Denali National Park Packrafting Trips

If you’re an experienced packrafter seeking exhilarating new routes, you’ll find them in the Denali area, and our curated list of recommended packrafting routes will challenge and captivate you. And if you’re new to packrafting or prefer to join a guided tour, Traverse Alaska offers expert guidance and unforgettable experiences for packrafters of all levels.

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Packrafting Trips

Season: May - Sept $140+ 3.5 - 5.5 hrs

Feel the thrill of crush­ing through white­wa­ter on the Nenana Riv­er just out­side the icon­ic Denali Nation­al Park. Do it with New Wave Adven­tures and you’ll have your choice of raft­ing trips — you can even decide whether to pad­dle or just take in the beau­ti­ful scenery — as well as oth­er excit­ing options like hik­ing and pack­raft­ing, all great options for fam­i­ly fun.

Expe­ri­ence the back­coun­try of Denali Nation­al Park in a way few oth­ers do. You’ll board a bus from the Vis­i­tor Cen­ter and dis­em­bark just before Sable Pass and then immerse your­self in the wild Alas­ka land­scape. Rec­om­mend­ed for inter­me­di­ate back­pack­ers and begin­ner packrafters.

Class IV Pack­raft­ing Riv­er. Chal­leng­ing white­wa­ter, stun­ning Denali views. 15 miles hik­ing, 15 miles float­ing. A bike might be helpful.

Class III Pack­raft­ing Riv­er. An adven­tur­ous loop in wild coun­try. 12 miles hik­ing, 12 miles boating.

Class IV Pack­raft­ing Riv­er. Spec­tac­u­lar hik­ing, spec­tac­u­lar white­wa­ter for the strong hiker/​paddler. 12 miles hik­ing, 12 miles paddling. 

Overview A per­fect loop with beer and piz­za at the fin­ish Dif­fi­cul­ty Class II Length Mul­ti-day or 1 very long day Dis­tance 15 miles hik­ing, 20 miles float­ing Access Parks Highway

Class III Pack­raft­ing Riv­er. Check water lev­els at Denali Nation­al Park. Requires a car, bike, or hitch hike shut­tle. 4 miles hik­ing, 8 miles floating. 

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