Photo Credit: Rust's Flightseeing Tours

Anchorage Day Tours & Attractions

In Anchorage, you’ll find access to pretty much every Alaska adventure you could dream of, from day cruises where you can watch a tidewater glacier calve into the water to a fly-in bear-viewing tour where you’ll check out bears congregating in their natural habitat. Anchorage is also an ideal spot to discover the rich history and culture of Alaska through museums and cultural centers.

Looking for winter tours specifically? Check out our winter activities page.

Day Cruises View All

Kenai Fjords National Park, Prince William Sound & Portage
Season: mid-May to mid-September $49+ 1 hr

Just an hour’s dri­ve from Anchor­age, the MV Ptarmi­gan let you get with­in 300 feet of the tow­er­ing ice wall called Portage Glac­i­er. You can also book a nar­rat­ed motor­coach tour to take you to Portage Glacier. 

4 to 8 hrs

This vet­er­an tour oper­a­tor runs a a fleet of fast, mod­ern boats in Res­ur­rec­tion Bay and Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park. You’ll vis­it tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers as you watch for puffins, sea otters, Dall’s por­pois­es, sea lions, and more. Some tours are designed to please bird­ers or shut­ter­bugs, while oth­ers are per­fect for families. 

Season: Year Round $185+ 3.5 to 8 hrs

Lazy Otter offers clas­sic tours, but this is a water taxi, so they’ll also take you any­where you want to go with­in Price William Sound — or just cus­tomize a tour to what­ev­er you want to see. Maybe that’s glac­i­ers, or whales, — or maybe it’s qui­et time on a seclud­ed beach. Lazy Otter can also help facil­i­tate tak­ing you and your fam­i­ly on a camp­ing trip. You’re not held to any strict sched­ule, either: if, on a day tour, you can spend more time in one  ...more

Season: March 12 - Oct 12 $115+ 3.5 hrs - Full Day

Res­ur­rec­tion Bay and Kenai Fjords are great places to see wildlife and glac­i­ers. And Major Marine’s ves­sels, which have cozy heat­ed cab­ins and an out­door view­ing area, can take you out to see both. This fam­i­ly-owned tour oper­a­tor has gone above and beyond to give guests an amaz­ing day on the water since 1990

Season: May 3 - Oct 5 $159+ 3.75 - 5.75 hrs

Phillips 26 Glac­i­er Cruise, out of Whit­ti­er, will take you to 26 dif­fer­ent glac­i­ers in just 5.5 hours. Enjoy cozy com­forts on the high-speed cata­ma­ran and wan­der its out­door decks as you come with­in 300 feet of mas­sive tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers. In addi­tion to glac­i­ers, the cap­tain will be on the look­out for wildlife like otters, whales, har­bor seals, and marine birds. The trip takes place in the after­noon, and a hot lunch is includ­ed in your tour.   ...more

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"}]

Flightseeing Tours View All

Prince William Sound • Knik Glacier • Denali (Mt McKinley) • Floatplane tours
Season: Year Round $429+ 1 hr - full day

For out­stand­ing view­ing and incred­i­ble access to remote places, there’s noth­ing like flight­see­ing by heli­copter. Join Alas­ka Heli­copter Tours – a local­ly-owned, high­ly-respect­ed heli­copter tour and char­ter com­pa­ny – for excur­sions that reveal hid­den sites just min­utes from Anchor­age. Spot wildlife from the air, stand on a glac­i­er or land on a remote airstrip.

Season: Year Round $329+ 30 - 90 min

There are few things more spec­tac­u­lar than lift­ing off in a heli­copter and soar­ing over Alaska’s glac­i­er-filled ter­rain or out across its shim­mer­ing waters. Get a taste for heli­copter flight­see­ing on a 30-minute trip or choose a longer tour with a glac­i­er land­ing. Shut­tle avail­able from Anchorage.

Season: Year Round $175+ 30 min to 3 hrs

Enjoy a bird’s eye view of Alaska’s scenic high­lights on a flight­see­ing tour with Rust’s Fly­ing Ser­vice, where every pas­sen­ger gets a win­dow seat. Tour options include a short 30-minute Anchor­age Flight­see­ing Safari, a flight to Denali, Denali plus a glac­i­er land­ing, and more. Tours begin at Anchorage’s Lake Hood, the world’s busiest sea­plane airport.

Season: Year round - water landing approximately May 1st - October 5th $175+ .5 to 3 hrs

Explore Alas­ka from above with this fam­i­ly-owned com­pa­ny that oper­ates out of Anchor­age. Options include fly­ing above Denali, Knik and Colony Glac­i­er, the Chugach Moun­tains, and more!

Season: Year Round $439+ 1.5+ hrs

Glac­i­er trekking, kayak­ing, ice climb­ing, and oth­er activ­i­ties are even more spe­cial when com­bined with a spec­tac­u­lar heli­copter ride through Alaska’s dra­mat­ic scenery. Thanks to key part­ner­ships with oth­er expe­ri­enced Alaskan tour oper­a­tors, Palmer based Out­bound Heli Adven­tures is able to coor­di­nate seam­less out­ings of a life­time! And, they pride them­selves on offer­ing the most amount of flight time with their excursions.

$385+ per person 30 min - 7 hrs

You’ll take off from Anchor­age, and Alas­ka will open up for you as you appre­ci­ate its vast­ness from the air. Where will you go? That’s up to you! Choose from a vari­ety of tours. Take one of the clas­sics, like flight­see­ing to Denali, or opt to explore one of the state’s hid­den gems. You can also fly to see glac­i­ers, go bear view­ing in Lake Clark Nation­al Park, or work with the pros at Alas­ka Air Ser­vice to cre­ate your own cus­tom itinerary.

Season: Year Round $225+ 1-5 hours

Trail Ridge Air offers an on-demand per­spec­tive of Alaska’s wilder­ness, with per­son­able and knowl­edge­able pilots. Watch for wildlife, check out mas­sive glac­i­ers, alpine lakes, Denali, or even Lake Clark Nation­al Park. Trail Ridge accom­mo­dates for the busiest of sched­ules, with flights rang­ing from one hour to a full day.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"}]

Bear Viewing Tours View All

An easy day trip; pick up and drop-off at your hotel in Anchorage. Lake Clark or Katmai National Park
$985 per person 6-7 hrs

With Alas­ka Air Ser­vice you’ll fly from Anchor­age to Lake Clark Nation­al Park, where they’re a licensed park con­ces­sion­aire. On the 6- to 7‑hour expe­di­tion with an inti­mate group (there’s a 4‑to‑1 guest-to-guide ratio), you’ll start with a land­ing inside the park on a beach or in the grass­lands to watch bears. Then you’ll trav­el, unrushed, to oth­er spots in the park. Few oper­a­tors include mul­ti­ple loca­tions, but show­ing you as much of the park’s  ...more

Season: May to Mid September $1045+ 6 - 10 hrs

Take off by sea­plane for an all-day bear-view­ing expe­di­tion. Fly past glac­i­ers and vol­ca­noes to the brown-bear coun­try of south­west Alas­ka. Your Sea­plane Bear Safari will take you to Brooks Riv­er Falls in Kat­mai Nation­al Park, home of the world ’ s largest salmon run. You can also fly 70 miles south­west of Anchor­age to Lake Clark Wilder­ness Pre­serve for amaz­ing bear view­ing and lux­u­ri­ous accom­mo­da­tions at the Redoubt Bay Lodge. Rust’s, which has  ...more

$6995 (+ internal air) 6 Days / 5 Nights

In the best way pos­si­ble. you’re out­num­bered by bears dur­ing your stay at this pri­vate fly-in wilder­ness camp. Fly by char­tered plane from Homer to Alas­ka Bear Camp on a 5‑night, 6‑day all-inclu­sive pack­age. This deluxe back­coun­try camp accom­mo­dates just 14 guests in some of the best bear habi­tat in the world. In con­trast to day trips cater­ing to dozens of vis­i­tors at a time, Bear Camp offers a rare and exclu­sive wilder­ness immersion.

Season: May 10th – Mid September $1075+ 6.5 to 10 hrs

Hop aboard one of Regal Air’s planes depart­ing from Anchor­age and after a short, scenic flight you can be watch­ing enor­mous brown bears swat salmon from Alaska’s rush­ing waters. Tours vis­it one of two des­ti­na­tions: Lake Clark Nation­al Park or Brooks Falls in Kat­mai Nation­al Park.

Season: July 1 - Sept 30 $1250+ per person 6 - 12 hrs

View­ing brown bears in their nat­ur­al habi­tat is one of the most amaz­ing things you can do in Alas­ka. If it’s high on your list, book a flight-see­ing/ bear view­ing trip with Trail Ridge Air, know­ing that per­son­able pilots will take you to where bears splash and fish, and where vis­i­tors run out of words to describe their amazement.

Season: June 1 - Sept 18 $1350 Day Trips from Anchorage Day trip & multi-day excursions

Brooks Lodge offers their own bear view­ing tours which are less expen­sive than most, and give you more time at Kat­mai Nation­al Park to watch bears feast­ing on sock­eye salmon from sev­er­al view­ing plat­forms. A com­mer­cial flight from Anchor­age takes you to King Salmon where you’ll switch to a small float plane for a quick 20-minute flight to Brooks Camp. After a brief safe­ty ori­en­ta­tion, you can watch bears from sev­er­al view­ing plat­forms, join the  ...more

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"}]

Canoeing & Paddleboarding View All

Kayak, paddleboard & canoe rentals. Expert guides available.

