Photo Credit: Black Diamond Golf Course

Golfing near Denali National Park makes for a truly unique experience. You can tee off under the midnight sun’s mesmerizing glow and play 9 holes amid the serene landscape. You may even spot wildlife on the rugged course!

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Golf Courses

Season: June 1 - Sept 24 $104.95, including transportation to/from your hotel 3.5 hrs

Imag­ine tee­ing off under the mid­night sun, sur­round­ed by the Alaskan wild. The relax­ing envi­ron­ment, fresh moun­tain air, and spec­tac­u­lar panoram­ic scenery make play­ing Black Dia­mond’s nine-hole golf course a once-in-a-life­time oppor­tu­ni­ty. This course was built in 1995, right on top of the Alaskan tun­dra. The rugged grass is chal­leng­ing, but designed for easy dri­ving (via pow­er cart) or walk­ing. Haz­ards include moose-hoof prints, tun­dra marsh,  ...more

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