Photo Credit: Traverse Alaska

Guided Hiking in Denali National Park

Denali National Park has some incredible hiking trails, as well as off-trail wilderness to explore. But, not everyone is ready to go it alone. And even if you're an experienced hiker, joining a local guide gives you so much more. They'll provide local knowledge on the geography, flora, and fauna, and maybe even a few backcountry tips you can use in the future! To get even more remote, opt for a heli-hike adventure!

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Guided Hiking

Season: May - September $499 3.5 hrs hiking | 5 hrs total

For­get the trail­head on your next hike. Instead, take a short but very scenic heli­copter ride to a spe­cial wilder­ness area just out­side Denali Nation­al Park and start your trek from there. Your guide will lead your small group on a soft-adven­ture hike above the tree line, with sweep­ing views. You’ll learn about iden­ti­fy­ing ani­mal tracks and the local flo­ra and fau­na, and of course have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spot wildlife like bears, moose, and Dall  ...more

Season: Year Round Custom pricing, contact for rates Full Day & Multi-Day

Tra­verse Alas­ka can craft ful­ly-guid­ed cus­tom adven­tures, or set you up on a trip into the Alas­ka wilder­ness arm­ing you with some know-how — and pro­vid­ing you with the inde­pen­dence to freely explore. Excur­sions include pri­vate day hikes, raft­ing and pack­raft­ing, and mul­ti-day backpacking. 

Season: May 15–September 20 $119+ per person 3-8 hrs

Don’t just vis­it icon­ic Denali Nation­al Park, expe­ri­ence it by gain­ing a real under­stand­ing of the wilder­ness. North­ern Epics’ small-group walk­ing and hik­ing tours have an edu­ca­tion­al empha­sis so you can learn how the entire ecosys­tem fits togeth­er. Choose an easy walk, a rugged moun­tain trek, or opt for the sur­vival tour where you’ll do some off-tri­al hik­ing and learn skills like how to build a shel­ter and iden­ti­fy edi­ble berries. 

Season: June - Sept $4450+ 8-10 days

Small group back­pack­ing and base­camp hik­ing adven­tures in Denali, Gates of the Arc­tic, Wrangell St. Elias, Kobuk, and Lake Clark Nation­al Parks. Begin­ners with a high lev­el of fit­ness are wel­come but hav­ing com­plet­ed at least a few back­pack­ing trips is rec­om­mend­ed. Your guides are high­ly trained trip lead­ers who have glob­al moun­taineer­ing expe­ri­ence and wilder­ness med­ical training.

Season: June 4 – Sept 4 $250 per person 7.5 hrs

Not offered in 2025. Explore Denali Nation­al Park with Alas­ka Geo­graph­ic on an edu­ca­tion­al day tour led by a sci­ence edu­ca­tor. Dive into the park’s ecosys­tem, his­to­ry, and wildlife through hands-on expe­ri­ences, off-trail hik­ing, and unique sen­so­ry engage­ments. Suit­able for any­one aged 8 and up, the tour includes stops at sig­nif­i­cant sites like the East Fork of the Tok­lat Riv­er and offers inti­mate insights into the sci­ence and research of Denali.  ...more

Season: May - Sept $125+ 3+ hrs

New Wave Adven­tures pro­vides expe­ri­enced guides who go beyond guid­ing your way — they enrich your jour­ney with insights into the area’s his­to­ry, flo­ra, fau­na, and geol­o­gy. Choose from 3 hikes in the Denali area: Oxbow, Triple Lakes, or Rock Creek.

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