Season: Mid May– Early September $30+ day rentals 1+ day rentals

Embark on an unfor­get­table pad­dling adven­ture in Alas­ka with AK Pad­dle­sports! Nes­tled just out­side Anchor­age, this fam­i­ly-found­ed com­pa­ny offers a vast selec­tion of top-qual­i­ty water­craft, includ­ing pad­dle­boards, kayaks, and canoes, avail­able for rent by the day. Expe­ri­ence the con­ve­nience of equip­ment deliv­ery and pick-up, allow­ing you to spend more time explor­ing Alaska’s scenic lakes.

Season: Year Round $439+ 1.5+ hrs

Glac­i­er trekking, kayak­ing, ice climb­ing, and oth­er activ­i­ties are even more spe­cial when com­bined with a spec­tac­u­lar heli­copter ride through Alaska’s dra­mat­ic scenery. Thanks to key part­ner­ships with oth­er expe­ri­enced Alaskan tour oper­a­tors, Palmer based Out­bound Heli Adven­tures is able to coor­di­nate seam­less out­ings of a life­time! And, they pride them­selves on offer­ing the most amount of flight time with their excursions.

Season: June 15 – Sept 15 $999 4 hrs

Pad­dle­board­ing becomes a tru­ly unique sport in Alas­ka, espe­cial­ly when you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to glide across bright blue pools on a glac­i­er! And that’s exact­ly what you can do when you go glac­i­er pad­dle­board­ing with Alas­ka Heli­copter Tours. Enjoy a 15-minute scenic flight then set off on a serene pad­dle across crys­tal-clear water. No expe­ri­ence necessary!

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"}]

Art Workshops

Set in down­town Anchor­age, Wild Starr is not only a place to dis­cov­er gor­geous cre­ations from Alaskan artists — it’s also a com­mu­ni­ty gath­er­ing space that hosts fun events focused on cre­at­ing your own works of art.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"}]

Sea Kayaking Tours View All

Tours depart from Anchorage, Girdwood, and Whittier
Season: June 1 - August 31 $400 8 hrs - Full Day

Lazy Otter offers guid­ed kayak tours and trans­porta­tion to seclud­ed areas of Prince William Sound. The calm waters have a gor­geous back­drop of the Chugach Moun­tains’ ser­rat­ed peaks. Keep an eye out for the crea­tures that walk the shores and swim in the sea: orcas, hump­back whales, sea lions, puffins, seals, sea otters, eagles, goats, and bears. 

Season: Mid May– Early September $30+ day rentals 1+ day rentals

Embark on an unfor­get­table pad­dling adven­ture in Alas­ka with AK Pad­dle­sports! Nes­tled just out­side Anchor­age, this fam­i­ly-found­ed com­pa­ny offers a vast selec­tion of top-qual­i­ty water­craft, includ­ing pad­dle­boards, kayaks, and canoes, avail­able for rent by the day. Expe­ri­ence the con­ve­nience of equip­ment deliv­ery and pick-up, allow­ing you to spend more time explor­ing Alaska’s scenic lakes.

Season: June 3 - Sept 17 $399+

Enjoy a mag­i­cal morn­ing or evening kayak­ing the calm waters of Spencer Lake, in the awe-inspir­ing pres­ence of a jagged ter­mi­nus glac­i­er. Your time on the water is sand­wiched between two train rides that offer up some of Alaska’s most scenic rail miles. It’s a full day of unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences in our country’s sec­ond largest nation­al for­est – the Chugach.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"}]

Jet Ski Tours View All

Tours depart from Whittier
Season: Mid-April – Late September $360+ per driver 4 hours

Tour­ing the spec­tac­u­lar tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers of Prince William Sound is even more excit­ing when you do it on a Jet Ski. Go with Alas­ka Wild Guides out of Whit­ti­er to expe­ri­ence the area’s unique sights and sounds while skim­ming across the top of the water on your own per­son­al watercraft.

Season: May–September $380 4 - 4.5 hours

Faster than a kayak and more inti­mate than a day cruise, the Jet Ski is a great way to get up close and per­son­al with Alaska’s gor­geous scenery. Go with Whit­ti­er-based Glac­i­er Jet Ski Adven­tures and you’ll be tak­ing your machine out on the water to explore the stun­ning glac­i­ers and wildlife of Black­stone Bay. All equip­ment is pro­vid­ed and no expe­ri­ence is nec­es­sary on this unique 4.5‑hour journey.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"}]

Bicycle Day Tours View All

Bicycle Tours & Rentals

Set right in Anchor­age, this ski moun­tain trans­forms into a sum­mer­time won­der­land for bik­ers and hik­ers. Take a bicy­cle up the lift to the scenic peak and expe­ri­ence one of the many sin­gle-track trails as you descend across var­ied ter­rain at the base of the Chugach Moun­tains or ride the lift up and walk down. It’s the north­ern­most bike park in North Amer­i­ca and a LOAM pass destination.

Season: Year Round $119+ Day Tours | $35+ Rentals Half and Full Day Tours | Rentals 4hrs+

Anchor­age may be Alaska’s big city, but this bicy­cle tour oper­a­tor offers quick proof that the city has a lot of wilder­ness. Choose your ride based on half-day or full-day options, as well as dif­fi­cul­ty. You’ll go from down­town to Moth­er Nature — with moun­tains, coastal views, and the occa­sion­al moose sight­ing — in no time at all. Bet­ter yet, the tours often include beer tast­ings or lunch.

Season: May - Sept $98 3 hrs

Love bik­ing? Love art? Then this ebike excur­sion around Anchor­age from Free­wheel Tours is per­fect for you. The 3‑hour, 18-mile trip runs in the morn­ing and after­noon and takes an inti­mate group (there’s a 4‑person max­i­mum) past gor­geous murals, to appre­ci­ate the art and learn the back­sto­ry of each. It’s cul­ture, his­to­ry, and recre­ation wrapped up in one tour — and any­one ages 15 and up who can ride a bike is welcome.

Season: May 15 – Sep 30 $25+ 2+ hrs

Hop on a full-sus­pen­sion moun­tain bike and ped­al your way around the gor­geous Eklut­na Lake with expe­ri­enced tour com­pa­ny Life­time Adven­tures. Rent a bike and set off your own, or take the guid­ed bike tour and gain insights along the way! Com­bi­na­tion tours that include kayak­ing or hik­ing are also available.

Season: June - September $60+ Bike & Gear Rental

Rent a moun­tain bike (and all the body armor you need) for a thrilling, two-wheel ride down Mt. Alyeska. Lessons and tours of the route are offered. Or, go for a hike on one of the many area trails, either with a guide or on your own. You can even strap on some cram­pons and go trekking on a glacier. 

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"}]

Snowmobile Tours View All

Season: Mid-November to mid-April $275+ 3.5+ hrs

Hop aboard an eco-friend­ly snow­mo­bile in Gird­wood and ride on groomed trails beneath mas­sive, 7,000-foot glaciat­ed peaks or vis­it the daz­zling blue ice of Spencer Glac­i­er. Or, head north of Anchor­age for a trail ride through mid-alpine black spruce forests. No expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary, all gear pro­vid­ed, and warm bev­er­ages and snacks included. 

$275+ 5-6 hours (day trip) or multi-day

Explore Alaska’s back­coun­try astride a speedy and fun snow­ma­chine. Alas­ka Wild Guides will take you out for one thrilling day, or for sev­er­al days of exhil­a­rat­ing adven­ture. Find hid­den ice caves and remote glac­i­ers while nav­i­gat­ing along frozen rivers and through deep powder.

Season: October - April $225+ 3 hrs - Multi-Day

Expe­ri­ence Alaska’s win­ter beau­ty with your thumb on the throt­tle as you pilot a snow­mo­bile over the snowy land­scape, led by an expert guide. While cruis­ing along the trails and play­ing in the pow­der, you’ll dri­ve to dreamy spots like the Susit­na Riv­er Basin, which offers amaz­ing views of Denali on a clear day. 

Season: December - End of March $255+ Half Day, Full Day, Multi-Day

Join the expe­ri­enced guides at Alas­ka Back­coun­try Adven­tures on an excit­ing adven­ture into Alaska’s remote, win­tery play­ground. When con­di­tions allow; you’ll ride right up the Knik Riv­er Val­ley and onto the frozen lake at the ter­mi­nus of the Knik Glac­i­er. Enjoy rid­ing amongst blue ice and in between giant ice­bergs frozen in place. Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife 

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"}]

Dog Sledding Tours View All

Glacier Dog sledding from nearby Girdwood and Knik • Winter Mushing Tours in Willow
Season: Year Round $69+ 1-3.5 hrs

Sum­mer or win­ter, vis­it a fam­i­ly-run cham­pi­on ken­nel, meet friend­ly dogs and an expe­ri­enced mush­er for a ride along pri­vate trails with views of Denali. Opt to ride in the sled or mush your own. Or, for a tru­ly authen­tic adven­ture, go on a train­ing run for the Idi­tar­od! Large groups and spe­cial events wel­come when orga­nized in advance.

