wi-Fi access.

A vis­it to Sum­mer Bay beach reveals a wild and rugged vista. All thoughts and sounds of the busy port of Dutch Harbor/​Unalaska are swept away as the ocean waters of the Bering Sea enter the bay and pound the shore­line with mes­mer­iz­ing force. Rolling green hills sur­round­ing the bay are car­pet­ed with wild­flow­ers in sum­mer and berries in the fall.

Unalaska’s Front Beach, on the shores of Ili­uliuk Bay, is both invit­ing and pic­turesque. Look­ing toward the bay, watch for boats com­ing into har­bor, eagles fight­ing over salmon, or mist engulf­ing the sur­round­ing hills and moun­tain tops. Back toward Unalas­ka, you’ll find more emer­ald green moun­tain views and his­toric sites.

Before the Emmy-award-win­ning Dead­liest Catch began air­ing in 2005, only cap­tains and their crew real­ly under­stood the extreme ups and downs of the crab­bing life on the Bering Sea. Mil­lions of view­ers in more than 200 coun­tries now know what goes into bring­ing Alaskan crab to mar­ket: hard work, a lot of dar­ing and at least a lit­tle dra­ma (or maybe it’s hard work, a lot of dra­ma and at least a lit­tle dar­ing!). When in Unalas­ka, you can check out  ...more

Memo­r­i­al Park was built in 1992 in hon­or Coast Guard and Navy per­son­nel that lost their lives dur­ing WWII.

While vis­i­tors, fans of the area, and WWII vets often refer to the area as Dutch Har­bor, you will hear long-time res­i­dents using the offi­cial name, Unalas­ka, or even the old­er ver­sion, Ounalash­ka. Find out why.

This peace­ful cove at the end of Sum­mer Bay Road wasn’t always so qui­et. It’s been the site of a native Unan­gan vil­lage, a fox farm, a cat­tle ranch, and also served as part of the Amer­i­can mil­i­tary coastal defense strat­e­gy dur­ing World War II. Today Mor­ris Cove main­ly draws recre­ation­al vis­i­tors for hik­ing, camp­ing and hang­ing out on the wide, sandy beach. It’s also a jump­ing off point for extend­ed hikes on Split Top Moun­tain, to Constantine  ...more
