Denali State Park Public Use Cabins

Staying in a public use cabin is a great way to experience Denali State Park year-round. These cozy, rustic accommodations are a step above traditional tent camping, providing you with a warm and comfortable shelter to protect you from the elements. As you explore the park’s trails, you’ll appreciate the convenience of these cabins, which are strategically located near pathways. Don’t forget to pack your own sleeping bags, camp mats, food, water, and fuel for the fire.

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Public Use Cabins

The cab­in is occu­pied by a camp­ground host dur­ing sum­mer, with pub­lic rentals usu­al­ly (but not always) lim­it­ed to the Sep­tem­ber through May peri­od. (It’s worth check­ing for a rare sum­mer opening.)

12′ x 16′ cab­in on shore of Byers Lake. Sleeps 6

12′ x 28′ road acces­si­ble cab­in that sleeps up to 6

New in 2016, this airy log cab­in with a sleep­ing loft and spi­ral stair­case sits on a bench with a view of the Alas­ka Range. The loca­tion inside the Tent Loop of the K’esugi Ken Camp­ground — close to the sim­i­lar Tokosha Cab­in — fea­tures a short walk from park­ing and excep­tion­al recre­ation poten­tial. On a sun­ny day with crys­tal air, the sight of Denali’s white mas­sif glim­mer­ing on the north­west­ern hori­zon might take your breath.

14′ x 16′ Cab­in on Byers Lake that sleeps up to 6.

New in 2016, this log cab­in with a sleep­ing loft and spi­ral stair­case has an amaz­ing panoram­ic view of the Alas­ka Range. The loca­tion inside the Tent Loop of the K’esugi Ken Camp­ground — close to the sim­i­lar Hunter Cab­in — fea­tures a short walk from park­ing and excep­tion­al recre­ation potential. 

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