Season: May 15 - Aug 31 $590 2 hrs

Ratch­et up the adven­ture fac­tor and try your hand at dogsled­ding. Alpine Air Alas­ka flies to a dog camp run by the old­est estab­lished dog-sled tour busi­ness in Alas­ka. With a shut­tle option avail­able from Anchor­age, you’ll trav­el by heli­copter from Girdwood’s green forests up over a small sad­dle to land on a glac­i­er and be intro­duced to the dog team. Dri­ve” the dogs your­self, or sit in the sled and enjoy hang­ing glac­i­ers that sur­round you.  ...more

Season: November - March $349+ 8 - 9 hrs

Every­body loves sled dogs, and Salmon Berry Tours offers you the chance to get behind the sled year-round. In sum­mer and win­ter, you’ll head to the ken­nel of Idi­tar­od Cham­pi­on Dal­las Seavey, where you’ll see a gear demon­stra­tion, meet the dogs, and ride on the sled behind them. They also have a mul­ti-day adven­ture for Idi­tar­od enthusiasts. 

Season: Winter $169+ 1.5 - 4 hours

Expe­ri­ence the excite­ment of rac­ing cham­pi­on sled dogs at the Alas­ka Mush­ing School, just 75 min­utes from Anchor­age. Get a professional’s insight into the mush­ing lifestyle as you ride behind a team of ener­getic sled dogs on trails con­nect­ed to the famous Idi­tar­od route. Bun­dle up and ride in com­fort, or brave the cold and dri­ve the team yourself!

Season: Year Round $55 Summer | $179+ Winter

Get an insider’s look at the icon­ic Alaskan sport of dog mush­ing when you vis­it Hap­py Trails Ken­nel in Big Lake, oper­at­ed by four-time Idi­tar­od cham­pi­on (and mem­ber of the Alas­ka Sports Hall of Fame) Mar­tin Buser. You can vis­it year-round; come in win­ter and you can expe­ri­ence the thrill of dog mush­ing your­self on a dog sled ride!

$599+ 1.5 - 2.25 hrs

Stun­ning scenery, a thrilling ride and hap­py pup­pies: this tour out of the Anchor­age area offers an unbeat­able com­bi­na­tion of clas­sic Alas­ka expe­ri­ences that will delight fam­i­lies or — real­ly, any­body. Tak­ing a total of about 90 min­utes, and run­ning from mid-May to ear­ly Sep­tem­ber, this tour includes a Flight­see­ing round trip, a small friend­ly group envi­ron­ment, and plen­ty of one-on-one time with the dogs and their mushers.

Season: Year Round Summer $60+ | Winter $185+ 1-2 hrs

Find out what this icon­ic Alaskan sport is all about when you meet the dogs and learn about rac­ing them with Susit­na Sled Dog Adven­tures out of Tal­keet­na. Come in win­ter and you can also hop on a sled to real­ly feel what dog mush­ing is like!

Season: Year Round Summer: $75+ | Winter: $150+ 2+ hrs

Embark on a thrilling dog sled­ding adven­ture with Snowhook’s team of Alaskan Huskies and expe­ri­ence the excite­ment of run­ning sled dogs on the scenic Idi­tar­od trail. Owned by sea­soned rac­ers, Snowhook offers per­son­al­ized tours for all ages and activ­i­ty lev­els, with the option to com­bine dog sled­ding and snow­mo­bil­ing for a full-day Alaskan adventure. 

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"}]

Glacier Tours View All

Season: June 3 - Sept 17 $399+

Enjoy a mag­i­cal morn­ing or evening kayak­ing the calm waters of Spencer Lake, in the awe-inspir­ing pres­ence of a jagged ter­mi­nus glac­i­er. Your time on the water is sand­wiched between two train rides that offer up some of Alaska’s most scenic rail miles. It’s a full day of unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences in our country’s sec­ond largest nation­al for­est – the Chugach.

Season: Year Round $175+ 30 min to 3 hrs

Enjoy a bird’s eye view of Alaska’s scenic high­lights on a flight­see­ing tour with Rust’s Fly­ing Ser­vice, where every pas­sen­ger gets a win­dow seat. Tour options include a short 30-minute Anchor­age Flight­see­ing Safari, a flight to Denali, Denali plus a glac­i­er land­ing, and more. Tours begin at Anchorage’s Lake Hood, the world’s busiest sea­plane airport.

Season: May 3 - Oct 5 $159+ 3.75 - 5.75 hrs

Phillips 26 Glac­i­er Cruise, out of Whit­ti­er, will take you to 26 dif­fer­ent glac­i­ers in just 5.5 hours. Enjoy cozy com­forts on the high-speed cata­ma­ran and wan­der its out­door decks as you come with­in 300 feet of mas­sive tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers. In addi­tion to glac­i­ers, the cap­tain will be on the look­out for wildlife like otters, whales, har­bor seals, and marine birds. The trip takes place in the after­noon, and a hot lunch is includ­ed in your tour.   ...more

Season: Mid-May to Mid-September $160+ 3 hrs to full day excursions

There’s climb­ing a moun­tain – and then there’s climb­ing an ICE moun­tain. Regard­less of your climb­ing abil­i­ty or expe­ri­ence, you’ll end the day feel­ing ful­filled and inspired. MICA also offers short, guid­ed hikes and longer treks if you pre­fer a more leisure­ly explore of the glac­i­er and its grandeur.

$275+ 5-6 hours (day trip) or multi-day

Explore Alaska’s back­coun­try astride a speedy and fun snow­ma­chine. Alas­ka Wild Guides will take you out for one thrilling day, or for sev­er­al days of exhil­a­rat­ing adven­ture. Find hid­den ice caves and remote glac­i­ers while nav­i­gat­ing along frozen rivers and through deep powder.

Season: December - End of March $255+ Half Day, Full Day, Multi-Day

Join the expe­ri­enced guides at Alas­ka Back­coun­try Adven­tures on an excit­ing adven­ture into Alaska’s remote, win­tery play­ground. When con­di­tions allow; you’ll ride right up the Knik Riv­er Val­ley and onto the frozen lake at the ter­mi­nus of the Knik Glac­i­er. Enjoy rid­ing amongst blue ice and in between giant ice­bergs frozen in place. Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife 

Season: mid-May to mid-September $49+ 1 hr

Just an hour’s dri­ve from Anchor­age, the MV Ptarmi­gan let you get with­in 300 feet of the tow­er­ing ice wall called Portage Glac­i­er. You can also book a nar­rat­ed motor­coach tour to take you to Portage Glacier. 

Season: May 25 – September 15 $241+ (Rate Includes Train Ticket)

The orig­i­nal hall­mark trip that got the Alas­ka Rail­road to bring the Glac­i­er Dis­cov­ery to Spencer Glac­i­er in 2002. This is one of the most scenic glac­i­er riv­er trips in Alas­ka and a per­fect float for all ages. Your trip begins with a scenic ride on Alas­ka Railroad’s Glac­i­er Dis­cov­ery train, which runs from Anchor­age, Gird­wood, and oth­er pick-up points along the rail­belt. Enjoy a beau­ti­ful ride down Tur­na­gain Arm and the Plac­er Riv­er Val­ley and  ...more

$115+ 3 to 8 hrs

Expe­ri­ence the thrill of walk­ing or climb­ing on a glac­i­er. The Matanus­ka is Alaska’s largest road-acces­si­ble glac­i­er, and it’s just 90 min­utes from Anchor­age, so it’s an easy way to get up close and per­son­al with these amaz­ing nat­ur­al won­ders. You don’t need to be expe­ri­enced in either activ­i­ty — just be in good shape and up for adven­ture. You’ll either walk around on the glac­i­er with cram­pons or learn how to use an ice axe and safe­ly work your  ...more

$385+ per person 30 min - 7 hrs

You’ll take off from Anchor­age, and Alas­ka will open up for you as you appre­ci­ate its vast­ness from the air. Where will you go? That’s up to you! Choose from a vari­ety of tours. Take one of the clas­sics, like flight­see­ing to Denali, or opt to explore one of the state’s hid­den gems. You can also fly to see glac­i­ers, go bear view­ing in Lake Clark Nation­al Park, or work with the pros at Alas­ka Air Ser­vice to cre­ate your own cus­tom itinerary.

Season: Mid-April – Late September $360+ per driver 4 hours

Tour­ing the spec­tac­u­lar tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers of Prince William Sound is even more excit­ing when you do it on a Jet Ski. Go with Alas­ka Wild Guides out of Whit­ti­er to expe­ri­ence the area’s unique sights and sounds while skim­ming across the top of the water on your own per­son­al watercraft.

Season: Year Round $329+ 30 - 90 min

There are few things more spec­tac­u­lar than lift­ing off in a heli­copter and soar­ing over Alaska’s glac­i­er-filled ter­rain or out across its shim­mer­ing waters. Get a taste for heli­copter flight­see­ing on a 30-minute trip or choose a longer tour with a glac­i­er land­ing. Shut­tle avail­able from Anchorage.

Season: Year Round $429+ 1 hr - full day

For out­stand­ing view­ing and incred­i­ble access to remote places, there’s noth­ing like flight­see­ing by heli­copter. Join Alas­ka Heli­copter Tours – a local­ly-owned, high­ly-respect­ed heli­copter tour and char­ter com­pa­ny – for excur­sions that reveal hid­den sites just min­utes from Anchor­age. Spot wildlife from the air, stand on a glac­i­er or land on a remote airstrip.

