Anchorage Coffee Shops

Anchorage boasts a wealth of options for coffee lovers—cozy sanctuaries where visitors and locals alike can explore new flavors amid a welcoming atmosphere, with the aromas of delicious coffees lingering in the air. Everything from trendy roasteries to rustic cafes are scattered throughout the city, from downtown to South Anchorage, making it easy to find a favorite spot full of local flavors.

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Coffee Shops

This down­town cof­fee shop sources as many prod­ucts as it can from local busi­ness­es. Their cof­fees come from Anchor­age roast­er Kala­di Broth­ers Cof­fee, while their teas come from Sip­ping Streams Tea Com­pa­ny in Fair­banks. Enhance it with a local­ly-made syrup like car­damom and vanil­la or birch syrup. The choose a snack from the Char­cu­terie Bar where you can build your own box. Choose a com­bi­na­tion of meat, cheese, nuts or fruit, hon­ey sticks, and a  ...more

If the Hotel Cap­tain Cook sits in the heart of Anchorage’s buzzing busi­ness dis­trict — and it does — then this cof­fee bar, right off the lob­by, could be its nerve cen­ter. And while it is unde­ni­ably a con­ve­nient spot to swing by to pick up an espres­so or iced cof­fee, local fans come back because it’s the kind of friend­ly place where the barista remem­bers your name when you order.

This down­town shop and café is a lit­tle glimpse into old Anchor­age — a city that was­n’t com­plete­ly about log­ging, fish­ing and tough guys. Built in 1915, the Kim­ball build­ing, on Town Square Park at the cor­ner of 5th and E, is a stop on the his­toric walk­ing tour and still has antique fix­tures and floor­ing. It’s eclec­tic, quaint-meets-cool” gift and tea shop is an exten­sion of a famed dry goods and sewing notions store that has been in business…  ...more

Cre­at­ed by the folks behind Anchorage’s award-win­ning Snow City Café, Spe­nard Road­house and Sack’s Café, South Restau­rant + Cof­fee­house was launched to take the best qual­i­ties of those pop­u­lar eater­ies to the South side of town. Locat­ed in a new devel­op­ment near the famed Alas­ka Sand and Grav­el— and off Old Seward High­way — South Restau­rant + Cof­fee House chan­nels a bit of the area’s indus­tri­al past, with a clean, mod­ern space, fea­tur­ing a  ...more


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