Photo Credit: Get Lost Travel Vans

Anchorage RV, Motorhome & Campervan Rentals

As the state’s largest city—with its largest airport—Anchorage serves as the perfect starting point for an RV vacation in Alaska. Renting an RV from our curated list of companies ensures that you’ll have a seamless, exceptional experience exploring Alaska’s breathtaking landscapes from the comfort of your vehicle. You can choose from three styles of rentals, so whether you prefer the spaciousness of a traditional RV, the compact versatility of a campervan, or the ruggedness of an overland vehicle, you’ll find an option to suit your needs.

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RV Rentals

Average 22 - 32ft in length • Largest RV's have 8 seat belts and 4 sleeping areas • Many have bathroom & shower
Season: Year Round Contact for rates based on floor plan 3+ days

When you want to explore Alas­ka on your own timetable, with a guar­an­teed bed and meals any time of day, con­sid­er a trip in a state-of-the-art motorhome rent­ed from Great Alaskan Hol­i­days, Sales & Ser­vice. They offer the largest selec­tion of spark­ly clean and well-main­tained motorhomes in Alas­ka, with great pric­ing and a no-fuss reser­va­tion and rental process. It’s the most con­ve­nient, flex­i­ble, and afford­able mode of inde­pen­dent trav­el in  ...more

Season: May 1 - Sep 30 $169+ per night

Alas­ka Motorhomes Rentals from Alas­ka Trav­el Adven­tures offers one-way rental options. See­ing Alas­ka by motorhome is dif­fer­ent than see­ing it by train, for exam­ple – so why not expe­ri­ence them both? If the thought of a long, round-trip jour­ney on the Al-Can keeps you from set­ting out on that amaz­ing adven­ture, how about dri­ving one way and fly­ing back? You can con­sid­er all these options when you rent one of the com­fort­able, easy-maneu­ver­ing C  ...more


Overlander Expedition Vehicles

Size of a regular SUV, easy to drive • 4 seat belts • rooftop tent sleeps 3-4 • cooler and camp stove store in back for outdoor camp kitchen setup

Season: April to Mid-October $299+ per day 3+ days

Com­plete with rooftop tents that set up in min­utes, camp stove, and refrig­er­a­tor, Over­lan­ders are per­fect for explor­ing Alas­ka. Explore the Denali High­way, McCarthy Road, or Dal­ton High­way just as eas­i­ly as you can zip into towns like Homer, Tal­keet­na, or Fairbanks.


Campervan Rentals

Size of a regular van, easy to drive • 4-5 seat belts • 2 beds • Most include kitchenette
Season: Year Round June - Sep $290 / night | Oct - Apr $175+ / night 3+ nights

Adven­ture in a lux­u­ri­ous camper van on your own terms. No time­line. No agen­das. Pure free­dom. These camper vans were designed specif­i­cal­ly for Alaska’s wilder­ness by incor­po­rat­ing addi­tion­al insu­la­tion, gear stor­age, cab­in heat­ing, and all of the essen­tials for your adven­ture, in an easy-to-dri­ve Camper Van. Set off on your own, or work with Riv­er Wild to build a cus­tom itin­er­ary – includ­ing the high­lights as well as  ...more


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