Season: May–September $380 4 - 4.5 hours

Faster than a kayak and more inti­mate than a day cruise, the Jet Ski is a great way to get up close and per­son­al with Alaska’s gor­geous scenery. Go with Whit­ti­er-based Glac­i­er Jet Ski Adven­tures and you’ll be tak­ing your machine out on the water to explore the stun­ning glac­i­ers and wildlife of Black­stone Bay. All equip­ment is pro­vid­ed and no expe­ri­ence is nec­es­sary on this unique 4.5‑hour journey.

4 to 8 hrs

This vet­er­an tour oper­a­tor runs a a fleet of fast, mod­ern boats in Res­ur­rec­tion Bay and Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park. You’ll vis­it tide­wa­ter glac­i­ers as you watch for puffins, sea otters, Dall’s por­pois­es, sea lions, and more. Some tours are designed to please bird­ers or shut­ter­bugs, while oth­ers are per­fect for families. 

Season: April 1 - Sep 30 $299+ drive | $179+ passenger Half Day, Full Day and Multi Day/Custom Trips

With Alas­ka Back­coun­try Adven­ture Tours, you can expe­ri­ence glac­i­ers inac­ces­si­ble by road. Nev­er fear if you’ve nev­er dri­ven an before; this com­pa­ny teach­es you to maneu­ver your ATV through the Alaskan wilder­ness with your guide at the lead. Your des­ti­na­tion is the mag­nif­i­cent Knik Glac­i­er, where you’ll enjoy lunch and gor­geous scenery.

Season: Year Round $185+ 3.5 to 8 hrs

Lazy Otter offers clas­sic tours, but this is a water taxi, so they’ll also take you any­where you want to go with­in Price William Sound — or just cus­tomize a tour to what­ev­er you want to see. Maybe that’s glac­i­ers, or whales, — or maybe it’s qui­et time on a seclud­ed beach. Lazy Otter can also help facil­i­tate tak­ing you and your fam­i­ly on a camp­ing trip. You’re not held to any strict sched­ule, either: if, on a day tour, you can spend more time in one  ...more

Season: May 15 - Aug 31 $590 2 hrs

Ratch­et up the adven­ture fac­tor and try your hand at dogsled­ding. Alpine Air Alas­ka flies to a dog camp run by the old­est estab­lished dog-sled tour busi­ness in Alas­ka. With a shut­tle option avail­able from Anchor­age, you’ll trav­el by heli­copter from Girdwood’s green forests up over a small sad­dle to land on a glac­i­er and be intro­duced to the dog team. Dri­ve” the dogs your­self, or sit in the sled and enjoy hang­ing glac­i­ers that sur­round you.  ...more

Season: Year round - water landing approximately May 1st - October 5th $175+ .5 to 3 hrs

Explore Alas­ka from above with this fam­i­ly-owned com­pa­ny that oper­ates out of Anchor­age. Options include fly­ing above Denali, Knik and Colony Glac­i­er, the Chugach Moun­tains, and more!

Season: March 12 - Oct 12 $115+ 3.5 hrs - Full Day

Res­ur­rec­tion Bay and Kenai Fjords are great places to see wildlife and glac­i­ers. And Major Marine’s ves­sels, which have cozy heat­ed cab­ins and an out­door view­ing area, can take you out to see both. This fam­i­ly-owned tour oper­a­tor has gone above and beyond to give guests an amaz­ing day on the water since 1990

Season: Year Round $299 per person 9 hrs

Walk­ing out across the ice of Alaska’s largest road-acces­si­ble glac­i­er is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence that you can take advan­tage of year-round — and it’s just a two-hour dri­ve from Anchorage.

Season: October - April $225+ 3 hrs - Multi-Day

Expe­ri­ence Alaska’s win­ter beau­ty with your thumb on the throt­tle as you pilot a snow­mo­bile over the snowy land­scape, led by an expert guide. While cruis­ing along the trails and play­ing in the pow­der, you’ll dri­ve to dreamy spots like the Susit­na Riv­er Basin, which offers amaz­ing views of Denali on a clear day. 

Season: Mid-November to mid-April $275+ 3.5+ hrs

Hop aboard an eco-friend­ly snow­mo­bile in Gird­wood and ride on groomed trails beneath mas­sive, 7,000-foot glaciat­ed peaks or vis­it the daz­zling blue ice of Spencer Glac­i­er. Or, head north of Anchor­age for a trail ride through mid-alpine black spruce forests. No expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary, all gear pro­vid­ed, and warm bev­er­ages and snacks included. 

Season: June 1 - Sep 15 $899 per person

Expe­ri­ence the wilder­ness of the Chugach Nation­al For­est from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives. Com­bine a heli­copter ride, alpine hike, glacial lake tour, and train ride all in 9 – 10 hours! It’s one big and bold Alas­ka tour de force with Chugach Adventures.

$599+ 1.5 - 2.25 hrs

Stun­ning scenery, a thrilling ride and hap­py pup­pies: this tour out of the Anchor­age area offers an unbeat­able com­bi­na­tion of clas­sic Alas­ka expe­ri­ences that will delight fam­i­lies or — real­ly, any­body. Tak­ing a total of about 90 min­utes, and run­ning from mid-May to ear­ly Sep­tem­ber, this tour includes a Flight­see­ing round trip, a small friend­ly group envi­ron­ment, and plen­ty of one-on-one time with the dogs and their mushers.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"}]

Guided Hiking View All

Chugach State Park • Alpine Hiking • Glacier hiking
Season: Year Round $109+ 2 hrs - Multi-Day

Get out there on one or more of these super-acces­si­ble trips, which range from easy nature walks to stren­u­ous alpine mul­ti-day treks. You’ll not only get a healthy dose of scenery, you’ll also exer­cise your body, mind, and soul. In win­ter, mar­vel at frozen water­falls, snow­shoe treks and even heli-snowshoeing!

Season: Year Round $439+ 1.5+ hrs

Glac­i­er trekking, kayak­ing, ice climb­ing, and oth­er activ­i­ties are even more spe­cial when com­bined with a spec­tac­u­lar heli­copter ride through Alaska’s dra­mat­ic scenery. Thanks to key part­ner­ships with oth­er expe­ri­enced Alaskan tour oper­a­tors, Palmer based Out­bound Heli Adven­tures is able to coor­di­nate seam­less out­ings of a life­time! And, they pride them­selves on offer­ing the most amount of flight time with their excursions.

Season: Year Round $310+ from Anchorage, $410+ from Girdwood 8.5 hrs

Embark on a full-day adven­ture to Alaska’s leg­endary Matanus­ka Glac­i­er, guid­ed by a 100% Native Alaskan-owned team. Your jour­ney begins with a breath­tak­ing dri­ve north from Anchor­age or Gird­wood, wind­ing through the Chugach Moun­tains and past the Matanus­ka Riv­er. Arriv­ing at the glac­i­er, you’ll gear up with a hel­met and cram­pons before step­ping onto the ice for a guid­ed trek through daz­zling blue ice caves and crevasses. 

Season: May–September $129+ 3+ hrs

Dis­cov­er Alaska’s scenic gem, Portage Val­ley — just an hour from Anchor­age with Glac­i­er City Raft­ing & Hik­ing. Offer­ing small-group tours guid­ed by knowl­edge­able locals, and explore glacial lakes, snow-capped peaks, and wildlife.

Season: Year Round Custom pricing, contact for rates Full Day & Multi-Day

Explore Anchorage’s best kept secrets with a local guide. Tra­verse Alaska’s pri­vate, cus­tom adven­tures are designed to take vis­i­tors off the beat­en path and away from the crowds. Adven­tures can incor­po­rate a full day of hik­ing or a com­bi­na­tion of scenic dri­ving and out­door activ­i­ties. Each trip is cus­tom designed to meet your inter­ests and desired activ­i­ty level.

Season: June 1 - Sep 15 $899 per person

Expe­ri­ence the wilder­ness of the Chugach Nation­al For­est from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives. Com­bine a heli­copter ride, alpine hike, glacial lake tour, and train ride all in 9 – 10 hours! It’s one big and bold Alas­ka tour de force with Chugach Adventures.

Season: Year Round $299 per person 9 hrs

Walk­ing out across the ice of Alaska’s largest road-acces­si­ble glac­i­er is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence that you can take advan­tage of year-round — and it’s just a two-hour dri­ve from Anchorage.

Season: Jan 15 – March 15 and June 15 – Sept 15 $999+ 4-5 hrs

Lift off in a heli­copter for an incred­i­bly scenic 15-minute flight over the Knik Riv­er on your way to the Knik Glac­i­er. Once you’ve land­ed, your guide will help you get equipped with all the gear you need to make your ascent up the glac­i­er wall or down into a glacial moulin, includ­ing rope, har­ness, hel­met, boots, cram­pons, and ice tools. Nev­er ice climbed before? No problem

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"}]

Jeep & ATV Tours View All

ATV around glacial lakes and valleys
Season: May–October $225+ Half & Full-Day

Expe­ri­ence Alas­ka ATV and Side by Side tours at his­toric Hatch­er Pass. These half-day and full-day tours take place high in the Tal­keet­na moun­tains where you will ven­ture through creeks, twist­ing trails, and climb to amaz­ing views. This tour is suit­able for begin­ners and more advanced rid­ers! Locat­ed just an hour from Anchorage.

Season: May 1 - Sep 30 $149+ 1.5 Hrs & Full Day (6-8 hrs)

Head out into the Alaskan wilder­ness on this excit­ing ATV adven­ture, dri­ving through woods and splash­ing through rivers on your way to a gor­geous glacial moraine sur­round­ed by tow­er­ing snow-capped peaks. Trans­porta­tion from Anchor­age included.

Season: May 15 - Sep 30 $250+ 3 hrs

There’s great Alaskan back­coun­try ATV rid­ing just a few miles south of Anchor­age. Engage in the sights, sounds, and smells of the north­ern­most tem­per­ate rain­for­est while expe­ri­enc­ing the thrill of the throt­tle through the wind­ing wood­ed trails of the Chugach Moun­tain Range. In the alpine mead­ows of this wilder­ness area, there are fre­quent sight­ings of both brown and black bears, moun­tain goats, and Dall sheep.

Season: Year Round $60+ per person 3 hrs

Pilot a util­i­ty task vehi­cle (UTV) — an ATV that’s ful­ly enclosed — with fam­i­ly and friends as you splash through rivers, take in stun­ning views, and even pan for gold on this unique, 3‑hour excur­sion with Hatch­er Pass ATV Tours out of Willow.

Season: April 1 - Sep 30 $299+ drive | $179+ passenger Half Day, Full Day and Multi Day/Custom Trips

With Alas­ka Back­coun­try Adven­ture Tours, you can expe­ri­ence glac­i­ers inac­ces­si­ble by road. Nev­er fear if you’ve nev­er dri­ven an before; this com­pa­ny teach­es you to maneu­ver your ATV through the Alaskan wilder­ness with your guide at the lead. Your des­ti­na­tion is the mag­nif­i­cent Knik Glac­i­er, where you’ll enjoy lunch and gor­geous scenery.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"}]

Rafting Tours View All

Tours depart from Anchorage and Girdwood
Season: May 25 – September 15 $241+ (Rate Includes Train Ticket)

The orig­i­nal hall­mark trip that got the Alas­ka Rail­road to bring the Glac­i­er Dis­cov­ery to Spencer Glac­i­er in 2002. This is one of the most scenic glac­i­er riv­er trips in Alas­ka and a per­fect float for all ages. Your trip begins with a scenic ride on Alas­ka Railroad’s Glac­i­er Dis­cov­ery train, which runs from Anchor­age, Gird­wood, and oth­er pick-up points along the rail­belt. Enjoy a beau­ti­ful ride down Tur­na­gain Arm and the Plac­er Riv­er Val­ley and  ...more

Season: 4-9 hrs $1499 4 hrs

The sport of pack­raft­ing is a great way to enjoy raft­ing and explore the gor­geous Alaskan wilder­ness. Do it with Alas­ka Heli­copter Tours out of Palmer and you’ll also expe­ri­ence a scenic heli­copter ride!

Season: May–September $129+ 3+ hrs

Dis­cov­er Alaska’s scenic gem, Portage Val­ley — just an hour from Anchor­age with Glac­i­er City Raft­ing & Hik­ing. Offer­ing small-group tours guid­ed by knowl­edge­able locals, and explore glacial lakes, snow-capped peaks, and wildlife.

$149+ 2+ hrs

Six Mile Creek is one of the most famous — and most chal­leng­ing — white­wa­ter runs in the entire state of Alas­ka. Your heart will be pound­ing and your mus­cles burn­ing as you pad­dle through rapids called Big Rock Drop,” Suck­hole,” and Let’s Make a Deal.”

Season: May 23 - Sept 7 $125+ per person 3 hrs

Join Flow AK on a back­coun­try adven­ture with expert guides as you nav­i­gate the nar­row canyons and chal­leng­ing rapids of Six Mile Creek. With small groups and per­son­al­ized atten­tion, you’re sure to make new friends and unfor­get­table mem­o­ries. Just a short dri­ve from Anchor­age, this excur­sion is not to be missed!

Season: June 1 - Sep 15 $899 per person

Expe­ri­ence the wilder­ness of the Chugach Nation­al For­est from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives. Com­bine a heli­copter ride, alpine hike, glacial lake tour, and train ride all in 9 – 10 hours! It’s one big and bold Alas­ka tour de force with Chugach Adventures.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"}]

Winter Dog Mushing View All

Sledding & Kennel Tours

Season: November - March $349+ 8 - 9 hrs

Every­body loves sled dogs, and Salmon Berry Tours offers you the chance to get behind the sled year-round. In sum­mer and win­ter, you’ll head to the ken­nel of Idi­tar­od Cham­pi­on Dal­las Seavey, where you’ll see a gear demon­stra­tion, meet the dogs, and ride on the sled behind them. They also have a mul­ti-day adven­ture for Idi­tar­od enthusiasts. 

Season: Year Round Summer: $75+ | Winter: $150+ 2+ hrs

Embark on a thrilling dog sled­ding adven­ture with Snowhook’s team of Alaskan Huskies and expe­ri­ence the excite­ment of run­ning sled dogs on the scenic Idi­tar­od trail. Owned by sea­soned rac­ers, Snowhook offers per­son­al­ized tours for all ages and activ­i­ty lev­els, with the option to com­bine dog sled­ding and snow­mo­bil­ing for a full-day Alaskan adventure. 

Season: Winter $169+ 1.5 - 4 hours

Expe­ri­ence the excite­ment of rac­ing cham­pi­on sled dogs at the Alas­ka Mush­ing School, just 75 min­utes from Anchor­age. Get a professional’s insight into the mush­ing lifestyle as you ride behind a team of ener­getic sled dogs on trails con­nect­ed to the famous Idi­tar­od route. Bun­dle up and ride in com­fort, or brave the cold and dri­ve the team yourself!

Season: Year Round $55 Summer | $179+ Winter

Get an insider’s look at the icon­ic Alaskan sport of dog mush­ing when you vis­it Hap­py Trails Ken­nel in Big Lake, oper­at­ed by four-time Idi­tar­od cham­pi­on (and mem­ber of the Alas­ka Sports Hall of Fame) Mar­tin Buser. You can vis­it year-round; come in win­ter and you can expe­ri­ence the thrill of dog mush­ing your­self on a dog sled ride!

Season: Year Round Summer $60+ | Winter $185+ 1-2 hrs

Find out what this icon­ic Alaskan sport is all about when you meet the dogs and learn about rac­ing them with Susit­na Sled Dog Adven­tures out of Tal­keet­na. Come in win­ter and you can also hop on a sled to real­ly feel what dog mush­ing is like!

Season: Year Round $69+ 1-3.5 hrs

Sum­mer or win­ter, vis­it a fam­i­ly-run cham­pi­on ken­nel, meet friend­ly dogs and an expe­ri­enced mush­er for a ride along pri­vate trails with views of Denali. Opt to ride in the sled or mush your own. Or, for a tru­ly authen­tic adven­ture, go on a train­ing run for the Idi­tar­od! Large groups and spe­cial events wel­come when orga­nized in advance.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"}]

City Sightseeing Tours View All

Trolley, train, escape rooms, photography & more
Season: Year Round $37 1.5 hrs

Every now and then in Alas­ka — where the weath­er can change quick­ly — a great indoor activ­i­ty comes in handy. But this unique year-round attrac­tion, where a fam­i­ly or a group of friends solves a mys­tery while locked” indoors, makes a fun diver­sion even when the skies are clear outside.

Season: Year Round $189

Join Alas­ka Pho­to Treks as they go hunt­ing for the best light of the day, which dur­ing sum­mer at this lat­i­tude can last for sev­er­al glo­ri­ous hours before sun­set. You’ll be trans­port­ed to scenic loca­tions around South­cen­tral Alas­ka to shoot a vari­ety of enchant­i­ng sub­jects. The itin­er­ary is flex­i­ble and allows for spon­ta­neous stops to pho­to­graph wildlife en route. 

Season: Year Round $25+ 1-2 hrs

Step aboard Anchor­age’s first trol­ley. Relax and enjoy the ride while your guide shows you the sites and attrac­tions of Anchor­age. You’ll see the Alas­ka Rail­road, Lake Hood (the world’s largest and busiest float-plane base), mys­te­ri­ous Earth­quake Park, Cook Inlet, Anchor­age Muse­um, shop­ping areas, and restau­rants. Your ride is ful­ly nar­rat­ed, and the trol­ley is heat­ed and enclosed.

Season: May 31 - Sept 15 $80 to $167

The train can be used as a mode of trans­porta­tion, how­ev­er it can also be a round-trip sight­see­ing excur­sion. This pri­ma­ry des­ti­na­tion is the town of Whit­ti­er, a major cruise ship and after­noon day cruise hub. Day Trips from Anchor­age: Whit­ti­er, Gird­wood, Spencer Glac­i­er, Grandview

Season: Year Round $119+ Day Tours | $35+ Rentals Half and Full Day Tours | Rentals 4hrs+

Anchor­age may be Alaska’s big city, but this bicy­cle tour oper­a­tor offers quick proof that the city has a lot of wilder­ness. Choose your ride based on half-day or full-day options, as well as dif­fi­cul­ty. You’ll go from down­town to Moth­er Nature — with moun­tains, coastal views, and the occa­sion­al moose sight­ing — in no time at all. Bet­ter yet, the tours often include beer tast­ings or lunch.

Season: Year Round $59+ 45 min - 9 hrs

This expe­ri­enced, local­ly run com­pa­ny offers a superb guide-to-vis­i­tor ratio, cre­at­ing a real feel­ing of inti­ma­cy, while their expert guides will help deep­en your under­stand­ing of the area. From city overviews to for­ays just out­side town, Salmon Berry Tours offers expe­ri­ences from 2.5 hours up to a full 8‑hour tour.

Season: Year Round $140+ 3-8 hrs

Get to know Alas­ka in a tru­ly authen­tic way — through its unique cui­sine. On this walk­ing food tour, you’ll sam­ple fla­vors as you explore Anchor­age and hear sto­ries of the 49th state.

Season: Year Round $169+ 4 - 11 hrs

If you’re a beer snob — or just like soak­ing up the per­son­al­i­ty of a city through its brew­pubs — this cre­ative tour com­pa­ny offers a few dif­fer­ent tours, each of which pro­vide an inter­est­ing look at life in Alas­ka, as well as through a taste of the state’s legit craft beer indus­try. The Anchor­age Brews Tour, is a short, 3.5 hour local brew­ery tour. Hops on the Rail tour com­bines brew­eries between Anchor­age and Tal­keet­na with a ride on The Alaska  ...more

Season: Aug 17 - April 24 $295+ 6 hours

Pho­to­graph alpen­glow on snow capped moun­tains, frosty scenes glow­ing in rich win­ter light, wildlife wan­der­ing snowy paths, city lights reflect­ing on the water at twi­light, and pos­si­bly even the north­ern lights!

Season: Sep. 15 - 22 
8 Day / 7 Nights
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

This fall pho­tog­ra­phy trip offers some of the best pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties in Alas­ka as the sea­sons change. Head to Lake Clark Nation­al Park for griz­zly bears, turquoise-col­ored lakes, snow­capped moun­tains and the bright gold col­ors of fall. You’ll also spend a half day pho­tograph­ing moose, and a heli­copter flight to an ice­berg-filled glacial lake only acces­si­ble by air. Fall can also be a won­der­ful time to pho­to­graph the auro­ra bore­alis, weather  ...more

Season: May 10 - Sept 15 $97 to $452

The Coastal Clas­sic train runs between Anchor­age and the town of Seward — a four-hour trip that’s the most beau­ti­ful along the entire Alas­ka Rail­road. You’ll see Tur­na­gain Arm as the train departs Anchor­age, then a panora­ma of moun­tains, glac­i­ers, lakes, and streams. You may even see wildlife like Dall sheep, Bel­u­ga whales, moose, bear, and more! Day Trip from Anchor­age: Seward, Gird­wood Mul­ti-Day Trip from Anchor­age: Overnight Seward, or  ...more

$995 per person 8-10 hours

The 7- to 9‑hour tour out of Anchor­age’s Lake Hood is led by a pho­tog­ra­ph­er-pilot whom has pub­lished pho­tos in such mag­a­zines as Air and Space, Stearns and Nation­al Geo­graph­ic. Set up for the best shots, every pas­sen­ger gets a win­dow seat and a two-way head­set for pilot nar­ra­tion — you’ll have a stun­ning ride filled with pho­to ops of rugged moun­tains, glacial pools and ice blue glac­i­ers. Then, you’ll land on a remote water­way to take pho­tos on the  ...more

Season: Year Round $99+ 3+ hrs

Short on time and want to see anoth­er side of Anchor­age and the gor­geous sur­round­ing area? Take a small-group tour with Escap­ing Anchor­age, whose own­er, Brit­tney, cre­ates per­son­al­ized adven­tures fea­tur­ing beau­ti­ful scenery and real insights.

Season: Year Round $69 3 hrs

Step into the heart of Anchor­age with a 100% Native Alaskan-owned tour that blends urban his­to­ry, breath­tak­ing land­scapes, and authen­tic local fla­vors. Vis­it icon­ic land­marks like Ship Creek, Earth­quake Park, and Bel­u­ga Point. Cap­ture sky­line views from Point Woron­zof, see Denali on a clear day, and indulge in smoked salmon, rein­deer sausage, and home­made choco­lates. Wrap up your jour­ney at Lake Hood, the world’s busiest float­plane base, watching  ...more

Season: Year Round $36.50 1 hr

Whether you have some time before a flight or want an hour of fun between activ­i­ties, the rooms at Escape! Alas­ka are a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for group bond­ing. Search for the tomb of a great Egypt­ian High Priest or walk into a 1930s movie where your goal is to solve the mur­der of a beloved local philanthropist.

Season: May - Sept $98 3 hrs

Love bik­ing? Love art? Then this ebike excur­sion around Anchor­age from Free­wheel Tours is per­fect for you. The 3‑hour, 18-mile trip runs in the morn­ing and after­noon and takes an inti­mate group (there’s a 4‑person max­i­mum) past gor­geous murals, to appre­ci­ate the art and learn the back­sto­ry of each. It’s cul­ture, his­to­ry, and recre­ation wrapped up in one tour — and any­one ages 15 and up who can ride a bike is welcome.

Season: Year Round
Inqure for rates
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

Award-win­ning Alas­ka-based pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jeff Schultz can take you to stun­ning Alas­ka loca­tions to cre­ate your dream images of Alaskan land­scapes & wildlife. Whether you want to make pho­tos in clas­sic Alas­ka loca­tions or in places that the aver­age trav­el­er will nev­er see, based on decades of liv­ing, trav­el­ing and pho­tograph­ing all over Alas­ka, Jeff can cre­ate a cus­tom pho­to trip that will meet all your wants and desires.

Season: Year Round $9.99+

Dri­ve through Alas­ka with an audio tour guid­ing you along icon­ic routes. Audio Tour Alas­ka gives you an insider’s take on every­thing from points of inter­est to his­to­ry, wildlife, and cul­ture, along with cap­ti­vat­ing sto­ries. Guides to pop­u­lar routes include Anchor­age to Tal­keet­na; Tal­keet­na to Denali Nation­al Park; Denali to Fair­banks; Anchor­age to Seward; Tern Lake to Homer; and the Denali Park Entrance area and the Denali Park road.

$77 to $532

This train trav­els through the forest­ed areas north of Anchor­age into the bore­al for­est, and even­tu­al­ly into the tun­dra regions fur­ther north. On a clear day the train will slow down to allow you to see beau­ti­ful vis­tas of Denali. You may also spot wildlife along the way. Day Trip from Anchor­age: Tal­keet­na Day Trip from Fair­banks: Denali Mul­ti-Day Trip from Anchor­age: Tal­keet­na, Denali Nation­al Park, and / or Fair­banks Mul­ti-Day Trip  ...more

Season: Year Round Custom pricing, contact for rates Full Day & Multi-Day

Explore Anchorage’s best kept secrets with a local guide. Tra­verse Alaska’s pri­vate, cus­tom adven­tures are designed to take vis­i­tors off the beat­en path and away from the crowds. Adven­tures can incor­po­rate a full day of hik­ing or a com­bi­na­tion of scenic dri­ving and out­door activ­i­ties. Each trip is cus­tom designed to meet your inter­ests and desired activ­i­ty level.

Season: April - October $1025 for up to 5 people

See Alaska’s unique and authen­tic side by hir­ing a guide for a day and cre­at­ing a cus­tom, pri­vate adven­ture for your­self and up to 7 oth­ers. Tours depart from Anchor­age or Gird­wood. Excur­sions include Matanus­ka glac­i­er hikes, ATV tours, gold pan­ning, north­ern lights view­ing, snow­mo­bil­ing, and more.

Season: Year Round
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

Don’t just expe­ri­ence the beau­ty of Alas­ka — learn how best to cap­ture it on your cam­era. Trav­el with award-win­ning pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jeff Schultz and you’ll get per­son­al­ized, hands-on instruc­tion as you take in the state’s mag­nif­i­cent sights. Choose from cus­tom tours or small group tours with a max­i­mum of 6 par­tic­i­pants that depart through­out the year and include accom­mo­da­tions, trans­porta­tion, and meals.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"}]

Fishing Charters View All

Salmon fishing • Fly fishing • Fly-In fishing tours

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 $1000 8 hrs

You don’t need to be an expert or a Hol­ly­wood star to enjoy fly-out fish­ing in the wilds of Alas­ka. Trail Ridge Air offers guid­ed, non-guid­ed and cus­tom trips, get­ting you into creeks and lakes where you can catch not only fish, but also a great Alaskan fish tale of your very own.

Season: May 1 – Oct 15 $200+ per person 4 - 12 hrs

There’s noth­ing quite like the thrill of catch­ing an icon­ic Alaskan fish like salmon or hal­ibut. And when you take an inti­mate half- or full-day trip with the pas­sion­ate anglers at Alas­ka Out­doors Addic­tion out of Anchor­age, you’ll cast your line amid incred­i­ble scenery on an expe­di­tion that’s care­ful­ly catered to your inter­ests. Rent the entire boat or come as a shared guest; either way, it will be a mag­i­cal expe­ri­ence that’s per­fect for both  ...more

Season: May - Sept $845+ all-inclusive packages One day or 3-night

Since 1963, Rust’s has been safe­ly car­ry­ing anglers far away from the crowds. Expe­ri­enced guides lead you to world-class fish­ing for kings, sil­vers, grayling, and trout in some of Alaska’s most beau­ti­ful and remote wilder­ness — and they’ll clean and pack­age your catch for the trip back to Anchor­age. On the way, enjoy a win­dow-seat view and pilot narration.

Season: May - September $785+ fly-in fishing day trip, $1,495+ overnight all-inclusive 1 - 6+ Nights

Explor­ing Alaska’s back­coun­try lakes, forests and rivers is a phe­nom­e­nal expe­ri­ence. Wilder­ness Place Lodge — tucked away on a remote riv­er north­west of Anchor­age — offers excel­lent access to near­ly any fresh­wa­ter fish you came to Alas­ka for, along with a unique eco-trav­el expe­ri­ence that comes with a high lev­el of ser­vice, a vari­ety of non-fish­ing activ­i­ties and the mel­low free­dom to cre­ate an Alaskan expe­ri­ence that suits your own taste.

Season: Shack: May–August. Guided Trips: Year-round $120+

Go fish­ing right in Anchor­age – whether you have only have a few hours or a full day. Rent a gear pack­age and fish on your own. Or, hire one of our local guides to take you on a guid­ed tour to land your dream catch. You can also buy bait and fish­ing licenses.

Season: May—September $415+ 7-12 hrs

Just a 1‑hour dri­ve from Anchor­age, Whit­ti­er is the clos­est town to expe­ri­ence the thrill of fish­ing for hal­ibut. Go with the pro­fes­sion­al guides at Crazy Ray’s Adven­tures and you can also angle for salmon and rock­fish on com­fort­able boats, sur­round­ed by the jaw-drop­ping scenery of Prince William Sound. No expe­ri­ence necessary!

Season: June - September $795 8 - 10 hrs

Take a fly-in salmon or trout-fish­ing trip out of Anchor­age with Regal Air to enjoy world-class fish­ing in pris­tine, remote rivers. Regal Air teams up with wilder­ness lodges and guid­ing ser­vices and can set you up with any­thing from lunch to gear. They’ll even teach you how to cast. You’ll get the ulti­mate Alas­ka fly­ing expe­ri­ence, tak­ing off and land­ing in a float plane, and soar­ing over big, braid­ed glac­i­er riv­er val­leys and end­less forests.  ...more

$800 full day fishing, $1570+ all-inclusive multi-day packages 8 hrs - Multi-Days

The North­woods Lodge is a remote lodge where vis­i­tors can find them­selves in a 45 minute flight from Anchor­age. The lodge spe­cial­izes in guid­ed fish­ing, and guests can enjoy 8 to 10 hours of fish­ing a day if they choose. Guides help you spin or fly fish for tro­phy king salmon, sil­ver and sock­eye salmon, or res­i­dent rain­bow trout, arc­tic grayling and north­ern pike

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"}]

Photography Tours View All

Capture amazing scenery, wildlife, and more
Season: Aug 17 - April 24 $295+ 6 hours

Pho­to­graph alpen­glow on snow capped moun­tains, frosty scenes glow­ing in rich win­ter light, wildlife wan­der­ing snowy paths, city lights reflect­ing on the water at twi­light, and pos­si­bly even the north­ern lights!

Season: Sep. 15 - 22 
8 Day / 7 Nights
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

This fall pho­tog­ra­phy trip offers some of the best pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties in Alas­ka as the sea­sons change. Head to Lake Clark Nation­al Park for griz­zly bears, turquoise-col­ored lakes, snow­capped moun­tains and the bright gold col­ors of fall. You’ll also spend a half day pho­tograph­ing moose, and a heli­copter flight to an ice­berg-filled glacial lake only acces­si­ble by air. Fall can also be a won­der­ful time to pho­to­graph the auro­ra bore­alis, weather  ...more

Season: June – October Custom, call or email to discuss your trip

Every­one from begin­ners to experts can book a cus­tom, mul­ti-day pho­tog­ra­phy trip in Alas­ka. As a long­time Alaskan, Michael knows the best spots to go. And he can care­ful­ly craft cus­tom trips to take you to the most mag­i­cal areas. His spe­cial­ty is land­scape, wildlife and adven­ture-trav­el based trips around South­cen­tral Alas­ka — places like Chugach and Denali State parks, and the region’s acces­si­ble glaciers.

$995 per person 8-10 hours

The 7- to 9‑hour tour out of Anchor­age’s Lake Hood is led by a pho­tog­ra­ph­er-pilot whom has pub­lished pho­tos in such mag­a­zines as Air and Space, Stearns and Nation­al Geo­graph­ic. Set up for the best shots, every pas­sen­ger gets a win­dow seat and a two-way head­set for pilot nar­ra­tion — you’ll have a stun­ning ride filled with pho­to ops of rugged moun­tains, glacial pools and ice blue glac­i­ers. Then, you’ll land on a remote water­way to take pho­tos on the  ...more

Season: Sept 14 - 20
Single: $4,695; Double: $4,145 each
7 Days
Visits: Anchorage, Glacier View, Palmer & Wasilla, Denali State Park
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

South­cen­tral Alas­ka is a fall col­or pho­tog­ra­phers dream. This pho­to tour is per­son­al­ly craft­ed and led by Michael DeY­oung and his wife, Lau­ri; they make up one of Alaska’s most sea­soned trav­el and adven­ture pho­tog­ra­phy teams, bring­ing more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence pho­tograph­ing and adven­tur­ing in this area.

7 days / 7 nights
Visits: Anchorage
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

Lake Clark Nation­al Park in Alas­ka is a remote, rugged, and stun­ning des­ti­na­tion known for its abun­dant coastal brown bears. Led by Alas­ka pho­tog­ra­phy expert Michael DeY­oung, this small group adven­ture offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cap­ture these incred­i­ble crea­tures in var­i­ous back­grounds. The Alas­ka Home­stead Lodge, a con­vert­ed rus­tic home­stead, pro­vides an exclu­sive expe­ri­ence with a ded­i­cat­ed bear guide and lodge staff. Tim­ing the vis­it dur­ing the  ...more

Season: Year Round $189

Join Alas­ka Pho­to Treks as they go hunt­ing for the best light of the day, which dur­ing sum­mer at this lat­i­tude can last for sev­er­al glo­ri­ous hours before sun­set. You’ll be trans­port­ed to scenic loca­tions around South­cen­tral Alas­ka to shoot a vari­ety of enchant­i­ng sub­jects. The itin­er­ary is flex­i­ble and allows for spon­ta­neous stops to pho­to­graph wildlife en route. 

Season: Year Round
Inqure for rates
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

Award-win­ning Alas­ka-based pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jeff Schultz can take you to stun­ning Alas­ka loca­tions to cre­ate your dream images of Alaskan land­scapes & wildlife. Whether you want to make pho­tos in clas­sic Alas­ka loca­tions or in places that the aver­age trav­el­er will nev­er see, based on decades of liv­ing, trav­el­ing and pho­tograph­ing all over Alas­ka, Jeff can cre­ate a cus­tom pho­to trip that will meet all your wants and desires.

Season: Year Round
Land Package Type: Photography Tours

Don’t just expe­ri­ence the beau­ty of Alas­ka — learn how best to cap­ture it on your cam­era. Trav­el with award-win­ning pho­tog­ra­ph­er Jeff Schultz and you’ll get per­son­al­ized, hands-on instruc­tion as you take in the state’s mag­nif­i­cent sights. Choose from cus­tom tours or small group tours with a max­i­mum of 6 par­tic­i­pants that depart through­out the year and include accom­mo­da­tions, trans­porta­tion, and meals.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Northern Lights Tours View All

See the Aurora Borealis • Multi-day excursions
$2958 6 Days

Won­der­ing how folks up here deal with Alaska’s long win­ter days? It’s easy when the inky night sky comes alive with an amaz­ing light show like the auro­ra bore­alis. Brav­ing the cold is noth­ing if you get a chance to see the lights danc­ing and wav­ing over­head. Com­bine your auro­ra view­ing trip with a few oth­er high­lights planned out by Salmon Berry Tours, and you’ll expe­ri­ence the best of win­ter in Alaska.

Season: Aug 17 - April 24 $295+ 6 hours

Pho­to­graph alpen­glow on snow capped moun­tains, frosty scenes glow­ing in rich win­ter light, wildlife wan­der­ing snowy paths, city lights reflect­ing on the water at twi­light, and pos­si­bly even the north­ern lights!

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Museums & Cultural Centers View All

The stories of Alaska’s First People, aviation history, and more

What was it like for a fam­i­ly liv­ing in Anchor­age in 1915? The Oscar Ander­son House Muse­um, locat­ed in Elder­ber­ry Park at 5th Avenue and M Street, is the per­fect way to find out.

Season: Year Round $29 1 - 3 hrs

This Anchor­age Cul­tur­al Cen­ter offers an in-depth look at Alaskan Native life — with a big focus on Alas­ka Natives. Watch danc­ing, lis­ten to sto­ries, meet carvers, and hear from artists. The set­ting is so small and inti­mate that vis­i­tors are some­times even invit­ed to join the dancers on stage.

Season: Year Round $25

There’s no bet­ter place to get a grasp on Alaska’s his­to­ry — real­ly, its many his­to­ries— than by vis­it­ing the Anchor­age Muse­um. The state’s largest muse­um is tru­ly a world-class expe­ri­ence, offer­ing a com­pelling overview of Alas­ka his­to­ry, art, cul­ture, and science. 

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Ice Fishing View All

Season: Shack: May–August. Guided Trips: Year-round $120+

Go fish­ing right in Anchor­age – whether you have only have a few hours or a full day. Rent a gear pack­age and fish on your own. Or, hire one of our local guides to take you on a guid­ed tour to land your dream catch. You can also buy bait and fish­ing licenses.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Wildlife Parks View All

Alaska wildlife up close at the zoo (in town), or the wildlife conservation center (1 hour south)
Season: Year Round $27

At the 200-acre Alas­ka Wildlife Con­ser­va­tion Cen­ter, see Alaskan wildlife up close. The center’s mis­sion is to pro­vide refuge for orphaned, injured, and ill ani­mals — those that can’t sur­vive in the wild. The cen­ter, which opened to the pub­lic in 1993, edu­cates vis­i­tors about Alaska’s wildlife. Coy­otes peer out from behind the brush while a bald eagle swoops in on the salmon remains left by a griz­zly bear. Wood Bison plod through 65 acres of tidal  ...more

Season: Year Round $20 1.5 - 2 hrs

The Alas­ka Zoo start­ed in 1966 with one baby ele­phant named Annabelle that was won in a con­test. Since then, it has expand­ed to include over 77 ani­mals across 25 acres of the Anchor­age hillside.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Trams View All

View mountains studded with glaciers on this scenic tram in Girdwood, 45-minutes south of Anchorage
Season: May 21 - Sep 20 $48

The Alyeska Resort’s Aer­i­al Tramway is a sev­en-minute ride that lifts you to a view­ing deck with breath­tak­ing panoram­ic views of moun­tains, hang­ing glac­i­ers, streams, spruce, and an array of wildlife. Enjoy a relaxed mid­day pic­nic or beau­ti­ful evening sun­set on Mt. Alyeska’s obser­va­tion deck, more than 2,000 feet above sea lev­el. Tele­scopes inten­si­fy what Conde Nast Trav­el­er Mag­a­zine rat­ed the best view of any U.S. ski resort. Go exploring,  ...more

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Performances, Entertainment & Escape Rooms View All

Alaska films, award-winning productions, or experience an escape room

From local plays to Shake­speare­an the­atre, sym­phonies to jazz, spelling bees to whale tales, the Alas­ka Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts hosts pro­duc­tions year-round in their mul­ti­ple venues.


Even in the end­less day­light of Alaska’s sum­mer, you can check out the auro­ra bore­alis in Auro­rA — Alaska’s Great North­ern Lights.”

ACA is one of the largest per­form­ing arts pre­sen­ters in Alas­ka. Pre­sent­ing a wide spec­trum of per­for­mances, it’s the largest res­i­dent com­pa­ny that uses the city’s Alas­ka Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts (known to locals as the PAC), home to both the Atwood Con­cert Hall and the Dis­cov­ery The­atre. ACA also presents the Sum­mer Con­cert Series, secret shows, pop-up con­certs and in-home con­certs at var­i­ous loca­tions around Anchorage.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Walking Tours View All

Explore Anchorage on foot, guided or unguided
Season: Year Round $140+ 3-8 hrs

Get to know Alas­ka in a tru­ly authen­tic way — through its unique cui­sine. On this walk­ing food tour, you’ll sam­ple fla­vors as you explore Anchor­age and hear sto­ries of the 49th state.

The City of Anchor­age may be rel­a­tive­ly young, but it has a sto­ried his­to­ry that is rich enough to keep you cap­ti­vat­ed for hours. And who bet­ter to recount some of the high­lights than four for­mer may­ors who were there when they hap­pened? Among oth­er things, you’ll hear about Anchorage’s wilder days, what the 1964 earth­quake was real­ly like, how oil mon­ey helped shape many facets of mod­ern life, and Alaska’s lit­tle-known 911 scare.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Gardens & Arboretums View All

View Alaska's flora up close
Season: Year Round $14 1 - 2 hrs

Walk, hike, watch for birds or paint a pic­ture at this liv­ing field guide of Alas­ka flo­ra and fau­na. The 110 acres are set in a birch and spruce for­est, where you might even see a bear or moose. Walk the Wild­flower Trail, relax in the Herb Gar­den, delight in the peren­ni­al gar­dens, or explore the 1.1 mile Lowen­fels Fam­i­ly Nature Trail.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"}]

Historic Parks & Sites View All

Gold Rush history, early Anchorage development, and more

This mine played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the ear­ly set­tling of the Tur­na­gain Arm. The build­ing here are on the Nation­al Reg­is­ter of his­toric places and the mine is unique because of its asso­ci­a­tion with load min­ing. Indi­an Val­ley Mine was found­ed in 1910 by a vagabond who ran away from home at the age of 12, joined the cir­cus and then final­ly trav­eled to Alas­ka dur­ing the gold rush. The Cowles fam­i­ly will tell you all about the his­to­ry of this…  ...more

Downtown’s con­ve­nient grid pat­tern was set up at the same time that con­struc­tion start­ed on the Gov­ern­ment Hill neigh­bor­hood. And in 1915, downtown’s plots of land were auc­tioned off to the high­est bid­ders. Many of the build­ings from that era not only still stand, but are still named after some of the city’s found­ing fathers, remind­ing us of the sac­ri­fices they made to give a future to their bud­ding city.

What was it like for a fam­i­ly liv­ing in Anchor­age in 1915? The Oscar Ander­son House Muse­um, locat­ed in Elder­ber­ry Park at 5th Avenue and M Street, is the per­fect way to find out.

What ele­ments make a great city? When Anchorage’s fore­fa­thers land­ed at Ship Creek in 1915, those ele­ments were peo­ple, edu­ca­tion, jobs, cul­ture, cap­i­tal invest­ments, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and growth, food pro­duc­tion and sub­sis­tence, wildlife and nat­ur­al beau­ty. So these pio­neers set out to make them all a real­i­ty. Four dis­tinct neigh­bor­hoods arose to meet the call for hous­ing and land man­age­ment offices, as well as school, library, and muse­um facilities.  ...more

Quick: what’s the longest com­bined rail and high­way tun­nel in North Amer­i­ca? It’s the Ander­son Memo­r­i­al Tun­nel, and you’ll dri­ve through it on the scenic and his­toric dri­ve to Whit­ti­er. The Kenai Moun­tains-Tur­na­gain Arm Nation­al Her­itage Area is a place whose val­leys and moun­tains, com­mu­ni­ties and peo­ple tell the larg­er sto­ry of a wild place and a rugged fron­tier. This audio guide gives you the inside scoop on its fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry. You’ll…  ...more

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Fairs & Festivals View All

Experience some of Anchorage's most iconic events in summer and winter

Since 1935, the Fur Rondy has been cel­e­brat­ing the joys of an Alaskan win­ter. And because of the time of year, this is hard­ly your typ­i­cal fes­ti­val! So bun­dle up and check out the out­house races, native arts mar­ket, snow­shoe soft­ball, a snow sculp­ture con­test, the Open World Cham­pi­onship Sled Dog Race, and the unique­ly Alaskan run­ning of the reindeer.”

Every March, mush­ers and their canine teams speed across some 1,000 miles of frozen ter­rain — from the town of Wil­low to the north­ern city of Nome. And whether you’re a die-hard fan or a curi­ous trav­el­er, expe­ri­enc­ing the Idi­tar­od is not only a thrill, but also a way to get an insider’s look at Alaskan cul­ture and adventure.

Join this annu­al com­pe­ti­tion host­ed in Down­town Anchor­age at Ship Creek where anglers cast their line for a prize-win­ning King Salmon. It’s one of Anchorage’s most excit­ing events — come and watch, or cast your own line. Vis­i­tors and locals can par­tic­i­pate! Rent all the equip­ment you need and pur­chase a license from The Bait Shack.

Anchor­age Run­Fest is a col­lec­tion of run­ning events that cel­e­brate run­ners of all abil­i­ties from the elite run­ners to the back of the pack­ers. This late sea­son Boston Marathon qual­i­fi­er boasts ide­al run­ning weath­er, mild tem­per­a­tures and a fast course with very lit­tle ele­va­tion gain. The out and back route takes run­ners through down­town Anchor­age before head­ing out along the scenic coast­line and through the city’s wood­ed green­belt. In keeping  ...more

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Horseback Riding View All

Perfect for all age groups, this plane-to-horse trip begins at Lake Hood

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Winter Ski Areas View All

Go ski­ing or snow­board­ing right in Anchor­age at Hill­top Ski Area. New to snows­ports? 80% of the trails designed for begin­ners and 20% for inter­me­di­ate users. There’s also a begin­ner and pro-lev­el ter­rain park. Equip­ment rentals and lessons are available.

[{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"whittier","title":"Whittier"},{"slug":"girdwood","title":"Girdwood"},{"slug":"palmer-wasilla","title":"Palmer & Wasilla"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"eagle-river","title":"Eagle River"},{"slug":"willow","title":"Willow"},{"slug":"big-lake","title":"Big Lake"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"},{"slug":"glacier-view","title":"Glacier View"},{"slug":"hope","title":"Hope"},{"slug":"kodiak","title":"Kodiak"},{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"lake-clark-natl-park-preserve","title":"Lake Clark National Park & Preserve"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

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